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Clinical Field Experience A: Questioning Strategies in the Social Studies Classroom

Coursework Instructions:

Building a learning environment in which students use respectful communication skills demonstrates the importance of creating safe, positive spaces inside and outside of the classroom. By modeling these questioning strategies, teachers provide examples of how to communicate in collaborative and social situations.
Prior to your field experience, review the requirements of all clinical field experiences for this course. Create a document to share with your mentor teacher detailing your requirements for all field experiences for this course, as well as what is being requested of your mentor. This document should include the scheduling required to complete all assignments.
Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience.
Observe a minimum of two social studies lessons taught by a certified K-8 grade teacher. During your observation, take note of questioning strategies utilized by the teacher, and the communication those questions fostered.
After observing the social studies lessons, create four supplemental questions that are reflective of the content taught, identifying the alignment of each question to a DOK level. Share your questions with your mentor teacher seeking his or her feedback.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
Compose a 250-500 word reflection summarizing the lessons you observed and your discussion with your mentor teacher. Include the supplemental questions you created and any revisions you would make based on the feedback you received from your mentor teacher.
Thinking about your future professional practice, explain how you will apply what you observed about using questioning strategies in social studies instruction to increase students’ critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Field Experience: Questioning Strategies in the Social Studies Classroom
Course Code and Title
Clinical Field Experience: Questioning Strategies in the Social Studies Classroom
The clinical field experience lesson offered a wide range of concepts that help in appreciating the need for quality learning services in the society. The experience involved interacting and experiencing the social studies lesson for grade seven students. The main lesson topic was caring for the elderly in the society, where a clinical perspective towards the social aspects of offering services to the elderly was captured. The lesson helped in developing an understanding on how children interact with the lesson topic and how students also interact with the teacher when the lesson is in session. Therefore, the field experience in the social studies classroom was effective in building an illustrative understanding of how social studies classrooms are.
The main strategy utilized involved ensuring that the learners adopted not only a theoretical understanding of the 

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