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The African Comb

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HUM 100 Module Four Short Answer Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: Respond to the following questions using information presented in this module and your own experience. Each response should be at least one to two paragraphs. 1. Having read the articles presented in this module, reflect on how their discussion of intent and the changes to it affect your interpretation or understanding of the Statue of Liberty. 2. Think about the artifact that you are studying for Project 1. Pose one question about the intent of the creator of the artifact. In one to two paragraphs, explain one approach that you may take to find the answer to that question. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Engagement of Response Provides a response to both of the questions posed Provides a response to one of the questions posed Does not provide a response to either question posed 20 Response Content Responses consider the intent and interpretation of artifacts Response is unclear or unrelated Response does not support choice of artifact 40 Question Poses question regarding the intent of the creator, including an explanation Poses question regarding the relationship between culture and selected artifact, but does not explain Does not pose a question 20 Communicates Clearly Clearly communicates key ideas and thoughts in a short answer response Response needs clarification in order to support understanding of key ideas and thoughts Key ideas or thoughts are not understandable 20 Total 100%

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HUM 100 Module Four Worksheet
Question (from Project 1) Potential Strategies for Answering Questions Practice Answers The artifact chosen is the African comb dates back to ancient Egypt. It is estimated to be old than 5000 years. The comb has spikes and includes artistic works like animal heads, fisted hands, and human heads. The comb has spikes that were used for hair and set hairlines to specific styles. I am impressed by the African comb's unique design, especially the inclusion of artistic features and outlines.  The purpose of the artifact was for har grooming. However, it may also be used as a symbol of class. Based on the comb's design and artwork, we can see a sense of prestige attached to the comb. It also revealed the richness of African culture and was a symbol of power for the African people. The African comb is not just an accessory. It is a cultural symbol that reveals the richness and diversity of the African people. Moreover, since it ...
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