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3 pages/≈825 words
4 Sources
Social Sciences
Research Paper
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Abuse of Human Rights and Cruel Treatment of Migrant Workers – 2022 World Cup Tournament Preparation

Research Paper Instructions:

There are five major requirements for the Problem-Solution paper:
Write a problem-solution paper of 750-850 words.
Include a title page, abstract, headers, and page numbers in correct APA format.
Cite at least four different sources in your paper.
Use the following organization for your paper:
Introduce the problem with a hook.
Clearly state the problem in your thesis statement.
Define the problem.
Explain why the problem needs solving.
Detail potential solutions.
Select the "best" solution.
Refute possible objections.
Close with a call to action.
Use current APA style documentation for in-text citations and a separate references list at the end of the paper.
Topic: Abuse of Human rights and cruel treatment of migrant workers during the 2022 World Cup tournament preparation.
Thesis: The awarding of this venue to Qatar should have been rescinded, sanctioned the Organization overseeing the unfair treatment, or at least held the government accountable for human rights violations. FIFA need to set an example that this type of treatment should not be tolerated. A country standard of living needs to be taking into consideration when given the spotlight of this great event. Countries must protect and promote human rights by prohibiting violations by any organization, and offenders should be sanction or force to pay severe fines to the victims.
Scholarly Sources:
March, J., & Wilson, C. (2015). The beautiful game the Qatar World Cup 2022. Neilson Journals publishing. https://erau(dot)primo(dot)exlibrisgroup(dot)com/permalink/01ERAU_INST/q8gtj3/alma99564979630594Links to an external site.
Elias, J., Mobarak, M., & Rosenthal, J. (2020). Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022. Yale School of Management. https://erau(dot)primo(dot)exlibrisgroup(dot)com/permalink/01ERAU_INST/q8gtj3/alma995757718205946Links to an external site.
Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Boesen, M. Q., & Braunstein-Minkove, J. R. (2020). Qatar 2022 World Cup: designing a context-based decision-making approach. Human Kinetics, Inc.https://erau(dot)primo(dot)exlibrisgroup(dot)com/permalink/01ERAU_INST/q8gtj3/alma995683523105946Links to an external site.
The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Sustainability Strategy: Human Rights Governance in the Tripartite Network. (2022). Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4. https://doi(dot)org/10.3389/fspor.2022.809984 Links to an external site.https://erau(dot)primo(dot)exlibrisgroup(dot)com/permalink/01ERAU_INST/19h1c1a/cdi_doaj_primary_oai_doaj_org_article_217c84f47b874d288c5ccf04b67b0c13

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Abuse of Human Rights and Cruel Treatment of Migrant Workers during the 2022 World Cup Tournament Preparation
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Ever since the preparation for World Cup began in Qatar, there have been numerous report of abuse of migrant workers. Examples of these abuse include discrimination of women and the LGBT communities. In addition, immigrants have often complained of poor wages, mistreatment by employees and forced labor. Various reports of unjustified deaths of immigrants have also been received. These events thus call for actions to eradicate these abuse of human rights. Some of the measure that the government of Qatar can put in place to eradicate the issue include formulation of laws to ensure that migrants are paid such as minimum wage standards, Workers Support and Insurance Fund and abolishing the Kafala System that gives employers uncontrolled powers over the migrant workers by giving them the power to take over the visa of the migrants hence limiting the freedom of these individuals. These initiatives will thus reduce these forms of abuse of migrant workers.
Abuse of Human Rights and Cruel Treatment of Migrant Workers during the 2022 World Cup Tournament Preparation
In 2010, Qatar was chosen as the host country for the 2022 Federation International Football Association (FIFA) Men’s World Cup hence becoming the first nation in North Africa and the Middle East to get such as huge role (Elias, 2020). This decision attracted tremendous criticism from the public due to insufficient human rights frameworks to protect migrant workers, especially women and LGBT individuals. What made the criticism more prevalent is the fact that FIFA failed to make Qatar commit to ensuring the protection of human rights, such as labor rights, for the thousands of migrant employees that migrated to help in building the necessary infrastructure for the occasion. Since the preparation of the World Cup bean in the country, there have been numerous unexplained deaths of migrant workers, especially women, as well as many reports of exploitation of women especially (Gomez, 2021). Despite the report, no action has been solicited by FIFA or the government to address such severe occurrences sufficiently. These events have severely infringed on the human rights of these migrant workers and affected their quality of life. Such occasions are uncalled for, especially since it is against human rights (Regueiro, 2020). This paper, therefore, aims to discuss the abuse of human rights and cruel treatment of migrant workers in the World Cup and offer some of the solutions to eradicate the problem.
There have been numerous reports of human rights abuse that migrant workers face each day in Qatar. According to various reports by journalists and depot reports, the Kafala System of Qatar is the primary form of human rights abuse migrant workers have faced (Gomez, 2021). With the Kafala system, migrant workers' visas are tied by their employees. This leaves them dependent on their employers for legal status and residency in the country. As a result, the employers often take advantage of the situation by exerting unchecked power over them hence making the mig...
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