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Psychology Essays

  • Psy 7 Essay: Retaining and Remembering Information

    Description: Any student can take advantage of the three types of memory to help remember information from the textbook in order to perform well in his exams...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorder Risk in Children and Adolescents

    Description: Childhood obesity results from orthopedic, cardiovascular, or metabolic problems. Type two diabetes diagnosed during childhood can associate with a high mortality rate in children and adolescents. The eating disorder was also associated with a high mortality rate of psychiatric disorders. Research with meta...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Integration of approaches assignment. Psychology Coursework

    Description: This approach allows an individual to draw his perception and analyze thought processes that resulted in a specific decision. It is concerned with the neural and hormonal connections within the brain circuitry that allows stimulation or depression of an activity...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Informational and Normative Social Influence

    Description: Informational social influence transpires when a person conforms to a prerequisite to be accurate and relies on other people they assume to be knowledgeable. Internalization is associated with this aspect of submission, which takes place when someone is uncertain about a condition. One of the...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 2 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Belief & Culture: Build Awareness

    Description: An example of this is the scenario where one would wear a bullet proof vest if they knew that they were likely to get shot....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Technology | Case Study |
  • The Brain and Behavior

    Description: The Brain and Behavior Social Sciences Essay...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Compare and Contrast Culture: American Ads and Values

    Description: The article “American Ads, American Values” by Elizabeth Weiss published in The New Yorker talks about how businesses in the United States have developed a strategy of marketing to American consumers through emphasizing American values of hard work...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Job Ad Paper Assignment: Entry-level Marketing Assistant

    Description: The job that I am trying to apply for is an Entry-level marketing assistant for Crosstown Solutions in Brooklyn, New York. This job is a full-time and entry-level job, which requires the professional to develop a general marketing perspective. The pay is estimated to be $48,000 to $60,000 annually....
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Disabling Effect on a Person's Job, Social Factors

    Description: Scientific writing as opposed to casual writing and ability for the reader to understand the flow of material. Page length, flow of material...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Hunger Motivation

    Description: Motivation is defined in Psychology as those needs or wants that fashion a behavior towards a particular goal. Motivation can always be instigated by biological, intrinsic (resulting from internal components), and extrinsic (external) factors. Hence, hunger is a complex motivation influenced by a set of...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Stereotypes Associated With Maleness And Femalenes Psychology Essay

    Description: There is no truth in assuming that the opposite gender (males) is stronger and better than the females. Evidently, females can perform the same way or even better than males (Besselaar and Sandstrom, Np). Therefore, everyone should be judged by his or skills and abilities, and not maleness or femaleness...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Psychology (Coursework)

    Description: Social Sciences Coursework: Psychology...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Experimental Study on Social Anxiety Disorder

    Description: This was an experimental study carried out by Bi et al. at Harbin Medical University under the Department of Affiliated Hospital to investigate the difference in the mechanisms of face processing in SAD patients before and after receiving treatment and that of healthy individuals when looking at inverted...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Articles Containing Useful Information and Ideas About Teaching

    Description: Manzano-Sánchez, David, Alberto Gómez-Mármol, and Alfonso Valero-Valenzuela. "Student and teacher perceptions of teaching personal and social responsibility implementation, academic performance and gender differences in secondary education." Sustainability 12.11 (2020): 4590.
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | Other | Education | Annotated Bibliography |
  • Interviewing and Interrogating Law Essay Research Paper

    Description: Over the years, investigators tried various techniques to obtain evidence from suspects. Some of the most common are; Reid, Kinesic, and Peace techniques. According to Hood and Hoffman (2019), the Reid technique uses introductory human psychology and skills....
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Law | Essay |
  • Summary 1 Article Summary. Psychology Reaction Paper

    Description: Brain images are perceived to have a great impact in the manner in which the human mind perceives information. This explains the reason as to why scientific research that has images to expound on the data are best understood as compared to the data that has no images or is rather presented using graphs...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Psychology | Reaction Paper |
  • Executive Coaching

    Description: At its core, coaching is a goal-driven activity that requires the use of different assessment tools. The first assessment tool is Goal. It is important for the coach to set specific goals and ensure that the client is provided with the best assistance (Bird, 2015). By creating goals and planning things, ...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Basic Scientific Methods

