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15 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Relevance to nursing practice and case study

Article Critique Instructions:

Critical appraisal and research report of a Randomised Controlled Trial

This assessment task requires you to critically appraise an article, analyse the application of evidence- based practice principles within a selected nursing practice scenario and discuss the implications for nursing practice.

Read though the following article and:

1. Identify the PICO for this study.

2. Use the this checklist provided to critique this study.  Each section must use academic writing, language skills and correct referencing. (Word limit 2000) Use of headings from the tool will be necessary. Refer to Page 69 In your text by Polit & Beck.

Case Study: A new doctor has started working in the surgical unit you are working in. She wants to commence using a new dressing which she says reduces wound infection rates. The wound dressing is expensive and there is resistance from other staff about using this dressing. You are asked to obtain and use this dressing in the unit. 

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

Critical appraisal
The models of critiquing should focus on various aspects of nursing practice but more applicable for a specific case like wound care (Pearson et al., 2005). In order to improve wound healing it is necessary to improve the wound environment, as bacteria delay healing by competing with host cells (Fong & Wood, 2006). According to the ISI Journal Citation reports ranking in 2012, the Wound Repair and Regeneration Journal was ranked11/59 in dermatology, 28/199 (surgery,) 109/185, (cell biology) and 50/ 121 (Medicine Research & Experimental) (Hebda, 2014)
Miler et al (2010) focus on the differences between cadexomer iodine and nanocrystalline silver on the healing of leg ulcers. Leg ulcers have a more devastating impact than most wounds, with bacterial colonization likely to lead to infection. The authors are based in Australia including , Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Vic., Australia, School of Nursing, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., Australia, Royal District Nursing Service Helen Macpherson Smith Institute of Community Health, St. Kilda, Vic., Australia and Silver Chain Nursing Association.
Background/ aims
Similar to wounds, leg ulcers are treated using moist wound dressings and multilayer compression therapy. However, there is a risk that bacteria colonization will affect the ulcers as bacterial burden needs to be well managed to deal with delayed healing. The typical nursing practice is to use primary dressings with antimicrobial properties when wounds and leg ulcers have been identified as colonized (Miler, 2010). Nonetheless, there is still no consensus on the best way through which antimicrobial preparations can be used to reduce wound infection. Evidence-based medicine can allow health care practitioners to use limited resources efficiently while also improving wound care (Al-Benna, 2010). Hence, there is a need to highlight on the performance of various dressing techniques and impact on overall healing rate.
Both silver and cadexomer iodine primary dressings have anti microbial properties typically used in treatment of critically colonized legs. Nanocrystalline silver dressings have the potential to act as barriers to bacteria like the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (Strohal et al., 2005) Even though, the two techniques have been accepted for there effectiveness, few studies focus on comparing the results of the two techniques. Hence, the article delves into evidence comparing results between the two as well as giving a summary on the techniques. The authors highlight that there are few systematic reviews on effectiveness of silver dressings in leg ulcer management. Thus, there is a need to focus on the randomized clinical trial that touches on the effect of silver on wounds.
The research relied on a RCT design c...
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