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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Genealogy of Jesus

Essay Instructions:

After reading the article, summarize the author's position. How did this article contribute to your understanding of Matthew? Does the author use other methods of exegesis in the article? If so, which ones and how do they enhance the analysis being made? Were there other questions that the article raised for you?

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Genealogy of Jesus
In the article, the author seeks to demonstrate that Jesus is the ultimate culmination of history. The genealogy in Matthew is all about Jesus. The birth of Jesus is not merely a continuation of history. Instead, the genealogy is essential to the extent that it points to Jesus. The proper understanding of the birth of Jesus centers on the relationship between Mary and the Holy Spirit (221). The fact that Mary conceives through the Holy Spirit is a discontinuation of the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew emphasizes that the conception of Jesus was supernatural through the Holy Spirit. Mary, being a virgin, cannot conceive without knowing a man, except by the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Hence, the procreation of Jesus is an eschatological event.
The article was critical in demonstrating the significance of the number fourteen in the genealogy of Jesus. As number fourteen, Jesus indicates that he is the ultimate goal of history. His death and resurrection on the cross demonstrate the finality of his purpose on earth. Additionally, David and Jechoniah are also fourteenth and serve as bridges to essential times in Biblical history. Similarly, Jesus as the fourteen, serves as a bridge to the New Testament, and ultimately the coming of the kingdom of God. Furthermore, the author demonstrates the importance of Joseph in the lineage of Jesus. While Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus, he takes Jesus as an adopted child, so that he can engraft him into his family tree (227). Joseph gives the child a name hence publicly d...
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