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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
4 Sources
Literature & Language
Annotated Bibliography
English (U.S.)
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1 Year Writing - APA Annotated Bibliography Assignment. Teach Graduates how to Become Job Creators, Not Job Seekers.

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

This is problem/solution assignment includes two parts and three steps. Please follow the instructions and I will attach more files later on. Please feel free to shoot me a message if any problem.
1. By Oct.14(tomorrow) choose your problem/solution topic and brief outline/summary for approval.
2. APA Annotated Bibliography Assignment (by the end of Oct 20 EST)
3. Problem/Solution Essay (I will place a separate order)
*Both assignment each come with a brief critical self-reflection.
By 10/14 p/s topic must have been approved before starting on the APA bibliography and P/S research assignments
Please give me a brief summary of the topic you would like to write.
• Choose a condition, issue, problem or situation (WHAT needs changing)
• Define scope/context of problem or goal (WHY it needs changing)
• Propose solution that addresses the condition or goal (HOW it will be changed)
• Research the problem or situation gathering context, statistics/trends, scope of condition/problem needing solution (EVIDENCE in support of change)

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:

Annotated Bibliography
Student’s Name
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Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Working Title: Teach Graduates how to Become Job Creators, Not Job Seekers.
Subject: Students should strive to be Job Creators and not Job Seekers.
Working Thesis: Upon the completion of high school, most students graduate with job seeking intentions in mind, as opposed to being job creators. The same intention persists even after they have advanced their education, and this is attributed to one problem: the pattern of education taught in classrooms is flawed. In contemporary society, the education model focuses primarily on teaching material that is viewed as essential for students to secure the job they want. There needs to be a shift in the education system whereby the focus is not solely on getting students ready for the job market, but building on students’ passions and talents, to help them become autonomous individuals once they have completed their formal education.
Nabi, G., Holden, R., & Walmsley, A. (2010). Entrepreneurial intentions among students
towards a re-focused research agenda. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17(4), 537-551.
This article aims to address the need for a re-focused agenda with regard to graduate entrepreneurship. The article emphasizes that for some years, an important theme has been to monitor intentions and attitudes of students towards starting up their own businesses. The article identifies three main outcomes. First, it establishes that a substantial minority of students constantly hold relatively strong start up intentions. Second, the article establishes that despite substantial efforts to increase the numbers moving to start-up, little impact is discernable. Third, the article suggests that the education system falls short when it comes to addressing critical questions regarding the impact of higher education on entrepreneurship and the shift from entrepreneurial intent to the act of venture creation. This article will aid the development of this paper as it provides an important positioning perspective between higher education and graduate entrepreneurship. It will also be useful in supporting the thesis of this paper as it establishes the need for a focus on the student journey from higher education to graduate entrepreneur.
‘We need more job-creators, not job seekers.’ (2014). The Express Tribune.
Retrieved from
This article highlights how the pattern of education taught in classrooms is flawed, as emphasized by Paul Collard, during a session titled ‘Creativity in Education.’ This article will be useful in shaping the main argument of the paper as it underscores how the current model of education is based on learning the things that you need, in order to get the job that you want. The underlying problem, as discussed in this article i...
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