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Worldview Globalcom Product and the Components of Cost, Schedule, and Performance

Coursework Instructions:

Review the Scenario (unit 1 intro) and the addenda items detailed below. ODHS selected the Worldview Globalcom product for implementation in the E-mail Upgrade Project.
The project was accomplished in 14,960 hours versus the planned 12,000 hours, at a total cost of 1.56M versus the planned 1.25M over a ten month (versus nine month planned) schedule.
The Worldview vendor team had five key deliverables in the project, one of which was delivered 30 days late and another 10 days early.
The Ohio Department of Corrections, as a result of watching this effort, is deploying the Globalcom product for their organization.
Users report that they are very happy with the new e-mail system.
Mahoning County’s infrastructure was too old to support the new e-mail system; they are being migrated next month as a separate project.
The Worldview contract was completed within established cost.
The Globalcom product’s spam filter requires a different network configuration than is currently in place for the network.
The project team suffered from a 20% turnover rate during the life of this project, and exit interviews reveal salary was the overall cause.
Develop a Lessons Learned document for the Worldview project with these specific action items:
Write three project success criteria that would have been included in the charter—you may use or reference the project objectives you wrote in Unit One. Explain your criteria.
Using the addenda items detailed above in addition to information you creatively develop, write your lessons learned based on the criteria and the three components of cost, schedule, and performance (you may use these as individual sections of your paper). Note, not all the addenda items may even be pertinent.
Answer the following in a summarizing, final page:
Was the project a success? Why or why not?
If not, were portions of the project a success, and what was the impact of those success areas on the overall determination of project success?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Criteria for Worldview Project and Lessons Learned
Criteria for Worldview Project and Lessons Learned
Project Success Criteria
The project success criteria are considered the essential factors that determine whether the project was completed efficiently and effectively (Kerzner, 2022). In this case, the project aimed at upgrading the organization's e-mail system with the project budget set at $1.25 million and the timeline at nine months. Consequently, the project criteria are dependent on these aspects of time, cost and overall performance of the system.
Criteria #1: Complete the project within the planned schedule of 9 months and budget of $1.25 million
The project should be completed within the specified timeframe of 9 months as set out in the schedule. Further, the project should be completed at a total cost of $1.25 million as set out in the budget. This is essential because it will ensure that the project provides value for money without incurring additional costs due to delays or unplanned expenditures.
Criteria #2: Seamless integration with the existing network infrastructure
The new e-mail system should be able to seamlessly integrate with the existing network infrastructure in all areas across the state. This will ensure that all users are able to access and use the system without significant disruptions that could affect the operations of the organization, even in areas with problematic networks. The new system should be able to consider existing protocols, devices and servers currently in use to prevent downtimes.
Criteria #3: Improved user satisfaction with the new e-mail system
The new e-mail system should provide a superior user experience compared to the previous one. The upgraded system should provide ease of use, better functionality and reliability for the operations of the organization. This will ensure improved user satisfaction rates that will show the benefits of the system hence indicating successful project delivery.
Lessons Learned
The E-mail Upgrade Project was successfully completed by the Worldview vendor team, who were selected by the ODHS to implement the program. The notable aspects of the project delivery are highlighted below:
The proje...
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