    Description: Using the types of Research Methods listed below, please type the correct term in the textbox next to each definition: (Archival Research, Clinical or Case Studies, Correlational Research, Experiments, Naturalistic Observation, Surveys) 1. Focus on one person or just a few individuals to gain a deep...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Psychology | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Case Study Theory Reflection Paper. Psychology Essay

    Description: The problems faced by the client are due to pervasive dissatisfaction. Ruth believes that, at 39 years old, much time has passed, and she does not know where she spent these years. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Sports Psychology

    Description: There are several methods sports psychologists use to measure personality. These include the Big 5 Questionnaire, the Eysenck personality questionnaire, and the feature anxiety questionnaire. The one I strongly recommend for use is the Big 5 Questionnaire. This inventory is self-characterizing and measures...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Cognitive science: Representation Psychology Essay

    Description: The procet fully understood. The process of perceiving people as of different personality qualities is a case in point. Traditionally, Whole Trait Theory represents an established conceptualization of personality in psychology community...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Internal vs. External Motivation

    Description: Internal motivation refers to a kind of motivation that comes from within a person. In this form of motivation, the individual is motivated by their great desire to achieve their goals or vision. Internal motivation has been shown to be very effective at helping a person achieve their set goals (Schunk & ...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Social Psychology (Social Support and Cyberbullying)

    Description: Psychological well-being has been a topic of research for a long time because individuals who have higher psychological well-being live longer and healthier lives. It is defined as the combination of the state of emotional health and the ability of an individual to function optimally ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Mental Illness of the Character Depicted in the Movie "A Beautiful Mind"

    Description: A Beautiful Mind is an account of mathematician John Nash. The film depicts the journey of the mathematician together with his great contributions and distress due to mental health illnesses. Nash became delusional at a young age and began hearing strange voices, thinking that individuals were following him...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Differences in Male and Female Cognitive Abilities

    Description: Cognitive differences between men and women have received widespread attention for years. Upadhayay and Guragain (2014) focus on cognitive abilities that comprise diverse psychological attributes like attention, perception, working, short, and long-term memory, special and visual processing, language...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • My Personal Model of Leadership - The Third Level

    Description: The Third Level Literature and Language Essay...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Cognitive Biases and Problem-Solving Theory

    Description: The bias evident in the experiment is hindsight bias. Hindsight bias happens when individuals believe that the event, they have experienced was predictable even though it was not. The hindsight bias occurred during the hand drawn exercise when I drew eyes and mouths on the cycles to turn them into smiley...
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • An Analysis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as it Pertains to the treatment of Anxiety Disor. . .

    Description: Social Sciences Research Paper: An Analysis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as it Pertains to the treatment of Anxiety Disorder...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 5 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • The Science of Self-Control: Howard Rachlin

    Description: Undergraduate Essay: The Science of Self-Control: Howard Rachlin...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 3 Sources | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Essay |
  • Clinical Field Experience on Targeted Teaching Activities

    Description: Developmental practitioners need to assess children's development because, in addition to understanding the child's strengths, it also allows them to identify any areas that need attention. This allows the child to grow with their unique potential. A child's development is a product of various factors that...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • The Psychology of Adjustment as a Roadmap to Graduation

    Description: In this paper you will be discussing different ways in which the basic principles of the psychology of adjustment covered in this course can be of help to developing and implementing your own College Success Plan....
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Anxiety Among Children

    Description: Mental health has become one of the major healthcare concerns across societies and solutions are needed now more than ever. Anxiety is affecting people of all changes and it is important that the root causes of the issue are unearthed and solutions sought. Scholars are working tirelessly to understand the...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • Compare and Contrast ACT with MBCT Psychology Essay

    Description: Social and personal deviations change individual psychological functionalities, which create risks for humans to accept them with consistent behavior and cognition that lead towards emotional traumas (Kahl, Winter & Schweiger, 2012). The research by Carvalho, Martins,...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Themes and Theories of Developmental Psychology

    Description: Learning disorders refer to information-processing issues that prevent an individual from obtaining knowledge or skills and applying them in real-life effectively. They are caused by neurobiological or genetic factors that influence how the human brain functions, hence affecting cognitive processes that are...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | APA | Psychology | Term Paper |
  • Self-Esteem of Males and Females during Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

