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Cold War Essays

  • US Foreign Policy in the Middle East

    Description: The US foreign policy describes the way the country interacts with foreign states as well as the sets of standards that are set for its corporations, agencies, and the country’s citizens....
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 4 Sources | Turabian | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Presidential Leadership Research Paper

    Description: This paper will discuss foreign policy towards the Middle East by three US presidents who have drawn reactions locally and across the world....
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 5 Sources | Turabian | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Conspiracy Theories Cause and Effect

    Description: This papers seeks to showcase that conspiracy theories only help to heighten tension, enhance mistrust in the society, give room for more conspiracy theories, and give room for the growth of anti-government sentiments....
    3 pages/≈825 words | 1 Source | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • Lester B. Pearson and Peacekeeping History Research Paper

    Description: The Canadian standpoint on peacekeeping is one that has been mired in political debate, clouded by historical perspectives, and heavily influenced by democracy. Because of this, the stance on peacekeeping efforts has shifted several times throughout Canada's history and with it the foreign policy...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | History | Research Paper |
  • God and Religion are the Reasons Used by Many politicians as a Motivation for War

    Description: Similar to Beveridge, in 1950, during the beginnings of the World War II, Senator Joseph McCarthy delivered a speech titled Enemies from Within in Wheeling, West Virginia. ...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • When does deterrence succeed Social Sciences Research Paper

    Description: Deterrence is the use of threats to prevent an adversary from actualizing the intended attack or prevent an ongoing conflict from escalating. Democracies are more effective at deterring enemies and avoiding the escalation of a conflict. The nature of democracies in itself works to their advantages...
    18 pages/≈4950 words | Other | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • 5-Annexation/Territorial period in Hawaii History Research Paper

    Description: It is correct that the Territory of Hawaii was well-organized and one of the most incorporated territories of the United States. It existed for a half-century, starting from 1898 and ending in 1959. At that time, just like most other territories, racism was at its peak in the Territory of Hawaii...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | History | Research Paper |
  • The JFK Assassination Conspiracy

    Description: The assassination of President Kennedy happened during the occurrence of the Cold War which happened one year upon the happening of the Cuban Missile Crisis and it led the world into a nuclear calamity....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 20 Sources | MLA | History | Research Paper |
  • Humanity: Mao Zedong's Impact On The West

    Description: Mao Zedong's legacy is obscured by his direct involvement in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. However, the late Mao is fondly remembered in the west due to the significant impact of his ideas on the Cold War....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 5 Sources | MLA | History | Research Paper |
  • Golden Age of Capitalism in the United States

    Description: Critically discuss the Golden Age of Capitalism in the United States. What role did it play in the Cold War? Who did this system work best for? Who was left out?...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Mathematics & Economics | Research Paper |
  • Transnational Labour, Slavery, and Revolt

    Description: Transnational Labour, Slavery, and Revolt Social Sciences Research Paper...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 9 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Post-War Fashion: American Vs Paris Couture

    Description: The author of this article believes that by combining an analysis of the overall socio-political context of the era and the designs that it was able to create, a better understanding of the relationship of fashion, culture, and society could be made....
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 7 Sources | Chicago | Visual & Performing Arts | Research Paper |
  • Overview Of The Vietnam War: Political Science

    Description: The Vietnam War is considered one of the most problematic wars in American History. From the start, the war was considered a morally ambiguous conflict in that it was against communism and the suppression of nationalistic self-determination....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 7 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Globalization In The Rise Of Transnational Organized Crimes

    Description: The paper discusses various ways through which globalization has promoted the rise of transnational organized crimes in the recent past. Globalization involves the integration of international systems....
    11 pages/≈3025 words | 12 Sources | Chicago | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Movie Research Paper: Good Night And Good Luck

    Description: Ed Murrow and movie producer Fred Friendly made a movie called Good Night, And Good Luck to describe cancer that existed in American politics during the cold war....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • Causes of Illegal Immigration in the United States

    Description: Illegal immigration means illegal entry of an individual in another nation's border without the government permission. Foreign national immigrants include people who continue staying in a certain country even after their visa has expired....
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 10 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Nursing Research About Will China Be the Next Superpower

    Description: The world is more multipolar, and China will be more powerful, but will not dislodge the U.S. as the next superpower....
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 2 Sources | Other | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Research Paper |
  • Borderland: Sino-Indian Border Dispute Writing Assignment

