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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Wearable Technology (EKG/ECG) Electrocardiogram

Research Paper Instructions:

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImpact on Healthcare & Nursing (40 points/16%)
Discuss impact on professional nursing practice related
Patient safety
Quality of care measures/monitoring
Risk management
Privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient data
Effect on population within the region
Ethical practice
Compliance with legal and regulatory mandates
Organizational infrastructure and operations
Support discussions with examples & data from
current evidence‐based resources
40 pts
Highest Level of performance
All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data.
35 pts
High Level of Performance
All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present.
30 pts
Satisfactory level of performance
6 criteria fully met
14 pts
Unsatisfactory level of performance
3 criteria fully met
0 pts
Section not presented in paper
Criteria not present
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThree Advantages & Disadvantages (40 points/16%)
Three advantages and disadvantages are presented for:
• Patient’s perspective (e.g., patient outcomes, safety,
patient/family satisfaction)
• Nurse’s perspective (improves/hinders job
• Healthcare organization’s perspective (regulatory
compliance, financial, etc.)
40 pts
Highest Level of performance
All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data.
35 pts
High Level of Performance
All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present.
30 pts
Satisfactory level of performance
2 criteria fully met
14 pts
Unsatisfactory level of performance
1 criteria fully met
0 pts
Section not presented in paper
Criteria not present
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeControversy/Issues/Challenges/Regulatory Implications (30 points/14%)
• Controversy, issues, challenges, and regulatory
implications are addressed.
• The presentation answers the question, “how might
issues surrounding the chosen technology be
• Statistically significant data or evidence is provided
to support the findings.
30 pts
Highest Level of performance
All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data.
26 pts
High Level of Performance
All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present.
23 pts
Satisfactory level of performance
2 criteria fully met
10 pts
Unsatisfactory level of performance
1 criteria fully met
0 pts
Section not presented in paper
Criteria not present
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary (20 points/8%)
• The presentation provides a summary.
• The summary reinforces all key points.
• The summary discusses any discoveries made or surprises the team encountered during research and preparation for the presentation.
• Includes lessons learned.
20 pts
Highest Level of performance
All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data.
18 pts
High Level of Performance
All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present.
15 pts
Satisfactory level of performance
3 criteria fully met
7 pts
Unsatisfactory level of performance
2 criteria fully met
0 pts
Section not presented in paper
Criteria not present
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTeam Project Evaluation (40 points/16%)
A team project evaluation is provided and includes the following criteria. Each of the following questions and responses must be present on the slides following the summary slide, but before the reference slide(s):
• How the team functioned well (e.g., team strengths, team balance, etc.).
• Problems the team encountered in interacting as a team (e.g., team weaknesses, outside challenges, technology, etc.).
• Specific actions you would recommend to future teams to help them interact, function, and collaborate successfully.
40 pts
Highest Level of performance
All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data.
35 pts
High Level of Performance
All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present.
30 pts
Satisfactory level of performance
3 criteria fully met
14 pts
Unsatisfactory level of performance
2 criteria fully met
0 pts
Section not presented in paper
Criteria not present
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation, Scholarly Writing, & APA Format (20 points/8%)
The presentation format, scholarly writing, and APA format must meet the following criteria:
• 25‐30 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes (excluding title & reference slides)
• Submitted to Dropbox/Turnitin by Team leader only
• Speaker Notes outline and “script” the presentation for online students.
• Online students’ speaker notes include the name of the student who researched and presented the slide information.
• Copyright and plagiarism guidelines correctly applied
• Scholarly writing and current APA guidelines are followed as applicable to PowerPoint slides.
• Sources cited in APA format in the applicable slides and include the APA formatted reference in the reference list slide(s) ‐ minimum 6 references to meet criteria.
• Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct, even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g., quotation marks, italics, verb tense, etc.).
• Additional criteria provided by course instructor is met.
20 pts
Highest Level of performance
All criteria are met.
18 pts
High Level of performance
Student provides 6 scholarly references and at least 7 criteria fully met.
16 pts
Satisfactory level of performance
Student provides 6 or fewer scholarly references and 6 or more criteria fully met.
7 pts
Unsatisfactory level of performance
5 criteria fully met
0 pts
Section not presented in paper
4 or fewer criteria met
20 pts
Total Points: 240
The purpose of this Course Project is to provide students the opportunity to explore a technology used in the healthcare system. The project requires students to work in a small team together in order to describe how this technology supports the patient care experience through the use of information technology and information structures

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Wearable Technology (EKG/ECG) Electrogram
Wearable technology EKG/ECG electrogram improve patient safety by enhancing remote screening and diagnosis of various cardiovascular disorders like arrhythmias. They also reduce the risk of patient harm, especially in the management of outpatients with diagnosed cardiovascular conditions like heart failure. Evidence supports the application of wearable technology EKG/ECG electrogram in cardiovascular risk assessment, diagnosis, prevention, and management. For instance, the study by Perez et al., (2019) determined that an Apple Watch application using intermittent passively detected pulse rate data was capable of detecting an irregular pulse in 84% cases of atrial fibrillation. Wearable technology EKG/ECG electrogram also improves quality of care measures/monitoring by providing a high diagnostic yield for various cardiovascular disorders all while allowing the patient to have better control over their personal health data. Remote cardiac monitoring allows the patient to play an active role in their health and is therefore useful for promoting critical behavioral changes.
Moreover, noninvasive EKG/ECG electrogram improves risk management by allowing for continuous real-time monitoring of the patient’s heart. This ability is critical in the detection of undiagnosed cardiovascular diseases as well as in facilitating online diagnosis or instant feedback. However, wearable technology EKG/ECG electrogram poses serious privacy, confidentiality, and security issues. These wearable devices generate a lot of confidential patient data and there is always the inherent risk that the sensitive data could fall into the wrong human hands. Wearables devices rely on wireless communications to transmit data, a factor that makes them susceptible to brute-force attack. There are also serious privacy issues with data in transit where any lapse in basic security standards could result in data hacking. Another disadvantage tied to ethical practice is the possibility of over-reliance on wearable technology EKG/ECG electrogram. Users may substitute their periodic me...
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