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JIT Based Quality management Business & Marketing Essay

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JIT Based Quality management is combination of inventory control, quality control and production management functions that makes sincere efforts for quality improvement in two ways.
First, it concentrates on philosophical aspect of quality improvement by making the quality everyone’s responsibility, and then focused on effective implementation of quality control techniques.
It recognized that most valuable resources of an organization are its workers, and workers work best when they are motivated, valued, encouraged to contribute, and allowed to make their own decisions. Under this approach, Workers inspect the product quality after each successive operation. They are trained along with managers in preparation and interpretation of process control charts.
Managers motivate the workers to think quality first and production rate second. The workers have authority to halt the production line or cell, if quality problems are uncovered. Thus, this concept not only gives the quality responsibility to workers but also matches that responsibility with authority to share the quality control functions so that quality problems can be uncovered and solved quickly.
Also, JIT production system demands to buy parts in small lots. Small lots require less space and time. Less space and time require less people and facilities to complete the same job. Besides, small lots are easy to inspect, and defects can be immediately detected.
Thus, the parts that are purchased steadily in small lot sizes with frequent deliveries contribute to higher quality and productivity through lower levels of inventory and scrap, lower inspection costs for incoming parts, and early detection of defects (Calderone, 2017).
In short, JIT based approaches has the potential to improve the product quality and productivity to a significant level but organizations must adopt its principles in ways that meet their own organizational structure, design and processes.
Calderone, L. (2017, June 1). The benefits of Just-in-Time inventory. Retrieved from https://www(dot)manufacturingtomorrow(dot)com/article/2017/05/the-benefits-of-just-in-time-inventory/9734/

Essay Sample Content Preview:
JIT Based Quality Management
The Just in Time (JIT) philosophy postulates that it is only necessary to focus on production at the right time and quantity, and this is consistent with continuous quality improvement. Where possible the cause of all problems and inefficiencies helps to improve operations and quality (Netland, 2016). There is imperative to focus on the efficiency of the processes and the reduction of costs including addressing fundamental problems, while eliminating wastage and seeking for simplicity (Bamford et al., 2015). Eliminating waste relates to removing the processes that do not add value and this is undertaken together with effective management to achieve an organization’s objectives.
Motivating workers is an important aspect of JIT, which helps to improve productivity and address quality problems, and spirally, when there is decision making at the right time. Cross-training the workers is also beneficial as they acquire various acquire multiple skills and are competent in several positions. Thus, when JIT is implemented there should be focus on long-term advantages where the workers are better placed to improve outcomes in the workplace and make the organization more competitive. Knowledge of deviations helps to deal with the defects and implementation of total quality management (Caputo, Pelagagge & Salini, 2015).
Total quality will lead to advantages whereby purchasing small parts makes it easier to plan and detect defects. The ability to manage processes efficiently and effectively is necessary to maintain high level of performance. It is possible to achieve higher quality and productivity when purchasing small parts as it is possible to monitor performance improvements in a timely manner and reduce costs (Calderone, 2017). . The JIT technique is a helpful tool for different types of organizations to cont...
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