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Training Needs Analysis Report Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

The goal of this assignment is to develop a training needs analysis including design and method considerations. You are to develop a training program for an organization and employee(s) of your choice. You can consult with me in advance of which organization you might choose. You will need to ensure you have gathered appropriate information about the organization and the trainee(s) to analyses their training and/or career development needs. It is expected that this analysis will provide the basis for Assignment 2: A training program.
You are to complete the written work in report format, including a letter of transmittal, title page, executive summary, an introduction, background issues, information about the organization (remember, the person reading this report does not know the organization), the position, the trainee, the analysis, the conclusions and the recommendations. You will need to explain the design and method implications. The report should be approximately 1,500 words in length, 200 words more or less. Final report will be submitted on Canvas and evaluated on Canvas.
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Needs Analysis Rubrics Criteria Ratings PtsExecutive Summary  Briefly describe the company/firm/organization. What is the summary of your findings? 10.0 to >5.0 pts great 5.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 10.0 ptsMethodology  How did you obtain the information necessary for this project? Why was this method chosen? Did you use interviews (with whom}? Surveys (with whom)? Focus groups? Document reviews (what documents)?lf you made observations, what did you look for? What days/times? 20.0 to >10.0 pts great 10.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 20.0 ptsOrganizational Analysis  To align training with business strategy and to ensure there are resources and managerial support for training. 15.0 to >8.0 pts great 8.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 15.0 ptsTask Analysis  To identify the important work-related tasks and knowledge, skills, behaviors, abilities (KSBAs); determine if the content and activities are consistent with trainee on-the-job experience and to develop measurable and relevant content, objectives and methods. 15.0 to >8.0 pts great 8.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 15.0 ptsPerson Analysis  To ensure that trainees have the basic skills, motivation, prerequisite skills or confidence. 15.0 to >8.0 pts great 8.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 15.0 ptsGap Analysis  Performing a gap analysis involves assessing the current state of a department's or employee's performance or skills and comparing this to the desired level. The difference between the existing state and the desired state is the gap. 15.0 to >8.0 pts great 8.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 15.0 ptsHow to evaluate training options  This section lists how to select a training option based on the needs analysis, some factors to consider as followes: Cost; Solution to a problem; Return on Investment; Legal Compliance 10.0 to >5.0 pts great 5.0 to >0.0 pts average 0.0 pts below expectation 10.0 ptsTotal Points: 100.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Training Needs Analysis
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor's Name
February 25, 2020
Letter of transmittal
February 25, 2018
Dr. Danz Harvey B. VelascoProfessor, School of Medicine
Saint Louis University
Baguio, City
Dear Dr. Velasco,
We are submitting herewith our proposal for health training needs analysis of hospital employees of the Saint Louis University Hospital of The Sacred Heart as partial fulfillment of the course.
The purpose of this proposal is to establish the necessary training for hospital employees based on a requirement due to their job role, position, or area of designation. This proposal is mainly concentrating on training which enables individuals to do their task in a way that preserves their safety.
We expect that this appeal warrants your support
Sincerely yours,
Jeremie Thea Agoot
Executive Summary
Saint Louis University Hospital of The Sacred Heart conducted a training needs assessment during the summer of 2019. the TNA is a well-organized process comprising of hospital employees to distinguish and interpret the training needs as well as the assets and resources to organize and execute upon prioritized training needs. this analysis process appears in a TNA report that assists the hospital in planning, implementing and evaluating hospital strategies and training needs assessment of employees
The process involved the review of several numbers of pages of demographic and training data, particularly to the hospital employees. The secondary data and previous training resolutions draw attention to some common issues of different of expertise in medical field and economics which brings importance to the interests related to need to conduct mental health issues, managing the workers with mental health problems, and a training for risked based training others includes environmental awareness, driver safety, hazard safety, and others
in connection with this, the concerned training groups comprised of healthcare providers in the hospital of the sacred heart. The importance of the training on addressing the health needs and other assets that could be leveraged through decisive collaboration in the hospital service area to address the health needs (Miller, 2017).
As a result of the process, several potential health needs or issues flowing from the data were not identified as significant current health needs and were not advanced for future study
these needs are as follows, wellness, mental health, and cancer.
A training needs analysis is a method in which needed training issues and competencies are distinguished for each health worker within the Saint Louis University Hospital of the Sacred Heart. The purpose is to present the essential foundation or training to health care practitioners based on a requirement due to their status, job position, or area of duty. The HSTNA or so-called health and safety training needs analysis is mainly centered on training, which allows health care professionals to do their job in a way that preserves their safety.
It is a Saint Louis University and city hall requirement that each safety and health training needs are recognized and answered. The initial report identifies any rifts in training that are war...
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