    Description: Self-esteem is confidence in an individual's worth or abilities to face and handle different life aspects (Riquelme et al., 2018). In the past decades, some studies on age and gender differences in self-esteem have shown that men have higher self-esteem compared to women during adolescence and adulthood. Th...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Interest in Counseling and Preparedness in the Curricular Pathway

    Description: In most instances, our interests are associated with some things we had in the past. Similarly, my interest in counseling can also be traced to my experiences. For instance, they were shaped when I suffered a psychological problem and lacked the solution for the problem I had. For example, there was an...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Understanding a child’s developmental milestones Psychology Essay

    Description: Developmental milestones for infants and young children include communication, which is important to know what messages to send to the children and how to improve their language communication. By six months a child ought to respond to sounds by where they also make sounds...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Role Gender has in Choosing Particular Instrument Focus

    Description: Abeles, H. (2009). Are musical instrument gender associations changing?. Journal of Research in Music Education, 57(2), 127-139. The researcher sought to determine whether gender associations of choice in musical instruments persist. The article highlights that since the 1990s, there were reduced instrument...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Module 4 & 5: Mental Disorders and Social Psychology

    Description: Is a stigma attached to Mental Illness? Describe a time in which you either conformed or refused to conform with a group. What factors influenced your response?...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 5 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • The Concept of Motivation

    Description: What I am excited the most to learn about in this class is the ability to effect change in myself and others. In a world characterized by significant changes and uncertainties, I believe the ability to adapt to new circumstances is integral for success and wellbeing. Take, for example, the case of the COVID...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |

    Description: Business and Marketing Essay: ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOR...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development

    Description: Vygotsky’s “zone of proximal development” refers to an educational psychology principle indicating the gap between what a learner may perform on their own and what they may only perform with the help of another person. In this case, the other person could be a teacher, a peer or an adult. Therefore, the zone...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Module 9 Psychology Coursework Research Paper Essay

    Description: If I become an integrative psychotherapist, I would most likely be using assimilative integration as my primary approach. In its very definition, assimilative integration utilizes different methods but starts with inclination towards one theoretical approach in serving as the basis for the whole treatment...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Guide to Effective Teaching and the Key Strategies

    Description: Punishments on the other hand are actions that are done in order to inflict a negative stimulus to a subject. An example of this is being physically hit by a parent, when a child has done something wrong. In this way, punishment is used to teach a child that doing something bad should not be repeated, and...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Cognition PSYC3466 Psychology Coursework Writing Assignment

    Description: Let's say that friends A and B have an ambivalent relationship. Friend A tries to reach friend B via mail, or phone messages but in return receive no response...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Psychology and Work: Management Coursework

    Description: Positive psychological principles have increasingly become prevalent in today's workplace, but this area lacks a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of this growing trend. While workers may want to be more productive at work, employees tend to lack the motivation to get things done as anticipated....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Management | Coursework |

    Description: Social Sciences Essay: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 9 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Personality Portfolio: Psychology Coursework

    Description: 1 Student completes the following TWO personality inventories*/assessments: 1 Short Form or the IPIP-NEO accessible from: 2 Personality test accessible from: This exercise is for informational purposes and...
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Social Sciences: Introductory to Psychology

    Description: One of the negative behaviors that I have developed over the course of my education and career is procrastination (, 2015)...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Week 7 Forum - Psychology Regression Analysis

    Description: Dependent variable: Tvhours: Hours per day watching TV Independent variables: Race: Race of the respondent Sex: Respondent’s sex...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Should psychologists prescribe medication? Psychology

    Description: According to James Adams, psychologists should not be allowed to prescribe medications since they lack the medical training needed to determine the effectiveness of medicines....
    2 pages/≈550 words | 8 Sources | APA | Psychology | Annotated Bibliography |
  • Impact of a Culture's Ecology and Structure and the Interconnectedness Among Cultures

    Description: Culture's ecology and structure affect its members' values, identity, behavior, or cognition based on cultural variations in psychological processes. When individuals with a shared history, economic, geographical, and contextual attributes are considering a specific cultural idea (for example, values that...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Company portfolio Psychology Essay Research Coursework

    Description: Coca Cola is one of the most renowned companies in the beverage industry. The company apparently started as a test project or a curious endeavor by pharmacist Dr. John S. Pemberton. Pemberton created a flavored syrup and later mixed it with carbonated water and the drink Coca Cola was conceived...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Nursing: A Distinct Profession

