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Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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The Role of Leadership in Decision-making Process to Establish Organizational Climate

Case Study Instructions:

In your case study, be sure to address the following items:
Include a brief statement as to which of the leadership styles (visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding) presented in the article that you are most comfortable employing, in general.
Select and analyze one of the scenarios below. Be sure to provide the number of the scenario you chose.
Scenario 1: As a manager, you have two employees who have a difficult time working together. While nothing specificallyunprofessional has been done by either one of them, other team members have expressed concern that the differences between them are causing tension, and some other team members are having difficulty performing their work. Some have even gone so far as to say that the situation is causing a hostile work environment.
Scenario 2: You are a newly hired department director, brought on board to help turn around a struggling department. The members of this department are highly educated and are taking steps to improve the professional development of department members. Despite these efforts, they feel they are underappreciated and also feel that they lack a voice in the direction in which the department is moving. You have leadership experience in a variety of industries.
Based on your understanding of the discussed leadership styles in the article, which would you choose to handle this situation? What elements of that style do you feel will be most helpful in resolving the problems faced?
How would you proceed with handling the scenario?
How does the role of leadership in the decision-making process serve to establish an organizational climate oriented to meet business goals?
Locate one journal article to use as a reference that supports your case study. Your case study should be two to three pages in length.
Make sure plagiarism is below 20%.
Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below:
The analysis should present an insightful and thorough discussion with strong arguments and evidence.
The content should be highly relevant and informative while remaining on topic.
Accuracy and close attention to detail should be clearly evident in all parts of the assignment.
The writing should be clear and concise with proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, and it should be free from spelling errors.
The number of sources should meet or exceed assignment requirements, and all sources should be academically credible, and properly cited using APA formatting.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Unit II Case Study
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Unit II Case Study
In the first scenario, the two employees are having a difficult time working together, which is causing a hostile working environment. In this situation where there is disagreement between employees, affiliative leadership style is the best option of handling the problem. Managers who possess this characteristic become an affiliate, and thus develop connections that would enable the disagreeing parties to get along (Seymen, 2017). The main focus of such a leader is to create a workplace that is more harmonious, where workers will be in a position to understand and function effectively with each other. In the current scenario, the disagreements between the employees have reached to a level where rising tensions are leading to under performance and lack of productivity among other employees. Therefore, an affiliative leader can fix the hostile working environment by developing trust and motivating the employees to focus on achieving the long-term organizational objective.
The common elements of an affiliative leader include promoting trust, harmony, understanding, connection, inclusion, and optimism. An affiliative leader can use these elements to understand the source of these conflicts and the most effective ways of solving them. Furthermore, it is crucial for a leader to understand the emotions that are making these employees to fail to understand each other. Saxena et al (2017) say that understanding and valuing the emotions of a fellow colleague can play an instrumental role in resolving conflicts. This is because people who place a high value on understanding the emotional needs of others have a better opportunity of getting along since they will desist from taking advantage of their weaknesses. Moreover, they will work tow...
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