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Values in Work and Clients: Individuals and Families

Coursework Instructions:

Chapter 3

  1. To what degree are you aware of your core values and how they could affect the way you work with clients?
  2.  Is it possible to interact with clients without making value judgments? Do you think it is ever appropriate to make value judgments? If so, under what circumstances?

7. Why is the imposition of values an ethical issue?

 8. What is one particular value are you might find challenging in your work with clients?

Chapter 6

5. If a client appeared to be getting little from a helping relationship with you,

what questions could you ask yourself and your client?

6. How does knowledge about the stages of helping influence what you do with

a client? What is the helper’s role at various stages in the helping process?

7. What guidelines would you use for challenging clients? What is an appropriate

balance between challenge and support?

8. How important is helper self-disclosure in the helping relationship? What

guidelines would you use to determine when self-disclosure is appropriate?

Chapter 7

1. Why is theory relevant to practice?

 2. The psychodynamic approaches emphasize understanding how childhood experiences influence the person you are today. Do you value understanding the past as a key to the present? How might you work with a client from the perspective of the past? the present? the future?

5. The cognitive behavioral approaches give primary attention to how thinking influences the way we feel and act. To what extent do you value focusing on a client’s thinking processes?

7. Family systems approaches consider the functioning of the whole family rather than that of a single individual. What unique value do you see in working with a client’s issues based on his or her family of origin? How much emphasis would you give to family-of-origin work when meeting with clients?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Individuals and Families
First Name Last Name
Department, Bow Valley College
Course Code: Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Individuals and Families
Chapter 3
To what degree are you aware of your core values and how they could affect the way you work with clients?
My core values are deeply engrained in my life, including feelings, judgments, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. However, I never let these values affect the way I work with clients. 
 Is it possible to interact with clients without making value judgments? Do you think it is ever appropriate to make value judgments? If so, under what circumstances?
I believe that, in some instances, it is conceivable to interrelate with clients without making value judgments. It is not appropriate to judge a person based on your beliefs because each person has their values to uphold (Corey & Corey, 2020). However, certain behaviors may be too inappropriate for a person to do and thus warrant making value judgments. For instance, smoking in public is considered inappropriate, but some people ignore the fact and continue doing so. In such a case, I would make a value judgment based on such actions committed by a client. 
Why is the imposition of values an ethical issue?
Imposition of values is an ethical issue because it is inappropriate to influence another person to adopt their values. To remain professional, they should separate their values from the relationship between them and their clients. 
What is one particular value are you might find challenging in your work with clients?
I believe that no individual should let alcohol control them. The belief might prove to be challenging as most people, including psychologists, believe that alcoholism is a serious mental ailment, and many people have failed to control their urge to drink.
Chapter 6
If a client appeared to be getting little from a helping relationship with you, 
what questions could you ask yourself and your client?
I would ask myself if I am really doing enough to help the client. I would also try to find out the root cause of me not helping enough and ask the client to let me know if there is anything they have failed to tell me. 
How does knowledge about the stages of helping influence what you do with a client? What is the helper’s role at various stages in the helping process?
Knowledge of the stages of helping is essential in ensuring one helps their client fully. The helper plays an essential role in all the stages. They should establish a working relatio...
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