    Description: Concepts such as “territoriality” as defined by White and other theoretical texts we have discussed in class may help you to make an argument regarding your borderlands issue. ...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • U.S. Foreign Relations Policy: History of U.S Relations with Iraq

    Description: U.S motive in Iraq was based on the latter's increasing importance in the region particularly its significance to the international cold war strategy which sought to contain the spread of communism....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 7 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • The Afghan - Soviet War Started In December 1979

    Description: Unfolding of the hostilities,deliniate its outcome, and conclude with an assessment whether there could be peaceful solutin rather than a war....
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 12 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • Literary Topic Related To Your Novel (Fahrenheit 451) In Some Way

    Description: You are to write a paper (seven to ten pages) on a literary topic related to your novel (Fahrenheit 451) in some way. Literature & Language Research Paper...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 7 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • Barrack Obama, The President United States of America

    Description: This project is an opportunity to discuss what you think should be the highest priority in the future of American foreign policy regarding one specific country...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • The Power of Jones' Manipulation and Control over Others

    Description: In 10 page research paper investigate how Jim Jones managed to acquire great wealth or power by the manipulation and control of others. ...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 6 Sources | MLA | Creative Writing | Research Paper |
  • Ukrainian Crisis: The Crisis Causes and Parties Responsible

    Description: The Ukrainian crisis is a prolonged protest that started when President Viktor Yanukovych failed to sign an association agreement with the European Union...
    16 pages/≈4400 words | 16 Sources | APA | Communications & Media | Research Paper |
  • Senator Joseph McCarthy and his Role in U.S. History and the "Red Menace"

    Description: Who Is: Edward R. Murrow / what is his relationship to Senator Joseph McCarthy / and after McCarthy where will Murrow's carreer go?...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • The Great Depression

    Description: The great depression is one of the huge financial tragedies that significantly affected Americans; millions of people were forced out of work...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 4 Sources | APA | History | Research Paper |
  • Oral History

    Description: In October 1929, commonly referred to as Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed, and the effects of this crash was felt all over the country, this was the beginning of the great depression...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 1 Source | APA | History | Research Paper |
  • Henry Truman and the Atomic Bomb

    Description: After the constitution was adopted it clearly separated the roles between the President and Congress commander in Chief...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 12 Sources | Turabian | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Presidential Leadership Research Paper

    Description: The U.S foreign policy in the Middle East has evolved with the changing power relations, and different presidents have chosen those policy initiatives that support their vision of the world...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 10 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Theorist Betty Carter

    Description: Write a 3 page paper about the life, work and theory of the theorist Betty Carter. Research from the internet using 5 different web sites. APA style....
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | APA | Education | Research Paper |
  • John Paul II Research Paper

    Description: Discuss John Paul II’s criticisms of socialism and capitalism in his Centesimus Annus. Here are the following instructions on the paper. ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Religion & Theology | Research Paper |
  • The Korean War

    Description: The Korean War, fought from 25 June 1950 to 27 July 1953, was an armed conflict between the China and Soviet Union Research Paper...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | History | Research Paper |

    Description: Undergraduate writing level 6 pages History Format Style English (U.S.) Research Paper. History - Early Dark Ages (fall of Roman Empire in 476 - 1000 AD) compared to modern times (20th c. - 21st c) Which is darking along the lines of socio,economic,political climates of the times) ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 6 Sources | Chicago | History | Research Paper |

    Description: Undergraduate writing level 6 pages History Format Style English (U.S.) Research Paper. History - Early Dark Ages (fall of Roman Empire in 476 - 1000 AD) compared to modern times (20th c. - 21st c) Which is darking along the lines of socio,economic,political climates of the times) ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 6 Sources | Chicago | History | Research Paper |

    Description: Undergraduate writing level 6 pages History Format Style English (U.S.) Research Paper. History - Early Dark Ages (fall of Roman Empire in 476 - 1000 AD) compared to modern times (20th c. - 21st c) Which is darking along the lines of socio,economic,political climates of the times) ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 6 Sources | Chicago | History | Research Paper |
  • Terrorist Propaganda

    Description: Terrorist Propaganda Research Paper...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 8 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Islam

    Description: Religion and Theology Research Paper: Islam...
    11 pages/≈3025 words | 7 Sources | Chicago | Religion & Theology | Research Paper |
  • The Regan administration was responsible

