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Case Study
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Disparity In The Criminal Justice System

Case Study Instructions:

Select a recent newspaper article written in a major Canadian or American newspaper that looks at an issue in youth justice. Be sure to select an article that is available online. The article should discuss a recent youth justice court case or criminal incident that has garnered media attention. You are not limited to a particular type of article; however, you must be able to draw from it some of the broader debates we find within youth justice. 
Ideas may include issues about sentencing, diversion, or crimes rates.
A traditional essay format is required for this assignment. You must include an introduction and thesis statement (main argument), a body, and a conclusion. 

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Disparity In The Criminal Justice System
Charting the Shocking Rise of Racial Disparity in Our Criminal Justice System
The police, the courts and corrections are the three components that form the criminal justice in the United States. These components follow each other. The purpose of the criminal justice system is to take law violators and giving them reasonable punishment for their actions. The system is meant to ensure that justice is ensued by providing punishment as a consequence of crimes committed. Not only does the system punish law offenders, but it also has the mandate of protecting the innocent as well as providing justice to offenders because they also have rights that should be observed.
Justice refers to the fairness or the principle of moral equity (Ingraham, 2015). Law and crime are intertwined such that the two will always go hand in hand no matter how one looks at it. This means that when crime has been committed, there is a 100% chance that a violation of law took place. It is disappointing that so many youths are involved with crime in the United States. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report dated September, 29. 2013, 2,267,800 adults were in the American state and federal prisons, and county jails at the end of 2010 which translates to 0.7% of the American adults total population. This is without the 4, 944,670 adults who were or probation or parole. In total 7,330,800 adults (3.1%) were under correctional provision that year. This figure translates to 25% of all the prisoners around the world. United States has the highest prison population rate in the world that constitutes 756 per 100, 000 of the total population (The Criminal Justice System, 2014).
It is disappointing that few number of people are doing something to change this worrying phenomenon. There are many people behind bars in America than any other country in the world. With 5% of the world population the country has 25% of the criminals behind bars in the world (The Criminal Justice System, 2014). Like many other arenas in the United States, the country has an exception criminal justice system that has incarcerated its population than any other industrious country in the world. Center for Economic and Policy Research (CERP) analysis of International Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS) data puts U.S. first in the Incarceration Rates among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Countries
(The Criminal Justice System, 2014).
United States has continued to experience increase in the rate of U.S population which is behind bars since the 1970s. Many scholars as my respondent noted used such terms as exceptional, mass incarceration or "The New Jim Crow", to describe the extreme way in which the country tries to control crime in America (Ingraham, 2015). Not only has the country extended the number of people convicted and incarnated but also there has been a significant extension of other ways of controlling this population. This other involves innovations of other tools and mechanisms to put the people under surveillance or keep them connected to the criminal justice system (Ingraham, 2015). For example, there has been an increase of accountability courts such as dru...
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