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Social Sciences
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and Workplace

Research Proposal Instructions:

(35%) (Length expectation: ~2500 words)
For this final assignment, you will bring together all of your previous materials, implement feedback provided to you throughout the course, and create a full, written research proposal. In your research proposal you will need to edit materials that were previously presented in the form of a table (e.g., the research concept assignment and the methodology plan) and write them in paragraph form. Guidance for completing this assignment can be found across the study guides from this course.
You need to address the following for this assignment:
Create a written research proposal which combines the prior assignments into one Word document. The sections of the proposal must include:
Introduction (Research Concept) – paragraph form
Methodology Plan – paragraph form
Appendices – (figures, tables, and forms)
Include your updated annotated bibliography as an appendix.
Include your approved ethics application as an appendix
Include your approval letter from the PCU-WHS Research Ethics Committee as an appendix
Include your timeline in the form of a Gantt chart.
Other appendices will need to be included depending on your methodology. Some examples include your code book of variables or interview guide.
Each section of the written proposal must include the deliverables described in their respective prior assignment instructions.

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and the Workplace
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and the Workplace
Technological advancement has made the world interconnected through social media. People communicate and learn about trending political, social, and economic issues across the globe through social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Continuous and uncontrolled use of social media leads to addiction which is dangerous for users' mental health and their performance in the workplace. Most social media users like to share positive and good things in their lives and withhold the negatives. This creates an exaggerated image on social media that is likely to pressure other people to achieve the same. This may affect their mental health. Social media affects the employer's performance in the workplace because most people are likely to spend more time on social media than they would have spent working on their responsibilities.
Social media use has grown over the past few decades. People from all age brackets have adopted the use of social media networks. Bashir and Bhat (2017) argue that the younger generation, the active workforce, is the most active on social media and susceptible to its effects. These youths often compare their workplace culture with others on social media, causing mental health issues. According to Sadagheyani and Tatari (2020), excess social media use also puts people in a virtual world, causing loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Besides, social media use leads to workplace burnout, with most people failing to balance social media use with their work responsibilities, according to Han et al. (2020). Nonetheless, Sadagheyani and Tatari (2020) note that social media increase the base for access to healthcare and workplace information, which is a good thing for social media users. Therefore, this research will seek to investigate the perspectives of HR professionals and managers on the use of social media as well as the impact of their perspectives in the workplace.
Purpose of the study
This study aims to understand the perspectives of Human Resource Professionals and Managers on the use of social media and its impact on the workplace. This research will be conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire, classifying participants via their employer/ managerial levels. There are no potential benefits to the individuals involved in completing this questionnaire; thus, the feedback received will provide relevant evidence to help support the conclusion of this research report. Ultimately, this research is being directed to answer the following question: "what are the effects of social media on mental health and the workplace?"
* Social media has both positive and negative impacts on mental work and workplace performance
Research Question
Π‡ Does the use of social media leave a positive or negative impact on mental health and the workplace?
Research Approach/Design
A research methodology has multiple dimensions, and it also encompasses research methods. By definition, research methods are the techniques that are incorporated in the process of condu...
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