    Description: Undergraduate Research Paper: The Regan administration was responsible...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 7 Sources | Turabian | History | Research Paper |
  • Obama's new war

    Description: Social Sciences Research Paper: Obama's new war...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 23 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Effectiveness and Application of Robots in Space Exploration

    Description: In the middle-1900s, technology has been advancing faster, and it has become part and parcel of modern people. Initially, technology was perceived as needed for rich people, and it didn't have a beneficial purpose. Recently, different types of technology such as telephone, internet, robots, technology, and...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 4 Sources | Chicago | Technology | Term Paper |
  • East Asian Post War Trauma and the Transition to Modernization Story

    Description: Trauma is a person’s response towards disturbing events that leads them to feel hopeless, overpower their capacity to cope, lowers their self-esteem, and confuses their emotional reaction. Community violence, domestic, sexual abuse, and war are some distressing experiences that can cause trauma...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | APA | History | Term Paper |
  • American Political Landscapes Literature & Language Term Paper

    Description: The 2016 elections is one of the most contested election in the American history, and more so, considered the most controversial. The elections is considered controversial due to the undemocratic practices being identified as the Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump with over one million margin...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Need for Intelligence and counterintelligence: Challenges

    Description: The need for intelligence and counterintelligence has gained popularity over the recent past following the rampant terrorist attacks in many countries, although intelligence gathering is a practice that has been in play for centuries....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • what role did reconciliation within Germany and with France

    Description: Germany has a historical role in Europe as the leading country in the region. However, the changing world brought an evolution that changed the way Germany relates to Europe and other countries around the world....
    9 pages/≈2475 words | Other | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Final American Legal History. History Term Paper.

    Description: This case happened in 1957, and the Ohio court did not consider the Exclusionary rule that disallowed the use of unconstitutionally obtained evidence. This was after police officers entered into Mapp’s house without a proper search permit. ...
    40 pages/≈11000 words | MLA | History | Term Paper |
  • Midterm Assignment: Russias Invasion of the Ukraine

    Description: Explain which states are involved, if there are any non-state actors, international governmental organizations or non governmental organizations...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 4 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Recovery Plan / Homeland Security

    Description: Recovery Plan / Homeland Security Social Sciences Term Paper...
    12 pages/≈3300 words | 8 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Effects of the Truman Doctrine on Curtailing the Communist Influence

    Description: After World War II Soviet Union was gaining influence around the world and spreading the communists systems of administrations. Such an influence was a threat to many countries and America feared being overtaken and overridden by this precept. By that time Truman was the president of America. Their primary...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | Chicago | History | Term Paper |
  • The Truman Administration Response to the Perceived Threat of Communist Expansion

    Description: Analyze how the Truman administration responded to the perceived threat of communist expansion. As you construct your response, be sure to consider terms...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | Chicago | History | Term Paper |
  • Commander Submarine Force Atlantic

    Description: Provide a description of the company that you work for. As part of your description include a discussion of the type of organizational structure. ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Major Events of 1968

    Description: Why is the year 1968 considered critical turning point in history? Discuss three of the events of that year....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | APA | History | Term Paper |
  • Veterans & PTSD

    Description: Basic Information on PTSD. Relationship between PTSD and Veterans. Background Information. All about PTSD. PTSD and war veterans...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 8 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Josip Broz (Tito) Leadership in Yugoslavia

    Description: Josip Broz Tito was a leader of the Yugoslavia Region for the period beginning in 1945 until he died in 1980. Yugoslavia had a unique geopolitical structure that facilitated internal cohesion within the socialist country and enabled Tito to suppress the nationalistic movements within the six republics and...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Discussion and Analysis of Extensive Deglobalization Impacts Around the Globe

    Description: One of the most unique aspects of the modern digital world is the emergence of globalization as a characteristic feature of human societies. Even though scholars differ in developing an effective and applicable definition of globalization, one may simplify this global phenomenon by terming it as unprecedented...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Essay |
  • Comparing the Nationalisms of UAE and the USA

    Description: Nationalism is one of the most complex and powerful ideologies that keep shaping the world order and instilling new dynamics in human existence both individually and collectively. The concept of nationalism stems from the feeling of shared identity and the sense of belonging for a people. In present-day...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Korea’s Colonial Past and Present-Day Popular Culture

