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Visual & Performing Arts
Research Paper
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VISC 1002: Global Visual and Material Culture 1800-Present

Research Paper Instructions:

you have to find an artwork which is shows in AGO[one of Toronto famous museum ].


VISC 1002: Global Visual and Material Culture 1800-Present
Dr. Hyla Robicsek – Winter 2020
Research Essay (20%)
Due at the start of class on Wednesday, March 11, 11:50 am
From 1800 CE to the present era the geographic regions we’ve discussed experienced revolutions of all sorts. Artists created objects in the context of some of the most dramatic and cataclysmic historical events: the rise and fall of dictatorships, industrialization, urbanization, economic upheaval, and world wars. Governments were re-formed and maps redrawn; women’s and civil rights movements drove social change. The effects of these events continue to reverberate in our present era.The objective of this assignment is to construct and complete a research paper on a specific work of art or design of your choosing that relates to the overarching theme of REVOLT. You are to select an object in response to one of the four questions below, each of which highlights a particular facet of how objects have revolted against, resisted or challenged the status quo throughout history.
You are to analyze your object through careful historical research and first-hand observation. Ground your research in direct and specific reference to the object itself. In other words, how do the object’s formal properties (i.e., composition, line, colour, shape, dimension, etc.) drive the work’s meaning? The finished paper will provide a rich, well-researched, and thoughtful discussion of your object.
Question 1
How is revolt made manifest through your selected object, and why might it be important to the particular culture in which it was made?
Question 2
How does the technique, process or material(s) used in the object challenge the authority or conditions of its historical moment?
Question 3
For what purpose/audience/context was your object originally intended? Why is this an important part of the object’s revolt against the status quo?
Question 4
How does your object compare to mainstream forms of cultural expression from the same period? In what way does your object oppose or legitimate them?
 1) Choose an object in relation to one of the above questions.
Choose an object in the Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Textile Museum of Canada, or the Aga Khan Museum in relation to one of the above questions. Your chosen work must fit the chronological scope of this course (that is, you must select an object from 1800 CE to the present). (You may also consider a building or public artwork.) The object can be part of the museum’s permanent collection or part of a temporary exhibition, but the object MUST BE ON DISPLAY—you must study the work of art in person and not simply online. Keep your admission ticket to submit with your paper.2) Research the historical and/or critical context of your chosen work.
You must use a minimum of three academic sources (i.e. peerreviewed scholarly journal articles, books, or exhibition catalogues). You may consult your textbook, but for the purpose of this essay, it will not count as one of your academic sources. Academic research databases subscribed to by OCAD University such as JSTOR, and others listed on the Dorothy H. Hoover library website, may be used freely to find scholarly articles, such as the Grove Dictionary of Art available through Oxford Art Online. No other websites are allowed. Wikipedia is not an appropriate academic source. If you find information that is helpful but located in a potentially untrustworthy source it is your task to track down a better source. Regardless, you must honestly report or cite any source from which you have borrowed information or ideas, including Wikipedia. Furthermore, you may only consult the museum website to verify the artist’s name, title, medium, dimensions, date and/or place of production of your object, and to find an image of the object to include with your paper. It will not count as one of your three academic sources.
3) Write a research essay. 
Your essay should respond to one of the questions above by situating your chosen work within its historical and cultural context.
1) Your essay must be 5 to 6 pages (about 1250–1500 words) in length. It should be double-spaced, with 1” margins, using a 12pt font in Times New Roman on 8 ½ x 11” pages. Images DO NOT count toward your overall page count and should be included only at the end of your essay. It should be page numbered. Please include your TA’s name as well as your name and student number. Papers that do not adhere to the above format will not be accepted.*You must staple your admission ticket to your paper.
2) Include a clear and assertive thesis statement in the introductory paragraph of your essay. Your thesis statement should establish a clear position or argument and refer explicitly to your selected object while reflecting the question you selected.
3) You must appropriately reference your research sources. Include a bibliography or works cited AND appropriate citations of your secondary sources using either the Chicago Manual of Style (i.e. footnotes) or MLA (in-text parenthetical references). Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s ideas, opinions, writings etc. and representing them as your own. You plagiarize whenever you borrow another scholar’s ideas without paraphrasing or quoting directly from a source and without giving credit through proper citation or acknowledgment. For more information, please see: academic-integrity.htm
4) Include a reproduction or rendering for your object, along with complete information (artist, title, date, medium etc.). Please ask for permission before taking a photograph of any object on display. Students are also free to print an image of the object from the museum website, to submit a postcard of it from the museum gift shop, or to photocopy it from a museum guide or catalogue. The image of your work of art or artifact must be placed on its own page, with a caption, after the body of your essay and before your bibliography (if using the Chicago Manual of Style) or works cited (if using MLA).
The largest part of your mark will be calculated according to the content of your essay, but the organization of your discussion and the style of your writing will also be considered.
While it is YOUR responsibility to check the hours of operation and admission policies of the institution that you plan to visit, here are some useful tips:
Aga Khan Museum
    Free general admission to the public Wednesdays after 4:00pm
    Closed Mondays
Art Gallery of Ontario
    Free for OCAD U students with OCAD U Student ID card
    Free general admission to the public Wednesdays after 6:00pm
    Closed Mondays
Gardiner Museum
    Free on Tuesdays with OCAD U Student ID card
Royal Ontario Museum
    Free on Tuesdays with OCAD U Student ID card
Textile Museum of Canada
    Free for OCAD U students with OCAD U Student ID card
• I selected an art object that is on display in a museum in Toronto
• I studied my object in person and have attached an admission ticket or “selfie” photograph with my essay
• My bibliography includes at least 3 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles, academic/scholarly books, or exhibition catalogues
• I did not include Wikipedia on my bibliography because it is not a trustworthy source
• I developed a research paper about my object (not the artist or the artist’s culture/period) that presents an argument based on the theme of power and that answers one of the three questions provided
• My paper is 5–6 pp long in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1” margins
• I included my TA’s name as well as my name and student number
• I included an image of my selected object with my essay; I also included information about the artist, title, date, medium, etc.
• My essay includes a clear and direct introduction with a thesis statement
• My essay ends with at least one paragraph that restates the paper’s main idea and significant findings or conclusions
• I use a footnote or endnote with every direct quotation and paraphrase or summary of the books/articles in my research
Research Essay Rubric.docx