    Description: Both the heart and the mind are required to be a good nurse, as nursing may be seen of as both an art and a science. At its core is an innate awareness of a patient's needs and a great respect for human dignity. This is reinforced by the intellect, in the form of intensive training in fundamental subjects....
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Response to First Discussion. Psychology Coursework

    Description: Correlations can be in the same direction or opposite correlations where the strength of such correlations is reflected in the relationships like Spearman Rank and Pearson correlation coefficients, but not the strength of the possible context. The identified correlations ought to be examined more closely...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Importance of Animal Research

    Description: The article by Bedwell (2016) emphasizes the fundamental role of animal research in psychology and biomedical sciences. The author indicates that using animals to learn about diverse, complex biological processes has been the cornerstone for the advancements of modern science. Bedwell’s primary reason for...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Psychology: The Colorful Story Of My Grandmother

    Description: As for the background, Vanessa is now living her retired life in Canada. She is now going back and forth here in the United States as part of her routine trip to ensure that her basic services are regularly rendered by the government....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 1 Source | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • Freud and Nietzsche: The Principle of Pleasure

    Description: Freud and Nietzsche are two of the most seminal thinkers when it comes to the understanding of human nature, and were both notable philosophers who changed the course of thought in their respective fields of study....
    5 pages/≈1375 words | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Thematic Essay – The Good Engineer. Psychology Essay

    Description: Engineering is perhaps one of the fields that can deliver the biggest change to the world. On the one hand, it can be beneficial when used for innovation and the promotion of the common good....
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Reflection on Hearing Voices That are Distressing

    Description: Dr. Pat Deegan has a doctorate in clinical psychology. She indicates that she has devoted considerable time and resources to exploit evidence-based practice, which implies that her findings are justifiable. One surprising information about Deegan’s presentation that seems surprising is her claim that...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Movie Review |
  • Change management. Management Case Study Assignment

    Description: Lewin’s Field Theory is one of the foremost theories used in psychology that aims to provide an explanation of the behavior of a particular set of behaviors based on the constant interchange between the person and his environment. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Management | Case Study |
  • Writing About Experiential Family Therapy

    Description: Experiential family therapy was born out of the need to consider humanistic psychology, which emphasizes the need for immediate and now experience. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Week 4 Forum-Previous Research Psychology Coursework

    Description: This research utilizes data from the June 2015 survey on gun control. The researchers perform F-test to establish the interactions between race variables and other predictors. Researchers estimate three policy models for the racial groups and multivariate analysis is done using Ordinary Least...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Why People of Denmark are the Happiest and The Main Factors that Determine Happiness

    Description: The pursuit of Happiness is one the concepts in psychology. There are various ways in which human beings pursue happiness in their lives. Happiness forms part of our life and we always struggle in life to be happy. The documentary 60 Minutes Happiness focuses on one of the happiest nations in the world which...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Write a Null and Alternate Hypothesis for each example used.

    Description: 1. If reliability is high, then validity most likely is high as well. In psychology and social sciences, it is necessary to measure and quantify the expression of a construct, which is difficult to measure directly or explicitly. ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Psychological Trajectories. Life Sciences assignment

    Description: Although different events and circumstances in life could affect one’s fate, I believe that I would be able to achieve my dream of becoming a Lawyer and Psychologist one day. By 26, I would have been able to complete my Ph.D. in Social-Organizational Psychology at Columbia University in New York....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Life Sciences | Essay |
  • Principles of Success Plan: Principles Psychology Essay

    Description: Selective attention is when you actively and intentionally tune out all irrelevant factors in your environment that do not align with your goals and objectives. In your environment, there are always competing factors for your attention which add little or nothing to your goals. Since these factors...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Psychology Essay

    Description: Discuss the theoretical framework or assumptions? Are the central concepts clearly defined? How adequate is the theory? How does the theory fit into the literature and field, are there any alternative theories? Explain. Does it advance the knowledge of the subject?...
    1 page/≈275 words | MLA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Homework: Chinese International Students’ Coping Strategies

    Description: This article examines and explains the academic stressors that the Chinese international students face every day and the possible coping strategies that the students may apply. I agree that some of the main stressors that are likely to affect these...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Lowering Expectations Increases Happiness and Satisfaction

