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5 pages/≈1375 words
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Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Convergence of Transportation Congestion and Transportation Security at a U.S. Seaport

Research Paper Instructions:

Instructions: This week (week 1) you will choose your topic and submit your proposed Problem Statement for your research paper as well as an outline.
The Outline will consist of 4-5 pages. The Title Page and Reference Page are not included in the page count. The paper/outline describes your final research project. Each major section within your final project should be covered in this paper. The Project Outline must be in narrative form, and be descriptive enough that explains each element of your project. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged.
Organization should be as follows:
APA cover page
Abstract (1/2- 1 page)
2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement
3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic
4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem
5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem
6. Conclusion
Please discuss topic below and execute thesis statement.
1) The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport.
**Use AMU library for primary sources.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Convergence of Transportation Congestion and Transportation Security at U.S Seaport
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name
Professor’ Name
This research paper attempts to provide some insight into the convergence issues of transportation congestion and transportation security at U.S seaports. Evidence reveals that these issues have been in existence for a long time, and they continue to cost the country billions of dollars. Since the national economy suffers from these issues, it is important to come up with some possible solutions to deal with them. The government has put in numerous mechanisms, such as expanding the roads, but the problem persists. The problems that arise include delayed movement of people and goods. There are also increased cases of insecurity. To deal with these issues effectively, it is important to employ modern technology. One area of technology that can be capitalized on is artificial intelligence. Through this field of technology, self-driving trucks with the ability to work 24 hours a day may be developed. The port may also utilize artificial intelligence to ensure that little or no human intervention is required. There is no doubt that such technological advancements would help to efficiently alleviate some of the problems arising from the convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security.
In the modern world, technological advancements are occurring at an unprecedented rate. The incorporation of these advancements into our lives helps make it easier and more seamless. Despite this observation, some areas of our lives seem to remain the same even with technological advancement. One such area is the problem of traffic at seaports. The issue has persisted for many years, and there seems to be no effective solution. It is high time to utilize the power of technology to deal with these problems. In modern days, machines can be taught to behave like people. Since they are machines, they are likely to do even better jobs since they will not get tired, emotional, or even complain (Rose et al., 2018). There are ways in which this technology can be integrated into the sea and port transport systems to ensure alleviating the problems mentioned above. This paper will focus on identifying the possible ways in which technology can be utilized to come up with solutions to problems related to congestion and security in seaports. Modern technology such as artificial intelligence may offer long-term solutions to the endemic problems of convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security.
Literature Review
Transport congestion at U.S ports is a common phenomenon. The congestion has particularly increased in the last few years. An example of a seaport in the United States that experiences transport congestion is the Los Angeles port. The congestion costs the economy billions of dollars annually due to the time wasted. Due to the convergence, the movement of both people and goods becomes a nightmare. Considering that the population of the United States is constantly rising, the problem of traffic congestion at seaports will continue increasing unless some urgent measures are taken to alleviate the problem. On...
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