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Creating a Low-Tech Multimedia Tool

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Creating a Low-Tech Multimedia Tool
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In this project we’re going to be working as a group to create a low-tech multimedia tool that replaces the popular hi-tech and expensive multimedia tools. A fisheye lens for point and shoot cameras is the low-tech multimedia tool that we aim at making by the end of the project. In addition to that, we will chart our planning and experiments in a blog and finally demonstrate the fish eye lens in action along with the sample photos taken. The internet will serve as a key source of ideas and inspiration as we carry on with the project. The total amount to be spent in the construction of the fisheye lens is projected to fall within the limits of $20.
The Fisheye Lens
The fisheye lens we are creating in this project is for a point and shoot digital camera. A tube that contains some form of a lens at the end will be used in the construction. A fisheye effect will be created upon the attachment of the tube to the camera. The creation of a dramatic change from an object’s natural state against its view with the lens is one of the parameters that we’ll use to determine the lens that works best. We shall put into consideration a near and far-sighted prescription lens, a loop hole door viewer and a magnifying glass. The creation of a fisheye effect will require a lens whose meniscus is positive. We have to find out whether it’s the near or far-sighted lens that creates the best fish eye effect. A double thick layer will be created through lens layering hence improving on the quality of photos captured. The end product is expected to look like the image below.
Construction of the Fisheye Lens.
The construction of the camera requires three basic items available in any store at a price of $10-15 which are inclusive of a duct pipe, a PVC adapter and a door peep-hole. The steps discussed below are for the construction of a simple point and shoot camera since the lens is aimed at serving the same purpose.
The first step is measuring the camera lens’s circumference and putting en...
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