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Book Review
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Summarize some of the key points of the article. Book Review

Book Review Instructions:

My English test composition next week will be written through this article, but the teacher did not tell us that the title is embarrassing. So I hope that you can help me summarize some of the key points of the article and give me some important examples or ideas mentioned by the author in my thesis. Thank you.

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Book Review
The concept of race is relatively recent in human history. As stated by Philips, Odunlami, & Bonham (2007), the classification of individuals was formerly attached to a biological basis. ‘The End of Race: Hawaii and the Mixing of Peoples’ book further explains the possibility of the end of race in our society because of the intermarriages. Every individual in the world originates from a certain race. Black and White people form the two main races whereas other races include Native Hawaiian, Hispanic, Asian and American Indian (Olson, 2003). However, as humans interact, they interbreed leading to the mixing of races. Hawaii has proven to be an important location for the study of intermarriage. As Olson states “Hawaii's high rates of intermarriage have fascinated academics for decades” (2003, p. 300). Intermarriages in Hawaii began after the Europeans explored the region. The exploration led to the clash of cultures. However, Olson explains that the intermarriage was as a result of peace offerings and not cultural differences. Hawaii can be considered as a single example. Intermarriage is a cumulative process which means that in case an individual is born of mixed ancestry, then their descendants will also be mixed. As humans continue to intermarry, the number of individuals of pure races continues to decrease. Olson (2003) also notes that the number of people who will can themselves pure white (haole in Hawaii) or pure Hawaiian, or pure Japanese, will gradually decline. Resultantly, the end of races will become a reality. However, ways of living and cultural differences continue to strive.
Olson’s argument can be considered on various stances. First, there has been an increase in intermarriages. In the U.S, the number of intermarriages has increased from approximately 51,000 to 395,000 between 1960 and 2002 (U.S Census Bureau, 2011a; U.S Census Bureau, 2011b). Theoretical explanations for the increase in intermarriages indicate that there has been a change in marital preferences such as greater racial tolerance, growing structural occasions to intermarry, and the breakdown of third party constrains (Qian, & Litcher, 2011). In 2010, approximately 15 percent of all new marriages in the America were amongst partners of different ethnicity or races (Pew, 2012). The observation came after a report by the Pew foundation which showed that 83 percent of the American public agreed to whites and blacks dating each other (Taylor et al., 2010). Indeed, many Americans have changed their perception on intermarriage as compared to a previous survey that was carried out in 1987 where only 48 percent of Americans agreed to blacks and whites dating (Taylor et al., 2010).
On the other hand, another stance would be that humans are of one race therefore, race cannot end. Also, humans are all related, and race cannot cease to exist (Bell, 2013; Templeton, 2013). Humans are also believed to have originated from the continent of Africa and then spread across the entire earth after the great migration (Tattersall, 2009). The migration can be as a result of the climatic shifts that occurred during that period. The fact could disprove ...
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