    Description: Korea's present-day popular culture (K-pop) is experiencing massive globalization, with fandom rapidly spreading beyond its borders. Such a feat is supported by a fast-growing K-pop industry with talent factories churning out top talent across all areas of the industry. According to Maliangkay (2018), ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 9 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Kwame Nkrumah Failing to Modernize Ghana

    Description: The Gold Coast was granted independence in 1957 and joined the Commonwealth as Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah served an imprisonment term for incitement and served as its prime minister. He was freed to head the new administration after his convention People's Party won the polls from incarceration to power, which he...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Unmasking the Cult of Personality: Khrushchev's Secret Speech and its Revelations

    Description: Amid the Cold War, behind the Iron Curtain's thick veil, a tremor of candor reverberated, revealing insights into the opaque world of the Soviet Union. This tremor was Nikita Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" delivered at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party in 1956. Though clandestine in its inception, the...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 3 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Instances of War, Country's Losses, and the Government's Measures

    Description: This class has been one of the most enjoyable classes since it has offered me a learning experience transforming my life. Even though I have learned many things within these course modules, one of the most outstanding things I have learned is that since war usually leads to loss in the country because most...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Establishment of USSPACECOM

    Description: J L expresses uncertainty in his initial post over the effects of designating USSPACECOM as a geographic combatant command, especially given that space is widely regarded as an international territory. While he makes the point that making the enemy aware of how important space is to them may give them an ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Domino Theory and Containment Policy

    Description: Even before the culmination of World War II, signs had emerged concerning tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States (U.S.). In the aftermath of the war, such tensions created what came to be termed as “cold war” – rivalry between the two countries that impacted international affairs as well...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Greatest Challenge Faced by a Force Accustomed to a Permissive Environment

    Description: A force accustomed to operating in a permissive environment encounters significant challenges when it's transitioning to establishing air superiority in a contested environment. Bender & Bryant (2016) states that the core mission of the airforce is rapid growth and mobility, global strike, command, and...
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | Other | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Final Manifesto – No More War: A Manifesto for Peace and Solidarity

    Description: The threats to mankind and the earth are unparalleled and must be addressed head-on. Global solutions are necessary for global problems such as climate change, pandemics, and disinformation. However, rather than cooperate to overcome these difficulties, some nations are instead fighting one another. The ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 7 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • How was Imperialism Rationalized, World War I and II, and Socialism, Communism, and Capitali. . .

    Description: Besides Cold War and World War I and II, imperialism was also an ancient event with far-reaching consequences (Lumen Learning, n.d). Several rationales (political, civilization, and economic motives) rationalized imperialism. Specifically, economic aims like exploring emergent resources and markets were...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 4 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Comparative Analysis of Engel’s "On Authority" and Churchill's "Sinews of Peace"

    Description: In the annals of history, few themes resonate as powerfully as those of power, authority, and autonomy. This paper examines these themes as articulated in two critical texts from distinct periods and perspectives: Winston Churchill's "Sinews of Peace" (1946) and Frederick Engels' "On Authority" (1872). The...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Interview on Civil Rights Movement

    Description: Maya Angelou once said, "History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again." These words sparked some interest, and I wanted to know more about how our efforts during the Civil Rights movement have led us to the freedom and aspirations we live in today...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • An Investigation of Civil Rights Movements in the USA

    Description: The Cold War was a significant time for the United States. The result was that groups left out before got more freedom and fair treatment. In response to racism and discrimination, a group of activists and allies from all over the country have come together to form a resistance organization. The movement’s...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Madness of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln

    Description: The study of psychiatric and intellectual disability was significantly impacted by the Civil War and World War I, two major conflicts in American history. These wars gave rise to new mental health challenges that required innovative approaches to treatment and rehabilitation. The essay will explore the...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Relationship Between South Korea and Japan

    Description: * Explaining the relationship between South Korea and Japan, dwelling largely on Korea, during the Japanese colonial period until the recent summit. * Exploring how Japan rose from its semi-colonial status and how it overcame the great challenge posed by the Western powers in the nineteenth century ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 10 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Holiday From History and National Politics' Impact on Globalization

    Description: In the article, Taneja and Zakaria argue that the world's "Holiday from History" has ended, meaning that the era of relative stability and predictability in global politics and economics that followed the end of the Cold War is over. I agree with them because they point to various global trends, such as the...
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Experience in Playing Video Games

