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Learning Styles Essays

  • Reflection on the Use of SVO and ELAN and Learning French Sign Language

    Description: I learned that SVO is the most commonly used sign language worldwide. However, some countries will sometimes use OSV. As I watched KJ's video, I realized that the lady often signed with SVO. I hadn't learned that myself and had to keenly analyze the lady's sign language. This helped me understand SVO and ...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Universal Design Language Universal Design Learning

    Description: The successful plantation of the plants by the students, therefore, represents the effectiveness of both activities....
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Father writing. My father is just perfect. Boy’s father

    Description: My father is just perfect. There are people who believe that there are not perfect dads, however, I do not think that is true because I know that my father is absolutely the best. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Overcoming Errors in English

    Description: In the module, students need to understand the difference between errors and misconceptions in educational settings in English and mathematics. They are also expected to apply theory in identifying errors or misconceptions and addressing these to support learners' progress. This case study will achieve two...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 15 Sources | Harvard | Education | Case Study |
  • How To Be A Successful College Student

    Description: This paper discusses some of the habits that these students have adopted that separate them from hordes of others. What do successful college students do regularly that sets them aside from the others?...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Personal Statement on Being a Mathematics and English Teacher

    Description: My desire to become a teacher began at an early stage as I recall instances where I used to imitate my teachers at home. Since childhood, I have always loved Mathematics and English for various reasons. For instance, as a child, I would undertake the task of counting everything that my parents bought me...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | Harvard | Education | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Working Style and Management in a Global Workforce

    Description: The main issues we will discuss with Sofia are; how we will work together to deliver the project within the stipulated deadline of the project. Because we have different working styles, we will also discuss ways that will make us able to accommodate each other so that we have a ...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Learning Plan in Patient Care

    Description: Identify three learning objectives for your Personal Learning Plan and complete one copy of the template per objective. Ensure that you label each template properly. Submit a signed copy to your Clinical Portfolio and note date of submission in Appendix A.2. Refer to ii) Example of Personal Learning Plan and...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Purpose of Course Outline

    Description: A course outline is a necessary component of every course policy as it provides a roadmap for both learners and educators. It details the learning objectives, how the learning process will occur, and the necessary materials needed to execute it. According to Foulger et al. (2019), a course outline serves as...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Reflection and Synthesis. Reflection on Learning Journey.

    Description: The most important activities include determining the objectives, the target audience, and the motivating factors. Identifying the communication assessment methodology objectives is a collaborative activity that ensures that the goals are measurable and realistic....
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Increasing Work Performance

    Description: Business and Marketing: Increasing Work Performance Research Paper...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 4 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Research Paper |
  • Literary Analysis of "The Epic of Gilgamesh"

    Description: Western literature is quite diverse and the most extensive writings of the age. It is characterized by deep history and based on different subjects. Epic of Gilgamesh is a piece of its own. It is unique and reflects the most recent literature. Typically, the Epic of Gilgamesh tells a story of a great king...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 3 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • Demonstration Explanation

    Description: Demonstration Explanation Essay...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 5 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Developing a Strong Learning Culture and the Mindset for Success

    Description: Developing a strong learning culture requires commitment, motivation, and the creation of feasible academic goals. A “mindset for success” entails having a mind that is ready to work so that an individual can meet the established goals regardless of the challenges that one might encounter. A “learning ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 6 Sources | MLA | Education | Essay |
  • Can Intention Teaching Help to Support all Young Learners?

    Description: How can intention teaching help to support all young learners, including children who are dual language learners and those with lspecial need? ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Creating a Collaborative Environment

    Description: A learning environment refers to different physical locations, contexts, and cultures in which students learn. Learning can happen in a variety of settings, such as in school and outside school locations. This essay focuses on the classroom environment for students in the K-8 system, where the students ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Education | Essay |
  • How to Effectively Survive Online Learning

    Description: As what people always say, “The only constant thing in this world is change.” In a society where technological advancement is pivotal, different learning styles have already been used as replacements of the traditional “face-to-face” classroom learning modality, and an example is by studying online....
    3 pages/≈825 words | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Learning Outcomes Portfolio GU299- The General Education Capstone

