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5 pages/≈1375 words
5 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The UMMS Foundation is a Non-Governmental Primary Care Facility

Research Paper Instructions:

Assignment Overview
Capstone General Background Information
As noted in the Module 1 Overview, the capstone project is a combination of previous course work to help you integrate the knowledge and learnings acquired in the MHSA program.
In the Module 1 Discussion, you will have named and identified which type of health care organization/facility you will construct through substantial research. The Case Assignments in this course will build upon each other, and in Module 4, you will have created a comprehensive project that can be used as a portfolio entry.
Case Assignment
1. Health Care Organization/Facility
a. Identify the type and name of your non-profit organization.
i. Organization/Facility Mission
ii. Organization/Facility Vision
b. Provide a substantial overview of your organization.
i. Geographical location
ii. Size (e.g., approximate number of employees)
2. Data Examination
a. External environment of your selected organization/facility:
i. City/geographical demographics: Using City-Data online (http://www(dot)city-data(dot)com/) categorize the following:
 Population (Total population, male population, and female population).
 Median age range
 Median household income
 Racial demographics
b. Search the internet and gather relevant general information regarding:
i. Common medical conditions in geographical area:
 Rationalize how your organization will cater to the medical conditions within the given area.
ii. Number and type of existing health care organizations and facilities in the area:
 Identify how your organization will differ from the organizations currently present in the area.
c. Surrounding Cities/Towns:
i. Create a table to compare and contrast 2 adjacent cities/towns with the city/town your organization is located in. The table should compare and contrast the same components as your selected organization/facility (Section 2a).
3. Organizational Dynamics and Structure
Based on the data gathered, you will now focus on the organizational structure and leadership of your organization/facility. Using the data that you have gathered, complete the following:
a. Organizational Leadership and Governance
i. Construct a leadership and governance map of your organization/facility. The map should display C-level executives, directors, departmental managers, and governing board. Explain the leadership management process and governing board oversight.
b. Organizational Theory and Behavior
i. Rationalize the organizational theory of your selected organization/facility. In this section, identify how diversity and cultural competence will be maintained within the organization to meet the dynamics of the population identified.
ii. Identify the organizational behavior methods that will be used in your organization/facility. For both, be sure to include actionable activities that will be incorporated to implement each item.
c. Dynamics of Organization/Facility:
i. Identify the following for your organization/facility:
 Who are your target market subjects?
 Where are they located?
 What special needs do they require?
ii. Note: In this section, you must identify and meet the needs of the diverse population classified in the “Data Examination” section.
4. Recommendations and Conclusion
a. Bring this section to a close and provide 2 or 3 recommendations for your organization based on the information researched and identified.
Assignment Expectations
1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.https://custom-essay(dot)essaykitchen(dot)net/show-messages.php?id=141504#last
2. Case papers should be at least 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
3. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles with at least 5 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
• Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from https://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php
4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
• Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/
5. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:
• Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from https://www(dot)library(dot)georgetown(dot)edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
The UMMS Foundation is a Non-Governmental Primary Care Facility
Healthcare organizations, including clinics and hospitals, provide care to individuals requiring medical attention. Non-profit healthcare systems operate similarly, and it could be surprising to acknowledge that hospitals you have been to for different reasons are non-profit facilities or at least have a charitable or non-profit component. Non-profit medical organizations offer medical services (e.g., psychiatric, dental, and specialized medical services) as well as preventive and educational care services. Accordingly, health care organizations qualifying as non-profits are primarily driven by their mission rather than profits. This report evaluates the University of Maryland Medical System Foundation (UMMS), a not-for-profit health care organization, based on its data, organizational structure, and dynamics, and provides conclusions and recommendations.
Healthcare Organization/Facility
The UMMS Foundation is a non-governmental primary care facility. It comprises over 14 learning, community, specialty health care entities, and various outpatient facilities across the state. The systems have enough health care professionals providing expert care for clients while leading fundamental as well as clinical research and imparting knowledge to tomorrow’s physicians. The organization’s mission is to offer healthcare services to Baltimore Campuses, Maryland state, and the nation at large. The partnership focuses on discovering means to enhance health outcomes globally, train the next generation of health professionals, and deliver high-quality and superior care. In addition, the mission incorporates advancing medical care excellence via private resources stewardship and philanthropic investment. Accordingly, the health care organization’s vision is to deliver high-quality and compassionate healthcare in Maryland and across the world and lead efforts in discovering innovative ways to advance medication and educate future care providers.
The UMMS is a no-profit medical system providing health care and educational services to Maryland citizens, the region, and the globe at large. The facility is located Downtown (Western side of Baltimore City in Maryland). The healthcare facility has over 29 000 employees and approximately 4,600 affiliated physicians who offer care services over 150 locations in the 12 hospitals. UMMS has developed to incorporate a threefold mission statement incorporating the delivery of specialty, community, and academic services across the state and other regions. The organization is a federal and regional referral center for cancer care, trauma, children’s and women’s health, cardiac care, neuro-care, as well as physical rehabilitation. In addition, it has one of the biggest kidney transplant programs and other programs that enhance the psychological and physical health of tens of thousands of people every day across the globe.
Data Examination
The West Baltimore region has approximately 321,290 residents with a median age of 40. Of the total tally, 53.6% are female, and 46.4% are male. The U.S.-born residents make up 84.6%, and the non-U.S.-born natives account for 9.15%. Also, 6.2% of the population ar...
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