    Description: The research proposal discusses one strategy for avoiding disappointment: decreasing one’s expectations for getting a desired albeit uncertain result. It is predicted that individuals will accept this method when two particular (contextual) criteria are satisfied. When they expect self-relevant feedback, and...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Low-Cost Single-Session Intervention in Reducing Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents

    Description: Researchers at Harvard University found that a 30-minute intervention showed promise in reducing depression and anxiety among high-risk adolescents. The randomized trial study, which was carried out over a period of nine months, sought to find out whether a single-session intervention where participants were...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Article |
  • Why the Black Lives Matter Movement Essential for Massive Change and Awareness

    Description: The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement regained momentum and highlighted the disadvantages that the Black community in the United States faces due to institutional racism. BLM was notable for highlighting and elevating problems concerning Black women. Cardiovascular illness, breast cancer, psychological symptoms...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 8 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • The Paradox of Choice: An Ideology that was Drafted by Barry Schwartz

    Description: Do you agree with Barry Schwarz's statement that there is a 'Paradox of Choice'? ". The paradox of choice is best analyzed through the jam experiment ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 8 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Discussion Assignment: 2 Training and Staff Development

    Description: Define the term theory and identify one learning/training theory with which you are familiar. In which situations would this theory be best utilized, and when would it not?...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Implicit Association Test. Test Biasness. Psychology Essay

    Description: Implicit Association Test (IAT) - Introduction to Psychology (Keen) Your task Go to Under “Project Implicit Social Attitudes”, Click on “Go” (to continue as a guest). There are a variety of tests to choose from, and you should feel free to choose any...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | MLA | Psychology | Essay |
  • The Psychology of Human Sexuality: Gender Ambiguity

    Description: Efforts to demystify gender and gender identity involve their distinction from sex to a far more complicated breakdown of the two concepts based on biological and psychosocial factors. Gender refers to the perceptions of self or an individual based on the social, cultural, and psychological features that...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 5 Sources | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • Gender Roles

    Description: The article by Reilly et al. (2019) focuses on examining over 30 years of student achievement data to determine whether there are any gender differences between males and females regarding writing and reading achievement. The study was conducted by Reilly et al. (2019), who are researchers from Australia...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Robert Evans' Rhetorical Strategies that Saved Paramount Pictures

    Description: Robert Evans is perhaps one of the most legendary personalities in the film industry. Without him, Paramount Pictures that has already produced some of the most iconic films around the world would have trodden a very different path and had not created the same movies that we have enjoyed through the years...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • APA DB

    Description: Essay: APA DB. The APAs ethical principle of psychologist and code of conduct is referred to as the Ethics Code...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Positive and Negative Effects of Internet in Cognitive Ability and Processing

    Description: In this article, Carr conducted a research about the effects of Google’s search engine on our ability to think and process information. It is known to most of us that Google has made searching for everything as quickly as possible. While this has benefits, he discussed that this technology could affect its ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Annotated Bibliography |
  • Connecting Theory and Research and the Psychological Perspective

    Description: The theory is an explanation of why certain things exist or occur in specific ways. Therefore, to understand various theories that exist, an experimental study is usually conducted to provide a practical explanation of why certain elements exist in specific ways. However, experts also believe that since no...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Targeting The ERG Oncogene With Splice-Switching Oligonucleotides

    Description: ERG is a cancer-promoting gene, and testing whether the splice-switching oligonucleotides will disrupt ERG activity, will provide insights on whether the approach is worthwhile to prevent prostate cancer....
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 13 Sources | Oxford | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Research Proposal |
  • Why Do People Often Actively Choose to Believe Lies?

