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English (U.S.)
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Gifted Students I have Known

Coursework Instructions:

Describe students you have known who displayed gifted characteristics. Formulate your own definition of gifted based on your experience and the readings. Title this journal entry “Gifted Students I Have Known.”

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Gifted Students I Have Known
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Gifted Students I Have Known
The education system offers different experiences and exposures due to its complexity. Other than the increasing diversity of students regarding their background and many other elements, interactions with peers in classes also highlight the varying intellectual capabilities of different students. One emerging issue that has now become clear is that I have met many learners with gifted characteristics, although I was unaware of these traits before this course.
I remember interacting with two classmates that appeared different from the rest of the students in my high school. Their learning speed was fast because they could even question the educator about concepts beyond our learning levels. One of them demonstrated an admirable ability to memorize content. He could remember virtually everything taught several weeks earlier without missing a single idea. I also noted that they were surprisingly imaginative and curious about aspects that would have appeared abnormal during those days. However, I now realize their learning skills reflected giftedness, as the National Association for Gifted Children (2010) explained. The institution&rsqu...
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