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News Report Two Cars Collided In Bozeman. Communications & Media Paper

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Today, you arc going to crcatc a news report!
Refer to the “Parts of a news report” section we covered during class time to better understand how it should appear.
Below arc the steps to follow:
TASK:Writc a news report based on the headline and the picture below. You will have to make up the facts and information answering some or all of the following questions:
Who? What? Where? Why? When? How?
PURPOSE/AUDIENCE:To report on an event for the readers of a newspaper.
LENGTHrOnc page, 300-400 words
PICTURE: One of the pictures will be given to you below - you will have to crcatc a headline and story to go along with the picture ctc.
Posted Today at 5:48 pm0LC40: Section 2
] Class #6 (Online) - News ReportCriteria Grading Scale Knowledge 4 3 2-Knowledge of Form and -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -DemonstratesStructure of Text thorough considerable some knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of-Understanding of resource form form formmaterials used -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -Demonstrates thorough considerable adequate understanding understanding understanding of materials of materials of materials read and read and read and created created createdThinking 4 3 2-Use of critical and creative -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -Demonstratesthinking skills (developing thorough considerable adequateideas, selecting evaluation, competence competence competenceorganizing, information developing and developing and developing ancexplaining, forming organization organization organizationconclusions) ideas, ideas, ideas, explaining. explaining, explaining, forming forming forming conclusions conclusions conclusionsCommunication 4 3 2-Communication of -Expresses and -Expresses and -Expresses andInformation and Ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes idea: and information and information and informatio-Communication for different with thorough with with someaudiences and purposes effectiveness considerable effectiveness -Communicates effectiveness -Communicate:-Use of conventions and form for different -Communicates for differentof opinion paragraphs and audiences and for different audiences andnews report purpose with audiences and purpose with thorough purpose with some effectiveness considerable effectiveness -Uses effectiveness -Uses conventions and -Uses conventions ar form with conventions and form with som' thorough form with effectiveness effectiveness considerable  effectiveness Application 4 3 2


A files-cdn.schoology.comOLC Writing Tasks - News report #1 Knowledge  -Knowledge of form of opinion paragraphs and news report  -Understanding of resource materials used -Demonstrates limited knowledge of form -Demonstrates limited understanding of materials read and created -Demonstrates some knowledge of form -Demonstrates adequate understanding of materials read and created -Demonstrates considerable knowledge of form -Demonstrates considerable understanding of materials read and created -Demonstrates thorough knowledge of form -Demonstrates thorough understanding of materials read and createdThinking  -Use of critical and creative thinking skills (developing ideas, selecting, evaluation, organizing, information explaining, forming conclusions) -Demonstrates limited competence developing and organization ideas, explaining, forming conclusions -Demonstrates adequate competence developing and organization ideas, explaining, forming conclusions -Demonstrates considerable competence developing and organization ideas, explaining, forming conclusions -Demonstrates thorough competence developing and organization ideas, explaining, forming conclusionsCommunication  -Communication of Information and Ideas  -Communication for different audiences and purposes  -Use of conventions and form of opinion paragraphs and news report -Expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness -Communicates for different audiences and purpose with limited effectiveness -Uses conventions and form with limited effectiveness -Expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness -Communicates for different audiences and purpose with some effectiveness -Uses conventions and form with some effectiveness -Expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness -Communicates for different audiences and purpose with considerable effectiveness -Uses conventions and form with considerable effectiveness -Expresses and organizes ideas and information with thorough effectiveness -Communicates for different audiences and purpose with thorough effectiveness -Uses conventions and form with thorough effectivenessApplication  -Application of reading strategies  -Application of the writing  process  -Application of literacy skills Applies reading strategies vith limited competence  Uses the writing process vith limited competence  Uses literacy skills with irnited effectiveness Applies reading trategies with adequate ompetence  Uses the writing process vith adequate ompetence  Uses literacy skills with idequate effectiveness Applies reading strategies vith considerable ompetence  Uses the writing process vith considerable ompetence  Uses literacy skills with onsiderable effectiveness Applies reading trategies with horough competence Uses the writing irocess with thorough ompetence Uses literacy skills vith thorough ffectiveness
Comments:< > È QQc


Learning Points for News Reports
Assessment FOR and AS Learning(1) HEADLINE
Catches the reader’s attention •No capital letters
o Ex:(la) BYLINE
Writer’s name
Writer’s specialty (ex: sports, celebrity, entertainment, food, crime, current events etc.)
o Ex: Carlos Mendes - News Reporter Wed Feb 8,2016
o Ex:_-_
First Name & Last Name Job
TitleWeekday Month Day, Year(lb)

 Class #6 (Online) - News ReportNews Report #1
Posted Today at 5:58 pmCriteria Grading Scale Knowledge 4 3 2-Knowledge of Form and -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -DemonstratesStructure of Text thorough considerable some knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of-Understanding of resource form form formmaterials used -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -Demonstrates thorough considerable adequate understanding understanding understanding of materials of materials of materials read and read and read and created created createdThinking 4 3 2-Use of critical and creative -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -Demonstratesthinking skills (developing thorough considerable adequateideas, selecting, evaluation, competence competence competenceorganizing, information developing and developing and developing ancexplaining, forming organization organization organizationconclusions) ideas, ideas, ideas, explaining. explaining, explaining, forming forming forming conclusions conclusions conclusionsCommunication 4 3 2-Communication of -Expresses and -Expresses and -Expresses andInformation and Ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes idea: and information and information and informatio-Communication for different with thorough with with someaudiences and purposes effectiveness considerable effectiveness -Communicates effectiveness -Communicate:-Use of conventions and form for different -Communicates for differentof opinion paragraphs and audiences and for different audiences andnews report purpose with audiences and purpose with thorough purpose with some effectiveness considerable effectiveness -Uses effectiveness -Uses conventions and -Uses conventions ar form with conventions and form with som' thorough form with effectiveness effectiveness considerable  effectiveness Application 4 3 2-Application of reading -Applies reading -Applies reading -Applies readinstrategies strategies with strategies with strategies with thorough considerable adequate-Application of the writing competence competence competenceprocess -Uses the writing process -Uses the -Uses the-Application of literacy skills with thorough writing process writing process competence with with adequate -Uses literacy considerable competence skills with competence thorough -Uses literacy effectiveness -Uses literacy skills with considerable effectiveness skills with adequate effectiveness
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