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My Experience at Nursing Home Where I Displayed Moral/Ethical Value

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

describe the situation in detail answering these questions in a paragraph format. When/where did this happen? How were you involved? Who else was there? What happened? What did you do? What did other people do? What was the result of this situation? 1-3 paragraphs
write about what you thought & felt during the experience in paragraph format. What did you feel be-fore this situation took place? What did you feel while this situation was occurring? What do you think others were feeling? What did you feel after? What do you think now? Any thoughts on how others perceive the situation now? 1-2 paragraphs
an objective look. Comments on what was positive about the situation. What felt negative? What went well? What didn't go well? What did you do to contribute (either positive or negative)? 1-2 paragraphs
how could this situation have been a more positive experience for everyone? If faced with the same situation, what would you have done differently? How did you learn (what skills do you need to learn so that you can handle this type of situation better? 1-2 paragraphs
possible actions that you can take to deal with this situation & how to achieve this.
This is a great place to use your 2-3 resources- make sure they are Evidence based practice and peer reviewed articles within the last 5 years. 1-3 paragraphs

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My Experience at Nursing Home Where I Displayed Moral/Ethical Value
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
My Experience at Nursing Home Where I Displayed Moral/Ethical Value
Working in a nursing home has exposed a person to situations in which ethical or moral values had to be displayed. In particular, the incident happened at work when a resident refused to eat and take medication, saying that she wanted to die. The other two nurses were there and witnessed the patient pushing the food and medications away.
At that moment, as a nurse who understood the patient well, an individual demanded the food and medication be taken away. Other caregivers insisted that the resident should eat and take her medications. Besides, nurses are expected to behave professionally and ethically by treating all patients equally regardless of their gender, cognitive, race, gender, and physical ability (Wright, Jaggard, & Holahan, 2019). The principles of non-maleficence and beneficence should always hold. The outcome of the situation was to convince my patient of the significance of eating and taking medications.
Before the incident happened, one was motivated to take care of all patients. Notably, working in a nursing home has enabled an individual to know how to handle all kinds of patients, including those in their last stages of life (Thompson & McClement, 2019). When the situation occurred, a person felt bad, but it was my duty to take care of my patient. Other nurses present pitied me since they knew that one had to ensure that the patient ate and took her medications.
After the situation, an individual was tired of taking more time to convince the patient to eat and take her medicines. In reality, I think nurses play significant roles, and what I did for my patient was the best thing for her. My colleagues perceive such situations as learning moments on how to handle different patients.
The positive thing about the situation is that it further gave me the confidence to handle patients in the nursing home who are willing to die. However, the negative thing about it is that an individual sometimes feels bad for not having a proper relationship with the patient (Schweighart et al., 2022). The situation went well since my patient accepted to eat and take her medications in the end.
The thing that did not go well was the perception that others had of me when the incident occurred. Specifically, person-centered communication played a significant role in helping me to respond to my patient’s needs, preferences, and feelings (Williams et al., 2018). That is why...
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