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1 page/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Article Review on Malnutrition / Obesity and Improving Outcomes Research Journal Article

Research Paper Instructions:

Choose a research article from a nursing/nutritional journal that explores the issue of strategies to improve health-related outcomes regarding obesity/malnutrition in our society today. Below are a few suggestions you might consider.
This can include:
1. What are barriers to a healthy nutritional status?
2. Rates of obesity/malnutrition in Virginia.
3. Why do people have difficulty in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
4. What impact can nurses have effecting changes in the healthcare system?
5. Does preventive care make a difference?

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Obesity / Malnutrition in Today’s Society
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
Obesity/ Malnutrition in Today’s Society
The article “management of obesity: improvement of health-care training and systems for prevention and care” by Dietz, Baur, Hall, Puhl, Taveras, Uauy and Kopelman (2015) highlights the prevalence of obesity in the society its causes and the preventive measures that need to be taken by the health-care system to address the problem. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the article and recommend healthcare providers to take necessary actions in the healthcare setting.
Obesity is considered as a chronic disease particularly among children and adults. Although healthcare providers understand the problem of obesity; however, they are not well-prepared to address obesity. They are not adequately trained to counsel patients and provide them nutritional diet to address their problem of overweight. Professionals in healthcare settings are poorly prepared to treat obesity (Dietz et al., 2015).
While it is the responsibility of the healthcare professionals to have proper training to address obesity, the society also needs to adopt healthy lifestyle. However, there are certain barriers that limit the ability of people to maintain their weight. People are not available with much healthy choices to make, unhealthy food is much readily available. Dietz et al. (2015) highlighted that the patients with obesity are less responsive to counselling, low willpower, do not comply with treatment and do not have an active lifestyle. Lazy people with low physical activity find it difficult to lose weight and gain weight more quickly. Furthermore, they are also not educated about obesity. Childhood obesity in America is a major concern for parents, yet they fail to recognize that their child is suffering with obesity. Hence, it becomes challenging to address as both patients and parents are not educated about the disease.
One of the major reasons for obesit...
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