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The Ethical Situations of Being a Coach

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Below are several ethical situations a coach may have:
a. Is it ethical to receive a "special" price for services or goods from a client or coachee?
b. Is it ethical to date a client/coachee's sister or brother?
c.Is it ethical to buy a car from a client/coachee who owns the only dealership in the area?
d.Is it ethical to ask a client/coachee for a ride to the airport?
e.Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client/coachee?
Select one of the ethical situations from "a" through "e" above.
Answer the 3 questions above as well as those listed below using an essay format complete with a short heading. Within your post, support your responses with information from the background materials or reputable outside sources, and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.
Which ethical situation did you select?
In your opinion, would this situation be unethical? Why or why not?
How does the element of power factor into your opinion?
How does the element of duration factor into your opinion?
How does the element of termination factor into your opinion?

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
The Ethical Situations of Being a Coach
The selected ethical situation for the assignment is "Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client/coachee?" Most importantly, the stated situation would be unethical, primarily affecting the client or coachee involved if they were asked the sexual favors from the coach or specialist giving the service. The 2014 American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics forbids any sexual coach-client relationships or interactions with present customers, sexual partners, or their family members (Ponton & Duba, 2009). Therefore, I believe a coach and coachee engage in such connections and current unethical scenarios. One of the two parties might attract the other, creating a romantic moment that might bring the two together, forming a sexual connection. Whichever the case, this situation violates the principles the parties should follow within their agreed coach-client relationship.<...
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