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3 pages/≈825 words
30 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 15.55

Female Genital Mutilation: In the Role of Health Professionals in Prevention, Assessment, and Management

Research Paper Instructions:

Final Paper Contents
1. Your final paper should be submitted in APA format. 
2. Your paper is to be three pages (excluding references). 
3. A well-written paper should cover the following content:
a. Purpose of your research
b. Background Information
i. Studies examined (including threats to internal/external validity)
ii. Types of participant included in studies examined 
iii. Methods of data collection
iv. Major study results
v. Major research conclusions
vi. Next steps that should be examined in the literature
Final Report
When writing your very brief 3-page research paper please be sure to include:
An introduction where you describe the purpose of the research you conducted. When you state the purpose of your research you should note the main variables that you explored in your research as well as a summary of the sources used to solicit publications for your research (Pubmed, Ebsco host, JSTOR etc). In this introduction section you should also note the relevance and importance of your research issue. This beginning portion is similar to the intro/lit review section of your research publications. Often in these sections you will see stats noting the impact of the problem or issue as well as major key words used to explore your research area.
As indicated in your syllabus (the headings below are modified) the following sections should be included in your paper:
These sections should include brief background noting:
• Types of studies examined
• Any areas that threatened the validity and reliability of the studies you examined
• Participants Included in Studies Examined
• Summary of the participants used in the studies your examined
• Data collection Methods
• Major Results
• Major Conclusions
• Next steps that should be examined in the literature 
• This section could utilize your research title for example “ Future Research Exploring Research Increased HIV Prevalence Among African American Women”.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Female Genital Mutilation: In the Role of Health Professionals in Prevention, Assessment, and Management
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Purpose of Research
The World Health Organization defines Female Genital Mutilation as any procedure that involves partial or total removal of external parts of female genitalia or the non-medical infliction of injury to these organs. The purpose of this research is to identify how female genital mutilation, being a worldwide problem poses medical complications in the lives of the victims and how the medical sector addresses these complication issues (Christoffersen-Deb, 2005). Factors like different types of FGM, their relationship to different cultures and the efforts being taken by health organizations and health professionals to reduce cases of female genital mutilation are explored in this paper. Sources of information include previous published research papers and online medical publications on sites like PubMed which is a trusted medical search engine. Published scholarly articles from Google Scholar were also used as a source of information for this research.
The importance of this research paper is to find out why FGM is still rampant in most parts of Africa and in which parts its prevalence continues to pose a problem for health professionals in these countries. Population based data on female genital mutilation prevalence estimates that between 100 and 140 million girls and women suffer from FGM related injuries and an average of three million females are at risk of genital mutilation each year in these countries (Daley, 2015). Organizations in these countries in conjunction with international organizations which have taken action against these practices will also be highlighted in this research.
Background Information
Types of studies examined
Due to the depth of the topic of study and the challenges that would be involved in the collection of data first hand since the research was based on practices in different countries, texts and published research papers were the main sources of data. Case studies and case reports based on different countries were examined in order to carry out this research. Peer reviewed journals about the global impacts of female genital mutilation also played a major role in this research. Medical classifications of these procedures provided insight on complications and reasons why these complications were considered a challenge to medical professionals all over the world (Goldenstein, 2013). Demographic data about the distribution of ethnic communities in countries with high numbers of FGM cases were also among the types of studies involved in gathering information regarding this research.
Areas that threatened the validity and readability of studies
The validity and reliability of data collected through these types of studies was threatened by the availability of different information regarding studies in similar populations. In order to come up with a more accurate result, a large number of these reports and research publications had to be extensively studied in order to distinguish the amount of consistency maintained. Studies with inconclusive data however are widely spread and it is significantly difficult to ...
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