    Description: With specific examples, demonstrate how you have experienced and developed the skills associated with these learning outcomes in your general education courses at Grantham....
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Transitional Care Application: Allied Health Community

    Description: Access the "Allied Health Community" media and select "Scenarios" to access the scenarios for this course. Review the instructions and legend information. Read the Transitional Care Scenario for this course and complete the following assignment:...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Best Periodization for Optimizing a Bodybuilder’s Physique

    Description: Periodization is the planned breakdown of an individual's training. It assists sports therapists in approaching the resistance training programs' design. It systematically schedules training variables such as intensity, frequency, rest periods, volume, range of motion, and exercise preference to achieve the...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • M8D1: Comparative Analysis of Dance Forms assignment

    Description: Dances, just like any piece of art, represents the culture and the period when they were created — these differences in context results in a different combination of movements as well as music that accompanies them. ...
    1 page/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • Training Concepts: Adult Learning & Professional Training

    Description: This paper describes the concept of adult learning and its influence on professional training. Adult learning theory postulates that adults learn differently as compared with children....
    1 page/≈275 words | 5 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Consumer Behaviour

    Description: Business and Marketing Essay: Consumer Behaviour...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Proposal for E-learning at the Rider University

    Description: Assignment: Come up with a new policy/procedure/process or a new product / service that you think Rider University should implement or develop....
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | MLA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Assessments Essay

    Description: What effective leadership behaviors are controlled and those confirmed by the completed assessments?...
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Cons of Attending Online High School

    Description: With technological advancement, the possibility of remote learning has emerged as an option for high school students. Remote learning is known as online learning, a term that largely describes the education that is delivered across a distance as opposed to through the use of a traditional classroom...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Education | Essay |
  • Contemporary Illustration and Gender Equality

    Description: A contemporary illustration is critical in communicating important social and cultural issues, including gender equality. Two examples of contemporary illustrations that effectively communicate the issue of gender equality are Noma Bar’s illustration “Equality” and Kristin Wong’s illustration “There’s a...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 6 Sources | Harvard | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Leadership & Decision-Making Styles

    Description: In a Sacco organization where I once worked as a staff member, there was a stage where the organization could make losses at an alarming rate. The Sacco's primary objectives were to provide the best environment for investment opportunities, give loans, create employment, and provide housing solutions...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Propose setting up the IT foundation for analytics and machine learning

    Description: Python and R are the most common used languages for analytics and machine learning capabilities, but Python is a general purpose language that is compatible with different modules and connects with the SQL databases (Dean, 2014). ...
    1 page/≈275 words | 4 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Program: Human Resources. Course: Managing performance through training and development

    Description: The climate of learning is simply defined or described as the emotional atmosphere that helps to determine the learning process, experience, and progress that is being made by learners. It is crucial because it helps to determine the best environment that students can learn in. As a teacher or trainer,...
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Creating a Learning Environment, Setting Expectations, and Motivational Climate

    Description: Ms. Washington is having difficulties tries to make her students settle down in class. Her inability to do so is frustrating, and she is having doubts about her career choice. She indicates that she was excited to teach the kids and planned interesting lessons to ensure active learning. However, the students...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Concert Response on Agbadza Music

    Description: The music is presented by a qualified band or group that seems to be performing a cultural dance in the video. It is organized in a manner that there is a soloist who leads the band. The instruments are played by a section of selected band members who periodically change their turns, except the soloist who...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Essay |
  • Relationship: An involvement

    Description: Essay An involvement (Relationship)...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Implementation of New IT and AIS on a T-Shirt Printing Business

    Description: Over half a century ago, people preferred the hipsters and flairs. This then changed to the ‘baggie’ trousers and t-shirts. Later on, the fashion changed to fitting clothes. Fashion has always been part of contemporary culture. It is constantly evolving and changing based on the times. It is usually nice to...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | Other | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Essay 4 Spring 2019 Racism and Identity in America

    Description: According to Healey, Diversity is the existence if differences in group of people in the society in terms of culture, race and tribe (Healey 439). ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Wk 5: Defending the Arts. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

