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Sustainability, Community Engagement, and Diversity at Salesforce Inc.

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Sustainability Project: Sustainability, Community Engagement, and Diversity & Inclusion Review
SALESFORCE.COM San Francisco, Calif.

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Salesforce Inc.
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Salesforce Inc. is a cloud-based software company located in San Francisco, California. The company provides customer relationship management (CRM) services. Additionally, the company also provides a supporting suite of enterprise applications focused on customer service, marketing automation, application development, and analytics. The company was founded by Marc Benioff, Frank Dominguez, Parker Harris, and Dave Moellenhoff on February 3, 1999, as a software as a service company. Salesforce has around 49000 employees. In 2020, the company was ranked at number six out of 100 best companies to work for by Fortune magazine. This paper takes a look into the company's sustainability, community engagement, and diversity.
At Salesforce, the environment is considered among the major stakeholders. The company is committed to exploiting its innovation culture to improve the world's state (Salesforce, 2019a). For the company, sustainability-environmental, economic, and social-entails use power from people, technology, and resources for good throughout the company's business and in communities in all parts of the world. The company leverages its products and people's power into minimizing the impact they have on the environment (Salesforce, 2020a). Salesforce boasts of net-zero emissions for its global operations and provides its customers with a carbon-neutral cloud.
In business, sustainability is something whose responsibility is shared by everyone involved and is an ongoing journey. Hence, it is essential to include sustainability efforts in every aspect of corporate operations (Salesforce, 2020a). One requirement is minimizing carbon footprints by updating data center performance and platform design by using Salesforce's multi-tenant architecture. Salesforce is targeting eco-friendly operations in all its facilities. Salesforce is steadily committed to increasing the amount of renewable energy used in all its operations on the data centers (Salesforce, 2019a). The goal is to eventually a system that is fully powered by renewable energy. In efforts to track and control emissions, the company has recently acquired an internal tool to help in these efforts. In all the company's premises, they pursue green building certification where applicable and green office initiatives. This is also leveraging the company's technology, staff, and resources to help in environmental causes globally (Salesforce, 2019a).
Community Engagement
According to Salesforce, a collaboration among funders, staff, volunteers, members, and other supporters is key to creating an alignment and accelerating its mission. For instance, Salesforce for Nonprofits provides a secure environment to build communities of interest, action, and purpose. The entire ecosystem can work as one to drive social change (Salesforce, 2019b). Despite the company being estimated at over $140 billion in valuation, the amount is not entirely from its software innovation delivered through the cloud. The company's valuation is also dependent on the community of nearly 2 million supporting members it has created. The community supports each other, prod...
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