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Children Video Observations. Education Coursework.

Coursework Instructions:

NAEYC Standard 1c and NAEYC Standard 5
Step #1: View the 5 different Youtube links provided below and pick 4 of them to examine.
Video 1: Kids Playing at Park: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=fAG0ZyS1Xp8
Video 2: Toddler Video Outdoor: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=-NKJE2aJvu4
Video 3: Toddler Observation: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=7nQxWCn_dBg
Video 4: Focused Observations Chapter 4 Video: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=fdZJiWnxhg0
Video 5: Anecdotal Record - Levi 18 months completing a puzzle: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=42AfHO9F9Eg
Step #2 Now as you watch and rewatch the 4 videos complete and fill out the two templates in the word documents:
The First template is the Observation Assignment Development Examples Chart which you will use as you look at the development of the children.
The Second template is the Observation Assignment DAP Teaching Strategies Examples Chart which you will use to see what strategies the adults are using.
Step #3: Put the two charts you just completed in your paper after the reference page and title them Appendix A for the template the Observation Assignment Development Examples Chart and Appendix B for the Observation Assignment DAP Teaching Strategies Examples Chart.
Step #4: Next, write a two-page paper addressing these specific ideas (these ideas will comprise the Body of your paper):
* Using NAEYC Standard 1c: Using Developmental Knowledge to Create Healthy, Respectful, Supportive, and Challenging Learning Environments for Young Children; discuss how the environments in the videos supported the children’s development in the different domains.
* Using NAEYC Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum; discuss how the adults in the videos supported the children’s development in the different domains.
* Finally, discuss the benefits of using video (technology) in assessment of children’s development.
Step #5 Remeber to use APA formatting and include:
Title Page
Reference Page
Step #6: A minimum of 2 references and 3 citations are REQUIRED
Step #7: Here is the link for NAEYC Standards for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs
Step #8: For the Youtube videos that you choose please refer to the example of how to reference a video in APA format noted below:
Author, A. A. (Date posted). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)url(dot)com
Ellton, L. (2012, April 27). Nolan walking [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=89dZ4NPPYOdk
Paper Guidelines:
* Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.
* Use APA Formatting:
* Must be at least 2 pages.
*Fill out the the two templates charts and put them as Appendix A and Appendix B at the end of your paper.
Notes to the writer:
* I uploaded the two templates the Assignment Development Examples Chart and the Observation Assignment DAP Teaching Strategies Examples Chart as microsoft word document files.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Childhood Video Observations
Institutional Affiliation
Childhood Video Observations
Factors Promoting Children’s Development
Appropriate environments that promote child development guarantee, well-equipped learners, from a cognitive, physical, socio-emotional, and general learning perspective. This assertion applies to various environments that have been documented in these videos. First and foremost, the place has several children playing and working together implying that they can develop crucial social skills. Studies indicate that such interactions influence the child's expressive language abilities and vocabulary positively. Therefore, those with better language capabilities are bound to impact others.
Moreover, these places allow for the child’s cognitive development. Researchers have classified a child’s mind as insightful, active, and competent. These videos show environments where the children can engage in stuff that enhances their intuitive analysis, for instance in language and mathematical stuff using figures and different shapes available. They can relate to statistical regularities that are evident in speech sounds and onwards, they can construct languages effectively. The implicit theories they develop in explaining people’s behaviors and actions of objects form the foundation for casual learning. The physical component of the entire process can never be abandoned. All of the videos have much equipment to play with implying that the children’s physical aspect, which is vital to better health, is taken into account.
Adults’ Involvement in Supporting Children’s Development
On the other hand, the presence of adults in these activities is quite important in this process in that they provide instructional support. Infants and toddlers are oblivious, in regards to content, of what they should ingrain in their behavior. They are responsive to every other person’s actions and words to the extent. This aspect is considered as necessary in culturally transmitted knowledge. Children are responsive to adults’ cues on their communicative intent and thus, endear to align with what they want to teach them. This analogy is referred to as natural pedagogy and different pedagogical guides will define the learned lessons and more so, in the manner they become astute. Adults in the session will provide kids with reliable information rather than become responsive to an unnecessary one.
Besides, adults will ensure that the resources thereof are available in plenty and varied. It is necessary to prevent any conflicts among the kids when it comes to the items they have to use as it will provoke chaos. Although chaos would form another part that would be crucial to observing behavior, children would be drawn to negative behavior, which is not the goal.
Benefits of Using Technology
Technology comes in handy when it comes to assessing students’ performances. Using videos guarantees that the teacher can receive authentic feedback from children who are oblivious to a camera that is positioned somewhere. Usually, human beings alter their original behavior when they realize that they are being watched. Such a system alleviates this drawback. Regardless, t...
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