    Description: Understanding artistic elements are important for a deeper appreciation of how art connects with our everyday lives. On the one hand, each theme, element, and movement reflects a particular idea or emotion that the artist had in mind....
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Essay |
  • Learning the Art of Writing

    Description: Learning the art of writing was never a comfortable journey for me. Sometimes, when I remember the struggles that I went through before I could learn how to present ideas well in English, I laugh at myself. Nowadays, writing seems to be so easy, and it, makes me wonder why I had so much challenge before I ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Planning For success in Nursing School: Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

    Description: Undertaking the nursing program is one of the most challenging and fulfilling journeys I will ever take in my life. I understand that I will need strategy and planning to complete the program successfully and I intend to stay focused throughout the program....
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Marketing Assignemnt Systems Thinking - Closed Loop Control

    Description: Understanding organization’s operations can be complex; there are several aspects that enable it to operate efficiently....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 3 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Assessment Analysis Action Plan: Integrating Literature to Teach Mathematics

    Description: Objectives: Help students in grade 10 to grasp the concepts of mathematics quickly through reading. Most students find mathematics difficult since they cannot relate to issues. Therefore, using literature will be a good idea to help learners understand mathematics comprehensively. I will integrate literature...
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Read website and submit brief answers. Literature & Language Essay

    Description: The Response to Intervention Approach: The methods use high-quality instruction within the classroom environment and assists in identifying the learning disabilities of children. ...
    1 page/≈275 words | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Reflection Multiple Intelligence and Language Teaching - TC2EN 225

    Description: Essay Undergraduate: Reflection Multiple Intelligences and Language Teaching...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • The Bloods. Your assessment must be scientifically based and suppoerted

    Description: The Bloods is one of the oldest and the most popular street gang in the United States. The gang is based in Los Angeles where most of its members reside....
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Law | Term Paper |
  • Extended Learning Opportunities for Extra Credits Creative Coursework

    Description: The article “Thirteen artists give advice to their younger selves” is on reflection of the past life of the thirteen expert artists who look back to their childhood and what could have benefited them better. One controversial thought reverses the title to ‘The younger self advising the older self...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Creative Writing | Coursework |
  • Digital Portfolio – Harmony Heights Music Fest

    Description: Event Overview * Event Name: "Harmony Heights Music Fest" * Company (fictional): "Eclipse Event Productions" * Venue: The Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, California * Client Objective: To generate significant profits from the event Theme: "A Journey Through Music" at The Hollywood Bowl Eclipse Event...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 25 Sources | APA | Management | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Connectivism

    Description: Behaviorism It emphasizes on the notion that all conducts are learned through communication with the environment (Philip & Sengupta, 2020). It is used to show learners how to respond to specific stimuli. Cognitivism It emphasize on how data or information is received, organized, preserved by the minds...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • How Advanced Nursing Education and Lifelong Learning Help Improve Patient Outcomes

    Description: Continuing nursing education is an effective practice that provides nurses with an opportunity to study and advance various techniques required to improve safe patient care. Nursing is considered a profession that is rapidly changing in technology and complexity. With the advancing technology and...
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Virtual learning Mathematics & Economics Essay Paper

    Description: The broader context of the problem that the team is studying is the increase in heterogeneity of the university student population in virtual learning environments. The group was concerned about how university students have decided to look for suitable alternatives for training programs....
    2 pages/≈550 words | MLA | Mathematics & Economics | Essay |
  • Compare and contrast these two movies:Strictly Ballroom (1992) and Mad Hot Ballroom (2005)

    Description: Both movies, Strictly Ballroom and the Mad Hot Ballrooms, are must-watch films due to the various themes entailed in them. The first similarity between them is that they both entail the theme of sexuality....
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Essay |
  • Reflection Excerpts from Strauss

    Description: The gospel by Matthew captures the reader’s mind due to the categorical unveiling of events and ideas. The style employed by the author promotes one’s capacity to understand the message due to its authenticity. Unlike other New Testament books, it is fictional and uses simple and relevant information...
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | Other | Religion & Theology | Book Report |
  • Survey of World Music-Jazz

    Description: In music styles the artist does it all, she is an all rounded individual displaying acumen in boogie woogie evident on the piano as well as soulful jazz and blues manifest on the saxophone...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 3 Sources | MLA | Visual & Performing Arts | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Theories of Learning and Cognition

