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Repatriation of the "Eight Men Ferrying a Statue of the Buddha"

Research Paper Instructions:

Don't use vocabulary too unfamiliar.
Throughout this course we have read about and experienced how early museum collections have been formed through conquest either by war or by economic forces. Since 1945, with the end of World War II, museums have become places of contested histories. Private individuals who lost their art collections during WWII and newly independent nations have asked for the return of their personal and cultural heritage.

For your final research paper, you are asked to 1) identify and research a work of art that is currently being contested. Your task is to research the artistic significance of the object/objects, which includes a formal analysis. 2) A formal analysis is a form of descriptive writing, which examines the stylistic and technical features of the work as well as any subject matter depicted on the work of art. 3) Additionally, you are asked to research your chosen object/objects' provenance also known as its history of ownership. For some artworks, an extensive history can be easily found, for other’s little is known (this is okay). Once your research into the object’s provenance is complete, you are asked to make a convincing argument for or against the return of your chosen object to its source county. The return of cultural objects or cultural patrimony displaced from their original source countries is referred to as repatriation. Questions to consider include, but are not limited to:
1. Was the object acquired legally? Does this matter?
2. Who has access to the object? Why does access matter?
3. Who benefits, and what kinds of benefits come from having the object returned or in its current home?
4. Will the object’s repatriation allow it to serve its original intended function? Does this matter?
From there you will present both sides of the argument for where the object should reside and conclude with your own informed and research stance.
Formatting Checklist:
o Please be sure to include the following information about the object at the beginning of your paper: title, maker (if known), date, country/region of origin, & accession number.
o Please use 12-point (Times New Roman, Ariel or Calibri fonts) and double-space your paper, using standard (1”) margins. Your paper should be between 10-15 pages long.
o Submit your paper as a Word Document.
o Please write in complete sentences that are free of errors in spelling or grammar.
o Please use the Chicago Style or MLA of citation.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Repatraition of the Eight Men Ferrying a Statue of the Buddha
The 4th and 5th centuries B.C. were indeed a time of great intellectual ferment across the world. That was a time when great minds like Plato and Socrates, Confucius and Laozi ruled the world. It was the period of the Buddha in Asia, after whose death a Buddhism arose that eventually expanded far beyond its borders. The prince who would have been the Buddha, Siddhartha, was conceived into the ruling household of Kapilavastu, a tiny country in the Himalayan foothills. His birth was supernatural, and his birth was extraordinary, and sages foretold that he'd become a worldwide conqueror, either of the material realm or men's hearts. It's the latest conquest that resulted. Siddhartha, who gave up the delights of the palace to discover the ultimate meaning of life, initially chose the road of rigorous asceticism, only to reject it after 6 years as a pointless exercise. He then reclined in yogic contemplation beneath a bodhi tree till enlightenment came to him. He was dubbed the Buddha, or "Enlightened One," from then on. Eight men ferrying a statue of the Buddha is an art that came from the Mogao cave 323 in the Gansu Province. It is currently in the Harvard Art Museums. The art will be the center of discussion on this research regarding how it was acquired, its access, the beneficiaries, and its repatriation. The paper discusses about the repatriation process of the Buddha.
A Description of the Artwork
Stylistic Features
To understand the stylistic features of Chinese Artwork, it is critical to be familiar with the fact that fine art was an important part of Chinese culture. From the art in the discussion, it is clear that the art was painted with brushes which was the common Chinese painting culture. Nevertheless, there are also traces of ash, pigment, and ink in the painting. The painting also seems to have been done from a cave wall background, and the use of caves is associated with many of the ancient Chinese paintings.

Figure 1: Eight Men Ferrying a Statue of the Buddha
Regarding its identification, Eight men ferrying a statue of the Buddha is dated to have been done probably in the 7th Century. It was done on a section of a wall painting probably polychromy, on unfired clay. The dimensions of the painting are irregular and not symmetrical, a height of 50.8 centimeters by the width of 94 centimeters (20 by 37 inches). When framed, the dimensions are a height of 73.7 centimeters, a width of 114.3, and a depth of 3.5 centimeters (29 x 45 x 1 3/8 inches). The art uses black, grey, and brown colors. The background is mostly a mixture of grey and white, resulting from being painted on a caved wall.
The varying dimensions are a clear indication that the mural was done in an unproportionate cave. Caves have walls with variable dimensions, and the surface of walls is not always flat, making the mural very difficult to paint. The greyish color is an s result of it being painted on a cave wall, most of that color.
Technical Features
To understand the technical features of art, Eight men ferrying a statue of the Buddha, the analysis, the surface of the painting should be analyzed. The C...
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