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2 pages/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Analysis of a Research: Reporting HAIs and their Impact on Disease Prevention

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Choose one of the articles from your required background readings, and address the questions appearing below for this paper. When counting the paragraphs, do not include the article abstract, and do not use the abstract to answer the questions. Also, be sure you are counting paragraphs—not sections.
What is the author’s thesis and where does it appear in the paper?
What is the main idea of the third paragraph of this paper?
What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?
What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph of this paper?
What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?
What is the main idea of the seventh paragraph of this paper?
What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?
In the end, what does the author conclude?
Length: 2-3 pages long (double-spaced), excluding the cover page and the reference list.
Format: APA format is required for this assignment.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Scholarly Writing: Decision Support
Institutional Affiliation
Scholarly Writing: Decision Support
The author’s central idea or thesis statement is that for effective infection control, there should be mandatory reporting of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in public health care systems. This is found in the last sentence of the first paragraph. This qualifies to be the thesis statement of the author because it summarizes all that the author explains in the paper. The paper is about the approaches towards reporting HAI and their impact on disease prevention.
The main idea of the third paragraph in this paper is to show some of the principles that need to be followed for effective infection control. The idea is aimed at elaborating the guidelines that are set to ensure that all the infections are reported, that the reported infections are genuine, and that those reporting the infections are honest and the right people. This paragraph highlights ten assumptions that are made concerning reporting of HAIs. The paper explains that these assumptions are of late becoming false or unproven.
The author provides readers with several examples and data to support the claim that in the present the above ten assumptions may be false or unproven. Some of these examples are, for instance, the assumption that HAIs are preventable has been seen to be false since not all HAIs can be prevented and that those that can, cannot happen in totality. For example, ventilator-associated pneumonia can only be prevented at a rate of 55%. Another supportive data is that not all produced data on HAIs is valid. To prove this observation the author shows that a retrospective cohort study at four medical centers comparing the performance of CLABSI surveillance through infection IPs with computer systems has shown found substantial variations.
The main idea of the fifth paragraph is that there is no proven data to show that mandatory reporting of H...
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