    Description: Schunk and DiBenedetto’s (2020) article thesis is anchored on discussing motivation from Bandura’s social cognitive theory perspective. Motivation herein describes the processes that initiate and sustain goal-driven activities. Within this conceptualization, motivation includes personal (internal) processes...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Considerations in Designing Effective Training Programs

    Description: IMPLEMENTATION: DESIGN DOCUMENT PURPOSE: Training managers on the effectiveness of using quality skills of communications. GOALS: Give managers the best tools and equipment to communicate effectively in groups with different employees/workers. TARGET AUDIENCE: Leaders/Management in charge of particular...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Social influence on leadership styles

    Description: Social influence on leadership style assignment Health and Medicine Research Paper...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Research Paper |
  • History of Jazz. Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke: Musical Styles and Philosophies

    Description: Originating in a South blues history and locale, and urbanized amid mass migration of black musicians and players to urban and metropolitan areas particularly to Chicago and New York, jazz has come to be a defining music genre in early 20th century and, revived...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | MLA | Visual & Performing Arts | Essay |
  • Online teaching should be given equal importance as the form of regular teaching

    Description: Today everything is moving online. Approximately 88% of Americans have access to the internet and more than 6.7 million students have enrolled in online courses. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Complex Learning Analysis: Fostering Critical Thinking

    Description: First Grade: Students will be able to describe characters, settings, and major events in a story using key details. Learning Activity A time capsule is a critical thinking activity that allows teachers to use literature to help students recognize and compile ideas (Rozakis, 1998). Using this learning...
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Should IKEA Expand in the United States?

    Description: Notably, IKEA expanded its market across Europe, the United States, and Canada through the incremental approach. The model allowed for proper study of the market by IKEA. Ideally, IKEA had ample time to gather enough experience and study of its markets before making its continuous shifts. However, the...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Business & Marketing | Case Study |
  • Learning Theory

    Description: Undergraduate writing level 2 pages Business and Marketing Format Style English (U.S.) Essay. Learning Theory...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • The Relationship of Learning to Play Music and the Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy

    Description: In learning how to play music, the speaker employs four simple processes. First, he deconstructs the skill by breaking it into smaller pieces and learning the most important elements. For instance, he discovers four basic chords required to play the Ukelele instead of many available ones. Secondly, he knows...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • How I Perceive Myself Continuing Office of Diversity and Inclusion

    Description: Your written essay should be at least 250 words and less than two pages, double-spaced. Please put your full name, date of birth, and name of high school on each page in the upper right-hand corner....
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | MLA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • Modern Art and the Gee's Bend Quilters

    Description: Modern art entails artistic work produced in the period that runs from the 1860s to the 1970s. it shows the philosophies that guided the styles used to produce art in the particular era. During this period, the traditions of the past are abandoned in the spirit of experimentation. Therefore, modern art ...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Strauss’ Text- The Miracles of Jesus

    Description: Chapter 17 of Strauss' text is about the Miracles of Jesus. Four sections distinctively discuss the question of miracles, whether Jesus performed miracles, the ancient parallels to Jesus's work and the relevance or power of the Kingdom. In reading the chapter, one can understand the possibility of miracles...
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | Other | Religion & Theology | Book Report |
  • Victor Quijada's Presentation on His Career as a Choreographer

    Description: The presentation by the guest speaker, Victor Quijada, was informative and thought-provoking. I found it interesting to follow his various accounts about his early interests and experiences that shaped his career as a choreographer. One aspect that drew my attention to his arguments and explanations is that...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Benchmark Analysis of a Theoretical Framework for Leadership

    Description: The study covers the analysis of the book Leadership and Organization: A Behavioral Science Approach by Robert Tannenbaum...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Family Perspective Immigrant Children In Canada

    Description: An approximation of 250000 families that settled in Canada in the year 2011 were immigrants and refugees. However, the number has been changing over the years with few family immigrants. ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • The Rationale for Cluster Seating

