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Case Study
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Mergers and IT Application/Technology Perfomance Evaluation and Problems

Case Study Instructions:

Project 1: Case Study—Gap Analysis

Read the following 2002 article: Merging IT at DaimlerChrysler http://www(dot)cioinsight(dot)com/c/a/Past-News/Case-Study-Merging-IT-at-DaimlerChrysler/ (This company no longer exists, but for the purposes of this course, we will consider this to be a current situation.)

Determine where technology gaps exist within the candidate infrastructure. Order and define these technology gaps in a logical and concise manner for analysis.

Step 1: Determine the application or technology and related sub-elements under evaluation—at least 10 items should be derived from the case study.

Step 2: Based on the information provided in the case study, document how the application under evaluation is performing. Include any issues or problems.

Step 3: What timeline is expected? Provide estimates regarding expected/needed implementations, with rationale.

Step 4: Describe how the application will operate after the indicated issues have been addressed. Describe the optimal state of the application, and highlight the differences between the "as is" and "to be" states within the candidate infrastructure.

Step 5: Provide a high-level recommendation regarding the next steps to take in making the effort to close the gap. Also, describe and prioritize the risks associated with moving to the "to be" state.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Mergers and IT





Chrysler's emailing system

This application was meant to stream line the emailing system such that all the 16 systems from Europe would all run as one. All the design teams could finally use one global system to share their ideas.
The system was met with problems of language semantics, where the differences in the US English and the British English would lead to misconceptions (Jamieson, 2014).

The system was supposed to be up and running within two months, before the merger was formalised.

At the time of implementation the system was cost effective as it cut down on spending. However the cultural differences were hindering the full potential.
Streamlining the cultural issues will see the system save the company billions of dollars and put it on a pedestal of technology in the industry (Eisenstein, 2002).

Having a system that is fully integrated will help the company cut down of the spending. The cultural differences present a challenge and a risk of misunderstanding within the higher executive offices and reduce efficiency.

Global network

Much like the email system, the global network will ensure that the various company branches do not use subnets, but are connected on the same platform

One year

At the moment the bandwidth required to run the various systems at the different company subsidiary is immense and expensive. Going into the single network will reduce the cost and heighten efficiency.

Communication protocols can be very expensive and require robust yet efficient infrastructure. Some resistance at the local level is highly anticipated.


With the system the company could build a virtual car that would go through the various tests, so that the model could refine on the aspects of design specs and cost.

With the system in place the timeline could come down from 5 years to less than 20 months.

The system would not only reduce the costs but also build a car that would meet the design specs of the market within a timeline of fewer than 20 months contrary to the current 5 years. It would also reduce the burden of the severe shortage of labour back in the 80s and 90s.

Given that the current system can only achieve the designs and specs at a minimum cost within 5 years, using this system will be the best bet to the future of the company with reference to technology and market demands such as safety.

barcode identification systems

The system of barcodes helped identify the cars as they went down the assembly line (Eisenstein, 2002).

One month

Currently the Ohio Jeep plant is scrapping more than 50 cars, as employees drill more than enough holes in the frames due to the confusion ...
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