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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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Strategies and Ambulance Community

Research Paper Instructions:

1:Write a thesis based on the information given, which is a research paper, and the article should use no less than four citations.
2:This article requires APA style, APA style needs to have a name page, an introduction page, and a reference page, so the article should have a total of 5 pages, namely the name page, the introduction page, the 2 page body and the 1 page reference page, the article Need to write according to the information provided by me, the system check rate cannot be higher than 10, Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Competition for Patients
In the healthcare industry, the respective roles of service quality and price efficacy play a pivotal part in securing patients for revisiting the facility at regular intervals. According to Dafny and Lee (2016), services that satisfy the healthcare needs of patients within an affordable budget are considered as most preferable. From the legal perspective, the US Affordable Care Act emphasis on facilities to deliver economic services without compromising on quality (Garrison & Towse, 2017), which is possible through offering value-based pricing. Hence, Waterbury should compete in terms of prices for effectively securing adequate patients. Value-Based pricing is preferable in order to secure a competitive position from the perspectives of patients. Waterbury could accomplish both commercial and legal success by delivering affordable services of distinct quality through value-based pricing.
Patient’s Destination
The patients are more likely to be the residents of Connecticut with both acute and chronic illnesses. Moreover, Waterbury region has recorded population of 108,269 residents in the year 2916 with the median age of 40.9 years (City-Data, 2017). It is assumed that the residents in Waterbury could have a remarkable sensitivity towards illness and quality of medical services in order to afford the treatment provided by the practitioners. For Waterbury, it is important to indulge in the community base of Connecticut for spreading brand awareness and capitalizing the preferable interests of households towards the medical facility at a noticeable degree.
Strategies and Ambulance Community
A healthcare institution should hold a reliable connection with the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or the ambulance community for responding towards uncertain conditions that could prove lethal for the patient (Dirks et al., 2019). In this regards, Waterbury should utilize the following facets in the communication strategy for maintaining a relationship with the ambulance community effectively:
* Stay transparent in operations and status quo
* Focus on continuous improvement of the servicescape
* Ensure positive exchange of community services provided by EMS
* Demonstrate schedule-flexibility while providing healthcare service to patients
* Develop a mutual plan
Competitive Advantage
Waterbury could gain a competitive advantage over competitors by using two approaches. First, the hospital could use the Big Data analytics for overcoming challenges related to service costs and gaps in service quality. Moreover, the Big Data analytics would mitigate the probability of errors and interconnect departments for optimizing service efficacy collectively (Wang, Kung & Byrd, 2018). Further, Waterbury could surpass the competition by becoming corporate social innovative (CSI) in terms of services delivered to patients significantly (Herrera, 2015). The CSI could be delivered by increasing interactions with the patients for spreading healthcare awareness using social media platforms. Collectively, the tactics would integrate value in the medical services, which is important for gaining a competitive advantage over competitors in the industry noticeably.
The World Health...
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