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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Chronic and Acute Asthma

Research Paper Instructions:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Then, explain the changes in the arterial blood-gas patterns during an exacerbation.
  • Describe long-term control and quick-relief drugs used to treat asthma in patients.
  • Explain the impact these drugs might have on adults and children.
  • Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management and how this approach assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
  • Explain how you would help patients develop a plan for medication adherence, including how the plan might differ based on the patient’s age.
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Asthma Management
Asthma Management
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory on the airway. The airways swell and narrow, and produce a lot of mucus. More than 300 million people are affected by asthma, with male children being more at risk than the females, who have a higher prevalence. Although asthma cannot be cured, the symptoms and the effects can be regulated. This means that it is essential for one to talk to the doctor to make sure that the treatment is adjusted to go with the shown symptoms. People show different signs and symptoms of asthma. Shortness of breath and wheezing are some of the most common symptoms. In cases where the condition is worsening, the symptoms are more frequent, and the often use of the inhaler. The essay discusses the management of asthma.
Pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation
It is essential to understand the pathophysiology of asthma to comprehend how the condition is diagnosed and managed with various modes of treatment. There are multiple pathophysiologic factors associated with asthma, like inflammation of the bronchioles. Here, the airway swells and narrows causing coughing, wheezing and short breaths. The trachea can also be affected by asthma. Inflammation can still occur in cases where people do not show the signs and symptoms of asthma. Excessive mucus and damage of the epithelial tissue can cause bronchoconstriction with the sharp contractions of the smooth muscle of the bronchus (Maslan& Mims, 2014). As a result, the airways narrow leading the airway capillaries to dilate and leak, causing a lot of secretions that eventually cause edema and makes it difficult to clear mucus.
In some cases, asthma increases the mucus-secreting cells by expanding the glands that produce mucus. The increased mucus production can cause thick mucus that will block the airway; damage the epithelium, and in severe cases, there might be peeling of the epithelial tissue. People who have severe acute asthma tend to show severe changes in arterial blood gas after a therapeutic session. Most people who have asthma had low oxygen concentration in the blood. It takes one week or more for the arterial oxygen tension to go back to normal. The average pressure of carbon dioxide in the arteries is a common occurrence for people with acute asthma (Maslan& Mims, 2014). Blood gas tension is not dependent on factors such as age and how badly the airways have been obstructed. Medical practitioners should measure arterial blood gases for people with acute asthma to prevent complications.
Long-term control and quick-relief drugs used to treat asthma in patients
Quick-relief drugs are meant to be used on a short term basis. These drugs ar...
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