    Description: As a child, I often played Call of Duty: Black Ops, the seventh installment of the Call of Duty series released in 2010. I still enjoy the first-person shooter on occasion. Set in the 1960s during the Cold War, the game's campaign follows CIA operative Alex Mason as he attempts to recall specific memories...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Essay |
  • Security Issue Facing the United States: Nuclear Proliferation

    Description: Since the cold war era, nuclear proliferation has been one of the most significant security threats the United States has had to contend with. In the history of the military world, nuclear weapons are the most inhumane, destructive, and indiscriminate weapons human beings have ever invented (International ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 6 Sources | Other | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • The Interwar Period

    Description: This essay aims to examine the Interwar Period's origins from 1918-1939 and explore the ideologies that dominated the era. The report will provide an in-depth analysis of the political, social, and economic factors that led to the emergence of the Interwar Period and its impact on Europe and the world. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 10 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Generational History and Values: Baby Boomers II and Millennials

    Description: Generational personality is shaped by the events experienced by people of a generation as they grow up in a certain period. These events not only shape a generation's values and beliefs but also shapes that generation's artistic expression. Today, as the world is geared towards patient-centered and evidenced...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 6 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • An Analysis of Android in “Fondly Fahrenheit”

    Description: Bester’s Fondly Fahrenheit is a dystopian award-winning short story. The story shows a wealthy inhabitant of some fictional planet with a scorching climate. The main character is Vandaleur owning a robot, MA Android. On this planet, it is common to keep Androids for services, which has made them dependent...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Historical/Foundational Assumptions Underpinning American Grand Strategy

    Description: Countries such as the US and Russia were influential in the outcome of the Second World War, resulting in their dominance in global politics, including the spread of their ideologies, such as capitalism and communism. The US has adopted a grand strategy that is geared towards promoting its liberal ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Airpower and Spacepower in National Strategy

    Description: Airpower and spacepower play essential roles in shaping national strategy. Airpower refers to the ability to use military aircraft to control and influence events in the air and on the ground. In contrast, spacepower refers to using satellites and other assets in space to gather intelligence, communicate,...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 8 Sources | Chicago | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Irregular Warfare in an Era of Great Power Competition

    Description: Irregular warfare refers to the fierce struggle between state and nonstate actors fighting for legitimacy and influence over significant residents. The term has lasted for many years, although the concepts associated with it are older than the term itself. Irregular warfare comes with various characteristics...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • US National Security

    Description: The United States finds itself faced with a set of unique challenges due to a rapidly evolving world. For instance, at the turn of the century, it became clear that U.S. foreign policy needed to adapt its focus from state-sponsored threats that defined the post-Cold war era and focus more on non-state armed...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Important Challenge for Asian Americans to Address in the Post-1965 Context of Today

    Description: An essential challenge for Asian Americans to address in the post-1965 context of today is their often overlooked and ignored history and identity. With continued movement in this era, it is essential to recognize the diversity and complexity of Asian American identities and histories. This effort includes...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • All in the Family Episode and the Women’s Liberation

    Description: The overall message in the “All in the Family” episode is for women’s liberation as it appears that Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Bunker were having healthy conversations and interactions. Michael and Mrs. Bunker seem to have a good rapport, as the latter suggested that the fiancé shakes hands with her husband. The...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Crisis in Levittown and Their Sheltered Honeymoon

    Description: The “Crisis in Levittown” depicts post-war race relations by showing how white people want to seem like they are superior to African-Americans, even by subtle ways. In an interview about objections with integration, a woman said, “The whole trouble with this integration business is, that, in the end,...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Future Conflict in the Air Domain

    Description: A modern world without flight and its correlated technologies is unthinkable. The speed and efficiency that come with air domain reduce time. Hence, a task can be accomplished quickly and with the desired results. From the beginning of the nuclear age, aerospace power has provided an advantageous alternative...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • South African Relations with China since 1994

    Description: The transformation of South Africa's foreign dealings following the end of apartheid has been profound. Particularly noteworthy is the burgeoning relationship shared by South Africa and China. Although the two countries had some interactions before 1994, it is only in the past 25 years that their ties have...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 8 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Relationship between Cultural Globalization and Imperialism/McDonaldization/Hybridization

    Description: Western academics first established the idea of cultural globalization in the late 1980s and later disseminated it widely in the late 1990s and 2000s (Steger and James, 2019 n.p), mainly as a reaction to the claims made by cultural Imperialism of critics in the 1970s and 1980s. Cultural globalization refers...
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | Harvard | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Richard Nixon in China