    Description: Understanding the needs of both the individual student and the whole classroom is essential for every educator. It allows him to have a better ability to improve both individual and group learning in an efficient manner. Accordingly, the author has chosen cluster seating primarily because of its capacity...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • The Main Principles of Formative Assessment

    Description: Learning ways have evolved over the years, shifting from focusing on detecting certain behaviour or quality and now based on the process by which it was acquired. Assessment from a classroom perspective focuses on students' study and work patterns, their understanding of what they are learning...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Operant Conditioning and Respondent Conditioning

    Description: In psychology, conditioning plays an instrumental part in informing behavior. There are two types of behavioral learning: operant and respondent conditioning. This paper aims to define operant and respondent conditioning, describe the similarities and differences, and share some examples of the two types...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • Dance Plus Performance Critical Analysis Paper

    Description: Every person had engagement with performance about the shape of theatre that reveals the happy mood, collective commitment and a feel of intimacy....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | No Sources | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Article Critique |
  • Content-Based Instructions in Teaching Bilingual Students

    Description: Content-based instruction (CBI) is an approach that focuses on the content rather than the language. Hence, it is an effective tool for learning new things instead of focusing on the topic. CBI has been found to help bilingual students to develop their linguistic ability effectively. The approach focuses on...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • China's Neighboring Countries Sinicization

    Description: The Tang dynasty was one of the most renowned eras in Chinese civilization. The strong cultural and religious beliefs ascribed to by the Chinese individuals were a great influence on their colonizers. China's culture coherently integrated with religion was pronounced through clothes, food, lifestyle....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Watching The Migration Concert: Music And Dancing In Everyone's Life

    Description: Every requirement is on the sources, if you got any question, just read carefully on those source pages. The video can find online and or YouTube. If you have any other question, feel free to let me know....
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • How the Leaders’ Knowledge of Different Followership Styles could Benefit the Whole Group

    Description: A good leader is a good follower. This previous saying suggests that for an individual to effectively teach and guide his team, he must first be able to follow those who succeed him. However, in spite of the positive message that could be gained from this saying, it is apparent that leaders these days prefer...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Architecture: Byzantine Constantinople, Chinese Gardens, and the Hagia Sophia

    Description: After the conquest of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmed transformed the city to be the center of the Islamic religion. In this regard, the Hagia Sophia was changed to a mosque, and the name of the city was changed to Istanbul. The power of the Ottoman Empire rose from the people they conquered. Moreover, they a...
    2 pages/≈550 words | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Diversity and Learning Environments: Individual Frames of Reference for the Teachers

    Description: Schools play a vital role in shaping students' cognitive, intellectual, social and emotional intelligence abilities. With this goal in mind, diversity plays a vital role in ensuring students attain their anticipated educational goals. For instance, the individual frames of reference for the teachers can...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • What Does Integrating Literacy Mean?

    Description: The concept of literacy is a fundamental theme underpinning societal development and growth via learning. It permeates all curriculum content. Learners will often fail to demonstrate competence, understanding, and mastering in the learning process and activities when literacy skills are poor. We are living...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Gifted Students I have Known

    Description: The education system offers different experiences and exposures due to its complexity. Other than the increasing diversity of students regarding their background and many other elements, interactions with peers in classes also highlight the varying intellectual capabilities of different students. One...
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Post Comments 4-1 and 4-2 post Social Sciences Essay

    Description: After reviewing the leadership resources, I have found that the most important leadership styles are Charismatic Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Laissez-Faire Leadership, and Transformational Leadership (Knights, 2018). Charismatic leadership is when the leader emphasizes...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Intellectual Safe Spaces. Literature & Language Essay

    Description: One of the most important aspects that play a role in maintaining peace in colleges is according the students the freedom of speech. This can be a challenging task because the colleges have to be run as per the rules. If care is not taken, then the students will be all over the streets...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Museum Paper. National Gallery of Art in Washington DC USA

    Description: Artworks that relate to various periods have different features and styles. The variations occur in their form, composition, techniques, medium, and subject matter. ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Nursing Leadership Style Reflective Essay

    Description: I chose the emotional intelligence assessment since I wanted to understand whether I consider how my actions and behaviors affect others emotionally. After answering 146 questions, I had a score of 75. Based on the description of the results, a ...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Fake News and Political Influence Research Assignment