    Description: This famous book gives a biting insight into human nature which tends to deceive itself in order to make biased relationships and day-to-day interactions. It studies the vital brain functions and different communal behaviors involved in trying or actually avoiding the facts and truths that can be fatal...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Life Sciences | Annotated Bibliography |
  • How Values and Goals are Affected by Society and Religion

    Description: Being brought up in a Christian family, we were taught it is rewarding to be a decent human being. Being decent meant obeying the Ten Commandments, being kind to one another, practicing forgiveness, loving one another regardless of where they come from or their skin color. Also, we were taught that there ...
    1 page/≈275 words | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Impact of corporal punishment on aggressive behaviors

    Description: Parents hold controversial beliefs about the effectiveness of corporal punishment, etc. Corporal punishment remains a contested topic when it comes to understanding the need to limit aggressiveness among children. ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Psychological Aspects of Sport And Exercise

    Description: A successful sports and exercises procedures does not only depend on one’s physical attributes, but also on their psychological features. Some of these psychological factors include self-confidence, motivation, emotional control, and connection. Most of the high-performance athletes claim that 90% of their ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 9 Sources | MLA | Psychology | Other (Not Listed) |
  • The Change in Approach from The First Two Questions to The Second Two

    Description: In regard to four papers - Mind of Primitive Man, After Boas, and the two Wolf papers, how do you view the change in approach from the first two to the second two? And, please, again, give me five MC and/or TF questions. Literature & Language Essay...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • The Relevance of an Effective Team

    Description: The stakes, in this case, are raised, consequently changing the standard of what is considered an effective team. 15 expeditions had taken place attempting to reach the summit of Mt Everest; however, 24 men died before the first team's success. The psychology of the climbers is interesting, considering the ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 1 Source | APA | Management | Case Study |
  • Spiritual and Religious Competencies for Psychologists

    Description: The growing necessity for psychologists to be capable of comprehending and addressing spiritual and religious difficulties in their practice is discussed in the article "Spiritual and Religious Competencies for Psychologists." The research topics center on establishing a set of skills, attitudes, ...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Understanding and Defining Behavior

    Description: There are various behaviors that every person strives to modify. Behavior is defined as a way in which people conduct themselves. Hayes 2020 shows that; behavior is voluntary and involuntary, conscious and subconscious, and rational and irrational. The behavior that has been depicted is failing to exercise...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • Movie Analysis on “Save the Last Dance”

    Description: Save the last dance is a movie about a white girl from the mid-west named Sara Johnson. The film revolves around Sara’s social life, which involves her lifetime ballet training. Sara's life is hard and complicated since she lost her mother in her unsuccessful audition (Cressman and Julianna 11). ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | MLA | Psychology | Essay |
  • How Teachers can be more effective in the classrooms Language Essay

    Description: Learning is a fairly demanding process for most students, yet it remains inevitable in an individual’s life. While informal learning is acknowledged like the formal one, the latter requires more than a simple lecture for the audience to optimize the learning process....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Summary of a Documentary-Like Film American Tongues

    Description: This is a documentary-like film produced in 1988 with sociolinguistic themes that examine the English dialects within America. The producer of the film was Louis Alverez and Andrew Kolker. It is a film rich in sarcasm and humor and reveals the people’s attitudes through language prism. It centers on the...
    2 pages/≈550 words | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Origin and Evolution of Behavioralists, Concepts, and Difference to Neoclassic Economics

    Description: The establishment of patterns and trends is essential to business management because the aspects determine the stability of a business which is ultimately critical to its sustainability. Making business decisions necessitates the ability to predict. While it is easier to make informed guesses on objective aspects...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • NR360 RUA Presentation Critique: Telehealth Assignment

    Description: Critique a team presentation other than your own, and include what the presentation taught you and what you see as far as its effect on patient safety...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Article Critique |
  • Does recognition of expertise improve performance of group decision making?

    Description: High School level Does Essay: recognition of expertise improve performance of group decision making?...
    1 page/≈550 words | 1 Source | Harvard | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Applying for a teaching job at University Statement

    Description: Statement on research and service and statement of teaching methodology, including curricular development that the individual has initiated and executed...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Gilligan's Theory of Moral Development vs. Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

    Description: Moral development encompasses the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and the proper way of interacting with other people. Carol Gilligan and Lawrence Kohlberg explored the theory of moral development and the different paths and stages involved in the development. This paper focuses on Gilligan’s...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Criteria for Abnormality. Critical Thinking. Psychology Essay

    Description: The world of psychiatry contains many approaches for the treatment of mental disorders. Successful treatment requires proper categorization of mental disorders. ...
    1 page/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Benefits of Physical Activities Life Sciences Speech Presentation

    Description: The topic of my presentation is the benefits of physical activities or exercises. Health experts have now proved that exercises or physical activities can improve our health and reduce the risks of developing various diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart diseases....
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Life Sciences | Speech Presentation |
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