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Case Study
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Best Buy Co. Inc.’s Situation, PESTLE, and SWOT Analysis

Case Study Instructions:

This assignment utilizes a case depicting a real-life situation of which you will conduct a detailed case analysis. This will involve reading the provided case, researching the company, identifying a problem/challenge, and compiling three to five potential alternatives that could solve the problem. Finally, you will conduct additional research in order to determine which of the alternatives you will recommend—include your rationale and supporting research.
First, read the case study: “Best Buy Co., Inc.,”. You will use the Case Analysis Template to complete this assignment.
It is expected that a minimum of three managerial tools be used including (but not exclusively) political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal (PESTEL), strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), Porter’s Five Forces, balanced scorecard, gap analysis, root cause analysis, and/or McKinsey 7-S Model.
In order to successfully complete this case study, you need to review the video and Task Learning Guides (TLGs) located below. This will provide you with the skills to research companies using scholarly research (Google search) and how to research industries/competitors. This is the basis for your external analysis and identification of the problem within the company. This will also provide supporting research within your recommendations.
-Company and Industry Research
- Transcript for Company and Industry Research
-How to Find Company Information in the Business Source Ultimate Database (TLG)
-How to Search for Articles with a Company Focus (TLG)
Your completed case study must be at least five pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. Utilization of the provided template will guide you through the case analysis’ process.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Unit [Insert Unit Number] Best Buy Co. Inc.’s Case Analysis
Author’s Name
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Professor’s Name
Unit [Insert Unit Number] Best Buy Co. Inc.’s Case Analysis
The case study “The Consumer-Electronics Retail industry” shows the transition of the consumer-electronics industry since the end of the Second World War. The improved economic conditions and technological advancements in the mid and late 1990s contributed to the rise of significant superstores, such as Circuit City and Best Buy Co. Inc. Despite the ups and downs of the consumer-electronics industry, Best Buy Co. Inc. has expanded continually through acquisitions and the diversification of its products and services. After Hubert Joly became Best Buy’s chief executive officer (CEO) in 2012, the company’s value rose by more than 200% in 2017 (“The Consumer-Electronics Retail Industry,” n.d.). The paper focuses on Best Buy’s competitive pressures since its formation and identifies what the company can do to overcome the problem.
Organizational Background
Best Buy Co. Inc. operates in the consumer-electronics industry. Richard Schulze and his business partner established the Sound of Music in 1966. The company was renamed Best Buy Co. Inc. in 1983. Best Buy Co. Inc. started by providing consumer electronics, such as televisions, to first-time homeowners at discounted prices after the Second World War. Today, the enterprise has expanded its products and services portfolio, and it offers home theaters, smart televisions, smartphones, audio devices, car electronics, cameras, drones, camcorders, baby care commodities, appliances, computers, tablets, musical instruments, video games, office and home furniture, toys, and wearable technology (Best Buy Co. Inc., 2022). Besides, Best Buy Co. Inc. is a renowned multinational company.
Situation Analysis
Since Best Buy Co. Inc. was formed, it has faced competitive pressures from other companies, such as Circuit City, Highland Superstores Inc.,,, Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, Target, Alibaba, and Walmart. Some of these competitors pose significant challenges to Best Buy Co. Inc. even today. They are large organizations that provide similar products and services to those offered by Best Buy Co. Inc. The most significant problem is that some online retailers, such as, reach their customers over the Internet as opposed to Best Buy Co. Inc., which remains predominantly a bricks-and-motor store. In particular, its online sales comprise only 17% of its total revenues (“The Consumer-Electronics Retail Industry,” n.d.). For Best Buy Co. Inc. to continue growing and expanding, it should develop an effective strategy to gain competitive advantages.
The four primary competitors of Best Buy Co. Inc. are, Target, Walmart, and Alibaba. Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the United States of America (USA), which generated about $524.4 billion in annual revenue in 2020. is a global organization that provides a broad range of consumer electronics and delivers approximately $386.064 billion in annual revenue in the same period ...
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