    Description: President Richard Nixon’s visit to China in the February of 1972 is considered one of the most iconic political statements in the history of the world following what that visit could bear diplomatically in decades to come. Nixon’s visit stemmed from a long-standing feud between the US and China. Upon the...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 7 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Section I – WW2 and a New World Order

    Description: While globalization began as early as the 1st Century BC with the Silk Road, the end of the second World War marked the beginning of new age globalization. The different groups, whether communist or capitalist, initiated alliances and trade agreements that led to a different and modern globalization...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Manifesto: Sustaining the Positive Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Description: Education is an integral aspect of personal, communal, and national developmental processes that are also subject to an array of factors in the social, economic, technological, and political influences. Since 2019, education across the globe has been gravely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Commentators...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 6 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Airpower Theories and their Relevance to Modern Era of Cyber and Space Warfare

    Description: The technological developments taking place today have created a scenario where the world’s militaries have to adapt to gain and/or retain superiority. The American Airforce no longer has to contend with terrorism alone since the battlefield is increasingly shifting towards cyber and space. Most of the...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 8 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Comparing and Contrasting the 20th and 21st Centuries

    Description: The way of living has remained similar, in many aspects, between the 20th and 21st centuries. This comes against the backdrop of the dynamic nature of the world. Some aspects that have remained constant are on the social and political fronts. For instance, the types of food that people consume have not ...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Analysis of JFK’s Ich Bin ein Berliner

    Description: John F. Kennedy’s speech aimed to show support for the people on the East and West of the Berlin wall. The United States supported capitalism and rebuked the Soviet Union's communism. President J. F. Kennedy stated that it was appalling that the Soviets had to build a wall to prevent their people from ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Ethics and Civics: Historical Analysis of the Patriots

    Description: The 18th century was marked by the transformation and changes made by patriots fighting the British and winning independence for the U.S. Britain had 13 colonies that had a choice of either becoming British citizens or breaking free and forming the United States during the revolutionary war. This led to the...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | Chicago | History | Essay |
  • Genocide, War, and Desaparecido in 1982 Guatemala

    Description: The end of World War II ushered in a period of reconstruction worldwide, with both the affected and non-affected countries taking part in the global effort to avert the recurrence of the horrors and atrocities witnessed in the historic event. The mid-20th century was characteristic of intense global...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 2 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Military Theory: Challenges and Strategy

    Description: It is no doubt that the United States remains the global superpower. However, this position is now under a serious threat posed by Russia to challenge its military dominance. Russia, owing to its superior cruise missiles that are hard to detect and advanced submarines, poses the primary military threat to...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Irregular Warfare: Great Power Competition

    Description: Irregular warfare in the context of insurgent powers and Great Power Competition has fundamental differences as mechanized by the modern era of warfare. They differ in that the intensity of the conflict is unmentioned in the setting of counterinsurgency. Seemingly, the great-power conflict is limited by...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • The Depiction of Russia in Popular Culture

    Description: Films are very important in popular culture in depicting events and giving people some perspective of what happened in the past. The Russian culture and the cold war between the Soviet Union and the US is a common topic in movies. In most cases, the movies are usually biased to favor the origin country of...
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Slavery and the Commencement of the Civil War

    Description: Slavery was a crucial cause of the American civil war. Other reasons could lead to the war but, slavery was the major origin. Also, the course of the Civil War was majorly altered by the prevalence of bondage. African-Americans were discriminated from the whites and forced to work without pay. The...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 6 Sources | APA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • The Vietnam War and American Civil Rights Movement

    Description: The Vietnam War was a remarkable event in the modern world's history as it was a long, drawn-out war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam that was fought between 1955 and 1975. The most prominent feature of this war was the U.S. involvement, which raised severe social, diplomatic, and political problems...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 2 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Western Civilization and the Aftermaths of the World Wars

    Description: According to Spielvogel (2020), western civilization entails various cultures in the European heritage that share a common philosophical and societal value. Thus, it revolves around arts, literature, culture, and long-lasting ideas that emerged following the fall of the Roman Empire. The significant events...
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Politics of Latin America: Autonomy in Shaping Regional International System

    Description: Regional political events explain greater autonomy levels in Latin American foreign policy. An individual can tell foreign autonomy levels by influencing how leaders perceive the available foreign options. Similarly, the regional leaders offer robust pillars for the growth of foreign policies since these...
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
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