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2 pages/≈550 words
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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Final Reflection Essay Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

for this essay, please follow the instruction that i have upload. and please please send the draft back before the deadline. because this essay is due next day. please follow the instruction on this essay. the document called "portfolio reflection essay"
and the main thing that i have learned from this course is how to write a literacy narrative essay. i also learned how to write rhetorical analysis research paper. and this is a big challenge for me, because i have to write this paper independently and it is about 2000 words.
i have upload the instruction of how to write a literacy narrative essay. and my first draft of literacy narrative essay and the revised one. please compare these two essays and write my final reflection paper about this course. thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title
Reflection essay
I was very poor in English mastery. In fact, I did not even know whether a day would come when I can read and write English like the rest of the people I looked up to. UWP1 course, however, has played a major role in instilling and sharpening knowledge on my reading and writing skills. The main thing that I can comfortably say this course has helped me is to write a literacy narrative essay. I also learned how to write a rhetorical analysis research paper which has posed a big challenge now that I have to do the writing myself. However, I take these challenges positively because they put me on a weighing scale.
In my efforts of trying to master English, I liked to watch films a lot. I watched many American films in all genres. My favorite has been the comedy series Malon that has good English that has boosted my art of English. My curiosity also led me to always consulting with the daughter to my host family here in America. Since when I was in high school, I always turned to her to teach me some of the concepts that I did not master at school. She could go beyond that and give me more tests that helped me in developing my writing skills.
Among my hobbies, most of them are mainly in line with improving my literacy skills. I do a lot of novel reading. I read an average of two novels a month. I always apply a critical eye while reading so that I get other aspects of it. I always like to examine the styles used by the author, the audience and the kind of language he used. After reading them, I give myself the challenge to write a similar piece though a short one then later ask my friend to mark it for me. Another thing tha...
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