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Strategy Content – Evaluating Samsung’s Crossing the Chasm (CTC) Strategy

Coursework Instructions:

Textbook: Hill, C. W., & Schilling, M. A. (2019). Strategic management: An integrated approach. Theory & cases (13th ed.).
Assignment 2: Strategy Content
In this assignment you are required to critically reflect on the strategic choices of an existing organization.
To start, choose a newspaper article that discusses a strategic action by an organization. Chapters 4–10 of your textbook describe the many kinds of strategic actions organizations can take (e.g., entering a foreign market, divesting a business, horizontal consolidation, etc.).
The newspaper article must be current and published after May 1, 2024
Critically reflect on the appropriateness of the strategic action described in your newspaper article. The arguments you use in this critical reflection should be based on analyses you conduct using the tools from this course. This means that the newspaper article is only a starting point for the assignment; you are expected to research and apply information learned about the organization and its environment from additional sources. In reflecting on the appropriateness of the strategic action, keep in mind the interrelatedness of the strategy content and context. They key to a good analysis is to critically assess the strategic action taken. Just because an organization made a particular strategic choice does not mean that it is the right or the optimal choice. So, make sure you critically assess the strategic action, taking into account potential alternatives.
Note: Include the article as an exhibit accompanying the assignment.
References: All sources must be acknowledged in the reference list and cited in the report, as applicable. Please use APA Style (7th ed.).
Organization: Organize your assignment into the sections that apply to this assignment, as outlined below:
• Executive Summary
• Organization Overview
• External Analysis
• Internal Analysis
• Strategic Action Reflection
Hill, C. W., & Schilling, M. A. (2019). Strategic management: An integrated approach. Theory & cases (13th ed.).
Sections Assignment 2
Executive Summary 5%
Organization(s) Overview 5%
External Analysis 25%
Internal Analysis 20%
Strategic Action Reflection 35%
Strategy Proposal N/A
Strategy Implementation N/A
Presentation 10%

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 2: Strategy Content – Evaluating Samsung’s Crossing the Chasm (CTC) Strategy
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Executive Summary
Samsung is a leading smartphone brand worldwide with solid brand loyalty and customer retention rate. A recent news article highlighted Samsung’s ‘Crossing the Chasm (CTC)’ strategy by expanding folding smartphone segments to compete with existing players. The article discussed that emerging Chinese brands like Huawei, Lenovo, Oppo, and Honor threaten Samsung. Chinese brands also introduced similar product designs at competitive prices. However, Samsung pioneers product design by capturing innovators and early adopters. The CTC strategy made Samsung a value brand with the potential to win smartphone warfare with Apple in the global marketplace. Samsung developed the CTC strategy by leveraging its Blue Ocean strategy and focused differentiation. The strategy reflection found that Samsung’s CTC strategy effectively empowers the brand’s reputation by offering value innovation to customers.
Organization Overview
Recently, Samsung Electronics (Samsung) launched two new smartphones to expand its flagship Galaxy series. The new models expanded the folding smartphone segment pioneered by Samsung. The company confirmed that the new models, ‘Galaxy Z Flip 5’ and ‘Galaxy Fold 5,’ would reduce emerging competition from tech giants like Apple Inc. (Apple) and other Chinese manufacturers. The news article further confirmed that the folding smartphone series is Samsung’s ‘Crossing the Chasm (CTC)’ strategy to fend off Chinese manufacturers penetrating a similar segment (Browne, 2023). Samsung exercised CTC through its folding smartphones, which Apple implemented earlier in FY2007 to disrupt the smartphone industry. Exhibit 1 contains the e-news published by The Guardian to share a complete report about the CTC strategy adopted by Samsung by introducing the folding smartphone segment.
Samsung is a Korean-originated brand that manufactures consumer electronics for the global market. Found in 1969, Samsung ranks in 14th position in the Forbes list of ‘Global 2000.’ Samsung specializes in manufacturing television, smartphones, wearable devices, digital appliances, network systems, and other product segments to dominate business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) divisions (Forbes, 2023). Samsung generated global revenue of $244 billion, having a significant contribution from the smartphone division. Samsung has been a global leader in the smartphone division since the first quarter of FY2023. The company acquired a market share of 22.5% and surpassed Apple, particularly after launching the folding smartphone series (Laricchia, 2023). Samsung is the main competitor of Apple. The two brands acquired over 50% market share of the global smartphone industry and initiated an infamous brand war. This research will reflect on Samsung’s choice and feasibility for CTC to retain its global market leadership in the smartphone division.
External Analysis
The external analysis examines the fundamental influen...
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