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Research Paper
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Efficiency to Use Laptops in Class

Research Paper Instructions:

Please provide a literature review and background information for the following question:
Do college students find it efficient to use laptops or notebooks to write notes?
- Do not need to answer the question
- Only provide background information and literature review
- Only complete the literature review section
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Literature Review: Efficiency to Use Laptops in Class
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Literature Review: Efficiency to Use Laptops in Class
The education system has been transformed significantly in the current perversive era of technology. The learning process has become more engaging and productive since students can use electronic gadgets such as laptops, notepads, and mobile phones. Most students do not use the traditional forms of learning, such as taking notes on notebooks. It is easier and effective to write and store notes on a laptop than a notebook. This research paper aims to determine the difference between traditional learning methods in the class, such as notebooks and laptops, in terms of efficiency.
In most learning institutions, students have revolutionized the modes of studying by the use of laptops as compared to notebooks. For example, according to research conducted by CTools company, at least 50% of students in learning colleges and universities use laptops to write notes (Purao, 2014). The use of laptops is an innovative technique to make learning productive. Notably, most learning institutions use laptops to leverage the mode of learning in classes. There has been an extensive debate on whether students should use laptops to take notes in classes (Artz et al., 2017). Some people debate that use of laptops in classes does distract student and teacher engagement.
However, that is just a critic because technology has transformed the mode of learning. It is practical to use technology to facilitate easy and productive learning. For example, most students feel laptops provide a better platform to store notes for the longest time. In most cases, taking notes in notebooks has a lot of negative consequences. For example, the notes can get lost, but it is hard to get lost with a laptop since they are stored on a hard drive. The medium of learning should not be complex, especially when taking notes (Osterbur, Hammer, & Hammer, 2015). Furthermore, the impact of using laptops in class or using notebooks to write notes should be addressed after considering several factors.
Firstly, what is the significance of using laptops in class? How do laptops impact the learning process? Regardless of which medium has been used to take or store notes, the most important thing is the ability to restudy them. Some students can prefer to write down their notes on notebooks but fail to restudy them. Secondly, what is the best medium of taking notes? The medium of taking notes should be fast and efficient. Between the two mediums (Laptops and notebooks), the most efficient form of taking notes should be applied in the class (Artz et al., 2017). There should be freedom to choose what works best for every student in the class. Most learners prefer laptops because they feel that is th...
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