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How Power, Authority, and Influence's Misapplication Can Lead to Conflicts in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Power, authority, and influence are three terms that are actively seen in the role of leadership. The correct balance of the three is vital to being an effective health care leader. Research and identify the differences among power, authority, and influence. Explain, using examples, how misapplication of power, authority, and influence could lead to damaging consequences as a health care leader.
Be sure to cite the literature in your response.
Abdulaziz, A. (2013). Leadership of healthcare professionals: Where do we stand? Oman Medical Journal, 28(4), 285-287. doi: 10.5001/omj.2013.79
Johnson, L. K. (2008). Exerting influence without authority. Retrieved from https://hbr(dot)org/2008/02/exerting-influence-without-aut.html
Kumar, R. D. C. & Khiljee, N. (2016). Leadership in healthcare. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, 17(1), 63-65. doi:10.1016/j.mpaic.2015.10.012
Ladyshewsky, R. K. (2010). The manager as coach as a driver of organizational development. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(4), 292-306. doi: 10.1108/01437731011043320
Maner, J. K. & Case, C. R. (2013). The essential tension between leadership and power: Why power corrupts – and how to prevent it. Retrieved from http://www(dot)apa(dot)org/science/about/psa/2013/10/leadership-power.aspx
Olivo, T. (2014). The profile of an effective healthcare leader. Retrieved from http://www(dot)beckershospitalreview(dot)com/hospital-management-administration/the-profile-of-an-effective-healthcare-leader.html
Stefl, M. E. (2008). Common competencies for all healthcare managers: The healthcare leadership alliance model. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(6), 360-374.
Goleman, D. & Boyzatzis, R. E. (2008). Social intelligence and the biology of leadership. Retrieved from https://hbr(dot)org/2008/09/social-intelligence-and-the-biology-of-leadership

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BHA 320 TD 3 Leadership
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BHA 320 TD 3 Leadership
Power is the possession of authority and control used by an individual to influence other people’s actions, either by direct authority or more intangible ways. It refers to the ability to affect the behaviors of the junior staff using the control of resources. Authority is the power or right to give orders, enforce discipline, make decisions, and influence others (Ladyshewsky, 2010). It is the right or power to direct or control someone or something. In contrast, influence refers to the ability to change or affect another person. It is the power to cause changes without forcing them to occur. Simply put, it affects the thoughts, behaviors, and feelings of other people.
One of the differences between power, authority, and influence is that power is forced; influence is voluntary, while authority is given. According to Maner and Case (2013), power depends heavily on forcing members to do something by using threats, intimidation, and coercion. Leadership by power can create feelings amongst the subordinate that the only choice they have is to do things according to the expectations of their leaders. On the other hand, influence is based entirely on a voluntary approach.
Influential leaders use positive affirmations and encouragement to give the team a feeling that they have a choice. They gain much following from people who trust them due to the belief that the leader can guide them to the desired results (Ladyshewsky, 2010). Unlike power and influence, authority is given to responsible individuals. Authority is mainly based on responsibility. A leader with authority has the right to delegate responsibility to ensure that things run smoothly. They are entrusted with the responsibility to lead others.
Another difference is that power is undemocratic, while authority and influence are democratic. Only one person has the capacity to do things. Leaders with p...
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