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Real-world Demography, Economics, and Urban Land Data to Determine a Location for Business

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Assessment Description
After analyzing assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning, the next step in instructional planning is to develop lessons that integrate the information to create appropriate learning experiences.
For this assignment, select a topic from your Assessment Analysis Action Plan to create a single lesson plan using the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”
Focus on the following:
National/State Learning Standards – List reading or writing standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan
Specific Learning Objectives – Align to selected standard
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology – Include a rationale for how resources provide differentiated learning experiences
Anticipatory Set – Include rationale for how student interest and prior knowledge are integrated
Multiple Means of Representation – Include rationale for how assessment data was used to adapt the planning and instruction for differentiated learning
Multiple Means of Expression – Include rationale and modifications for how the assessments in the lesson plan can be used to monitor and adjust instruction and create diverse learning experiences Review this lesson plan with your mentor teacher prior to implementing it in Clinical Field Experience C.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:

Grade Level:

Introductory college-level (first-year students)



Advanced Placement Human Geography

Instructional Plan Title:

Business Location

Lesson Summary and Focus:

The focus of this lesson is to use real-world data relating to regional demography, economics, and urban land use to determine a suitable location for a business

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

The class comprises of ELL students, learners with special needs, students with gifted abilities, and the early finishers. Each of these groups of students has dissimilar learning styles, temperaments, and abilities. Consequently, the presentation, interaction with course content, and assessment of understanding will be differentiated to meet the particular needs of each student category.

National/State Learning Standards:

National Geography Standards
Standard 1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, geospatial technologies, and spatial thinking to understand and communicate information
Standard 2: How to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context
Standard 11: The patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth’s surface
Standard 12: The processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement
Standard 18: How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

The following competencies will be the focus of the lesson:
* Interact with spatial data of the neighborhood area of Tribeka and describe the area’s economic, demographic, and cultural characteristics
* Analyze the population profile of Tribeka to determine community needs and possible business opportunities
* Employ GIS technology to identify a suitable business location in Tribeka based on target clientele and area’s economic, demographic, and cultural characteristics
* Provide specific geographic evidence for suitability of site location for particular business

Academic Language

Some of the general academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary that will be taught include:
* Human Geography
* Connectivity
* Sequent Occupance
* Spatial distribution
* Location theory
* Spatial perspective
* Doubling time
* Population density
* Population distribution
* Population pyramid
* Human geography
* Cultural Landscape
* Arithmetic density
* Diffusion
* Expansion diffusion
* Relocation diffusion
* Relative distance
Absolute density
Environmental determinism
Relative location
Absolute location
Distance decay
Friction of distance
Demographic ratio
Formal region
Vernacular region
Demographic equation
The instructor will teach the definitions of these vocabulary terms by first providing a simple meaning of the term and its perspective. In order to improve students’ retention capacities, the tutor will help learners in identifying suitable contexts where the term applies, other ter...
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