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African, Native American, and Oceanic Cultures. Arts Essay

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This course focused on how African, Native American and Oceanic cultures deploy the body in divergent spaces, either in African royal arts (the royal and regal body), Native American relationship to landscape (the body in sacred space), The malleability of the body in ritual (Northwest Coast Transformation masks) ,and spectacular body adornment as a form of cultural practice in Oceania.

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African, Native American, and Oceanic Cultures
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It is safe to say that culture is what distinguishes a person or a group of people from the others. It brings many changes to our lives and is respected and valued in plenty of ways. For example, if you belong to Africa, you will follow the traditions and rules and regulations maintained by your community. You will not speak another language and may not give utmost importance to the culture or traditions of another group. The same is the condition of the American and Oceanic cultures. People belonging to different religions and cultures tend to live their lives according to their terms and celebrate their festivals every year (Smethurst, 2001).
Culture is one of those few things that impact our lives, influence the way we look at others and brings some positive or negative changes in the entire society. Every individual attempts to follow in the footsteps of his forefathers and wants to maintain his cultural identity throughout his life. From the food we eat to the dresses we wear to the areas we live in, cultures and traditions are always taken care of, and it looks like life is redundant and useless without them. For some people, the culture is far more important than their own lives, and for the others, it helps them step toward a prosperous and successful tomorrow (Smethurst, 2001).
In this paper, we will describe how the African, American and Oceanic cultures have deployed the body in different spaces, and how they are different from one another. It should be noticed that all of these cultures have some similarities and differences and that the way they are followed is also different. For instance, something which is appreciated in the African culture is likely to be ignored in the American or Oceanic culture. Despite the belief that cultures allow individuals to live harmoniously, they set them apart and impose some restrictions on their followers and believers (Smethurst, 2001).
The African Culture
The African culture and tradition are expressed through numerous forms of arts such as sculpture, dance, beadwork, and music. In general, singing, poetry, and music are considered a must part of the African culture and different dance competitions are held across the country. During these dance performances, the participants wear specific masks, vibrant outfits, and move their bodies in a way that is both unique and impressive. Similarly, traditional African masks are used during religious festivals, functions, parties and wedding ceremonies (Butler, 2017, p. 717). According to Robert James Butler, the designs, colors, and styles of these masks have been inspired by the African royal arts and are liked by all natives. Special masks and costumes are designed to purify the African community and used to offer prayers throughout the year. They are said to represent the spirit of locals. Similarly, the half-body costumes designed for African females are said to deliver the message of peace, harmony, and brotherhood. Not only African females but also males of this land remain concerned about the style and size of their traditional costumes (Butler, 2017).
The broadcasting of their videos and images, as well as their body perform...
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