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7 pages/≈1925 words
11 Sources
Research Paper
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Human Resource Policy: Dress Code

Research Paper Instructions:

150 word annotated bibliography per source.
No articles older than 4 years
Subject Matter is as follows:
Dress Code
Technology Use
Code of Conduct

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Human Resource Policy Name Institution Due Date Human Resource Policy Dress code Howlett, Neil & Pine, Karen & Cahill, Natassia & Orakcioglu, Ismail & Fletcher, Ben. (2015). Unbuttoned: The Interaction Between Provocativeness of Female Work Attire and Occupational Status. Sex Roles. Vol. 1, Issue 12, pp. 1-42. 10.1007/s11199-015-0450-8. The article by Howlett and colleagues is a research study on the influence of women’s code of dressing at the workplace in judging or rather rating their productivity at work. It is a common practice that often occurs consciously or otherwise at different organizations across the world where women’s productivity measures against their appearance to the eyes of other employees, especially female colleagues, as well as other members of the society. The article seeks to highlight one of the most overlooked human resource issues concerning the rating of women’s competence at the workplace based on their dressing. The research study makes interesting revelations on the issue of judging women’s competence against their choice of dressing by, for instance, revealing that it is women themselves who are at the forefront in perpetrating the human resource issue. It is an excellent article for analyzing one of the human resource issues at work that may affect productivity at work and thus forming a basis for policy formulation on the same. Karch, G., & Peters, M. (2017). The Impact of Employee Uniforms on Job Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Hotel & Business Management, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-6. Karch and Peters present a comparative study in the article as they seek to highlight the impact of uniforms on employees. The comparative study makes use of a comprehensive literature review of other articles addressing the impact of wearing uniforms in the hotel industry. The literature review further provides a comparative reference point against the analysis of the impact of uniform provision in the hotel industry across two different cultures. The article further focuses on the impact of the dress code to the service provider concerning their rates of job satisfaction and their attitudes towards wearing of uniforms. The authors’ conclusion based on the study indicates that uniform provision in the service industry increases job satisfaction among the employee especially when they are involved in developing the designs of the same. The article offers insight into one of the common human resource issues that touch on the dressing of employees from the perspective of uniform provision by the organization. Tolani, K. (2018). Role of Attire at Workplace: Women Managers. Helix, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 4134-4138. 10.29042/2018-4134-4138 Tolani’s article reiterates on the impact of dress codes at the workplace or rather the influence of particular styles of dressing to the image portrayed to others concerning the status or position held within an organization. The article builds around an investigative study on the impact of the dressing style of women employees at managerial positions on how they perceive themselves as well as the perception they create in other employees. The study revisits the issue of judging women’s competence at work based on their dressing bu...
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