    Description: Reflection is a cognitive process that promotes self-awareness and encourages self-assessment. The cognitive process of reflecting on one's authentic knowledge, practice, and beliefs/attitudes is an important part of learning....
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | Chicago | Communications & Media | Term Paper |
  • Songs Carrying Themes and Styles Reminiscent of the Crusades

    Description: The Crusades were a series of religiously driven military battles between Christians and Muslims throughout the Middle Ages. They were founded largely to secure religious locations that both tribes regarded as sacrosanct. The deadly, violent, and sometimes relentless struggles elevated European Christians'...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Correlation Between Brain and Learning Science and U.S Economic History Lectures

    Description: I believe that Carl Wieman’s Speech of Brain and Learning Sciences has been very influential in understanding how the human brain’s learning science has been integral in new developments,particularly after the world war as new innovations occurred in various fields such as the development of nuclear weapons...
    2 pages/≈550 words | Other | Creative Writing | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Are Fully Online Nursing Programs As Good As Face-to-Face Programs?

    Description: Many colleges have adopted fully integrated nursing programs; during this time, the world is fighting against the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of stopping school operations, e-learning has been the best method to ensure that nursing students acquire relevant knowledge and skills. Although fully online...
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Research Paper |
  • Different Phases/Angles of Adolescent Development

    Description: The integration of technology in the 21st century has introduced a novel dimension to the process of acquiring knowledge. Digital technologies can enhance the enjoyment of the learning process, facilitate collaboration among individuals, and ignite the expression of creativity. Teachers must use these...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Education | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Real-Life Application of Mathematical Knowledge

    Description: A key theme of the course is the real-life application of mathematical knowledge. It is an approach that introduces central themes within approaches to teaching or learning the subject. The real-life application also emerges as an effective way of helping students internalize & reinforce knowledge or...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Education | Essay |
  • The Inner Aspects of Motivation, Style Approach Theory, and Path-goal Leadership Theory

    Description: Scott Geller's talk explores the inner aspects of motivation which are the driving force towards success and feeling of accomplishment. To begin with, Geller views the subject form the perspective of empowerment, arguing that there is a difference between being empowered and feeling empowered. The latter, he...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Online Learning Versus Traditional Learning Research

    Description: Does your essay have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Does your essay have at least three body paragraphs, which support your thesis statement...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Learning the Patterns of Behavior of a Human Being

    Description: Behaviorism focuses on learning the patterns of behavior of a human being. I believe from when a child is young, and through their upbringing, they get to discover different behaviors. And one finds that the values instilled in them at a young age made them become who they are today. Thus, I believe that...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Work Abroad

    Description: Social Sciences: Work Abroad Essay...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Literacy Development with Struggling English Language Learner through Differentiation

    Description: For students to be in a position to speak in English in social situations.Learners should manage to achieve academic success in all curriculum areas by using English. Learners should be able to communicate in English in a socio-culturally relevant manner.Standards: 21st Century learning skills (Creativity, Critical...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Pretend that you are a leadership development coach. Action Learning

    Description: The group might have overreacted from the request made by the members, leading to the wrong decision. First, it's not realistic that the time changed from thirty minutes to five minutes...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Learning Theories and Models Comparison

    Description: Many scholars and theorists have ventured into the discovery of the theories of learning. Since this, there have been several theories that have been developed which bring all these theories into play...
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    Description: Learning Outcomes In conducting this lesson, there are learning outcomes that are to be achieved and which will help in determining if the lesson is a success or if there are areas that need improvement. Therefore, by the end of this lesson, students should be in a position to: * Explain the importance of...
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  • TOULMIN and ROGERIAN arguments. Literature & Language Coursework

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  • How Must a Teacher Relate Differently to Parents of Language-Learning Students

    Description: Teachers can relate differently to parents of language-learning students by connecting with them through a traditional parent-teacher conference. It involves holding formal meetings to discuss the student’s learning experiences. Through this strategy, educators can learn about the cultural traditions and ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Education | Reaction Paper |
  • Use of kidspiration in education

    Description: Education: Use of kidspiration in education Essay...
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