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Impressionism: Camille Pissaro’s Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather
A revolution is the factor that accelerate the rate of change in society, whether it is the physical uprising of the masses to change the status quo of society or a psychological warfare (Mokyr, 3). One such revolution is the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution is the rapid production of goods and development of technology (3). During this era, the people are more obsessed on improving production and improving the economic growth of a country but also reduced the wages and working standards of daily life (93).
This created poor living conditions that drives the production mentality with increasing inputs in labor and lower time for leisure, including the lower value of art (Mokyr, 93). Additionally, this era was the age when technology for mass reproduction such as electric motors, steam-powered locomotives and photography was invented (King, 5-6). Art, then, became reproducible and became prone to imitation (Benjamin, 2). This eliminated the unique and innate “aura” of art works during this rapid developing age of mechanical production (4).
During this era, the most prominent form of art is realism that also had strict conformity with regards to its standards in depicting objects, especially depicting the female body and nudity to create arousal of sensuality from the physical form, since these art characteristics are highly praised and mostly profitable (King, 22). In realism, there should be an accurate representation of the people, objects and environment (22). The artist that follow these conventions are more focused on recreating a realistic illustration of the elements rather than abstract (22).
With this limiting standard in both society and art, there was a need for a “revolution” to challenge the conventions of these era and innovate how the world is viewed. The people was turned into hollow servants that serve the bidding of lifeless machinery and conventions of realism art, thus, the artists during the industrial revolution tasked themselves to record the affection of the people and the spirit of the industrial age during using their own artistic voice in reinvigorating the expression of human lives (Art Gallery of Ontario). One painter that recorded the affection of humans during the industrial revolution is Camille Pissarro. Camille Pissarro's painting Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather, 1896, is an eye-catching masterpiece that he painted on 1896, which is a permanent display in the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO).
Thin brush strokes are evident at every corner of the painting, especially on the smoke, the bridge and the river. This reveal the painting technique used by Pissarro: impressionism. Based from the observation of Pissarro’s work, impressionism, then, became a revolutionary art technique that challenged the authority of realism and gave color to the dull living conditions of the industrial revolution.
Since the industrial revolution was the time when people are more focused on improving the rate of production and no time for art appreciation, the importance of Pissarro's painting and the imp...
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