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Sandbox Practice Space: Variable Definition and Survey Item Writing

Research Paper Instructions:

If nothing else, research is a systematic process that demands the observers be meticulously objective about the steps taken. The process ensures that the researcher is able to conclude with an accurate assessment of the answers to the proposed questions in a manner that is replicable. Each step logically follows the preceding one. It is also pertinent that researchers remain open to and seek peer feedback, as all research falls victim to limitations. Therefore, this assignment allows us to examine the foundation of our research while simultaneously receiving feedback from fellow classmates.
In this practice area, share at least two operationalized variables or survey questions you plan to include in your research proposal. Your Instructor may also share exemplars or problematic definitions/survey items for you to examine and critique.

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Sandbox Practice Space: Variable Definition and Survey Item Writing
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In quantitative research, it is vital to define the variable types that researchers want to study. Minus transparent and precise operational descriptions, researchers might measure unrelated concepts or contradictorily apply methods. Thus, operationalization lessens subjectivity, reduces the likelihood of research unfairness, and raises the study's reliability (Pauwels & Mannay, 2019). I intend to operationalize my variables by overtly indicating how I plan to measure my study variables. Thus, this operationalizing is vital if my variable is not directly measured. Some concepts need indirect measurement; hence, I need to specify precisely how I will measure these variables in the study. My research proposal intends to integrate my hypothesis that obese people are often more aggressive. Therefore, I have two variables which are obesity and aggression. The obesity variable is measurable by a person's total weight, and the aggression concept is challenging to measure. I will have to get a method to operationalize this variable (Strijker et al., 2020). Hence, if I peruse through literature, I will get an aggression scale of five survey questions concerning one's disposition to fight, manipulate or antagonize other...
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