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Discussion: Generational Analysis

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Discussion Four – Generational Analysis
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September 16, 2020
Understanding the differences between generational gaps of the members of an organization is important for any leader. It allows him to understand the dynamics of the workplace better and adapt his management style accordingly. In this article, the author would like to analyze the important and noticeable differences between people born from different generations. Initially, he would focus on an analysis of his generation – Generation Z. Subsequently, the succeeding section would compare and contrast the other generations about their traits and tendencies in working together with one another. All in all, the author believes that better leadership skills could be developed by understanding the close dynamics between each of the generations.
Generation Z
The author of this article belongs to the post-millennial generation, also known as Generation Z or the Centennials. One important circumstance that defined this generation was the advent of the internet, which subsequently become an inherent part of their own identity CITATION Dim19 \l 13321 (Dimock, 2019). This is the reason why individuals born during this generation have found social media, search engines, and a variety of technological devices as an inherent part of their own lives. Personally speaking, the author realizes that his generation is indeed one that is heavily reliant on their devices and the internet to function daily. Most of their tasks are completed over the phone, whether it be personal (i.e., shopping) or professional (i.e., work correspondence) in nature.
Comparing Different Generations
As stated earlier, the main differences between these kinds of generations are caused by the societal circumstances that they experienced as they grow up. First, Baby boomers are those who are born during the post-war period. Since this was the time immediately after the end of ...
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