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Status of Healthcare in the United States

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

One of the most critical and hotly debated industries in the United States is healthcare. For this paper, you will examine the state of health care in the United States. As a starting point, you should read chapter 24 of the text and then after conducting your own research (5 additional sources minimum) write a 2-3 page paper that examines the following aspects of health care in the United States:
1. How much is spent on health care in the United States annually?
2. What is the basic structure of our system and how does it compare to other industrialized nations in terms of outcomes (be certain to identify what parameters you are using as a metric) and costs?
3. What are some unique challenges that health care presents from a consumer standpoint?
4. What have been some interventions by the government to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to the public and what have been the outcomes?
5. Do you think that the Singapore model could be replicated here? Why or why not?
6. What impact do you think the Covid-19 outbreak of 2020 have on healthcare delivery (move to single payer) in the United States?
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Organization
Paper must be well organized with an introductory paragraph, several paragraphs that form the body of the paper, and a concluding/summarizing paragraph. Proper grammar and citations are used and a works cited page is completed.
20 to >18.0 pts
Superior Quality
Paper was well organized with minimal grammatical issues. A works cited page was present and citations were properly completed.
18 to >12.0 pts
Minor Issues
Organizational quality and grammar needs to be worked on or citations/works cited have minor issues to correct.
12 to >0 pts
Major Issues
Paper is severely lacking in organizational quality or citations/works cited is severely lacking.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Quality
This criterion addresses the quality of the information presented in the paper. All of the leading prompts in the assignment description should be discussed along with supporting research and citations to verify informational quality. A minimum of three outside is required.
30 to >27.0 pts
Superior quality
Paper has necessary supporting facts and citations to support claims made in the paper. All of the central themes are discussed at some point in the paper.
27 to >18.0 pts
Minor Issues
Paper is missing one or more main content areas or the information is poorly presented without substance. The minimum number of resources is lacking.
18 to >0 pts
Major Issues
Paper fails to address the majority of topics set forth in the assignment description or the citations/supporting evidence doesn't align with the narrative.
30 pts
Total Points: 50

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Health Care In The United States
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Healthcare In the United States
The healthcare industry is one of the most important industries in the United States. The services are usually provided by hospital systems, independent service providers, healthcare professionals, and insurance companies. It continues to expand in size and complexity, bringing forth issues related to limited consumer access, increased expenditure, and poor quality services. The above tremendous issues have had significant implications on the nation’s economy for years. Therefore, the government needs to pay attention to the healthcare sector to improve the quality of service delivery and reduce the costs of accessing healthcare.
The National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) is charged with estimating the total health care spending in the United States. In addition, the sector is responsible for estimating the net cost of health insurance services, investment-related to health care, public health services, and health care resources. Based on their statistics, the U.S. spends approximately $3.8 trillion annually, an average of $11,582 per person per month (Sheet, 2018). This contributes to 17.7% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product annually.
The United States healthcare system has a complex basic structure. It comprises thousands of independent health bodies, hospitals, nursing homes, specialized care facilities, I.T.-supported institutions, and drug manufacturing corporations. The health care sector is split into two different sectors, such as voluntary, private, and public sectors, with a decentralized management structure (Jonas & Goldsteen, 2007). Fifty-eight percent of the patients in the private sector rely on health care insurance to cover their medical bills. The United States ranks lower compared to other industrialized nations based on life expectancy and infant mortality rate. This is because of the bias health coverage systems that render healthcare services inaccessible.
As the health care industry continues to grow tremendously, Americans tend to face several challenges in the sector, making such services unreliable, with uninsured Americans being more affected. The uninsured may fail to access medical services due to the high costs of insurance premiums and may forego essential services such as regular screening, which harms their health (Nayak & Varambally, 2013). Furthermore, avoidable medical errors due to experts’ inefficiencies jeopardize consumers’ health as they waste a lot o...
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