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Common and Differences in Two Silicon Valley. Business Essay

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compare the companies in Silicon Valley and the companies in Zhongguancun which is the Chinese version of Silicon Valley, such as twitter and weibo, to compare the differences and similarities. And briefly comparing what's in common between Silicon Valley in China and in America.
(Briefly talk about the common and differences in American/Chinese Silicon Valley, mainly talk about the comparison of the companies using the examples- sina weibo and Twitter. compare what they have in common and differences, their ways to run a company, how they manage etc...)

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Silicon Valley and Zhongguancun
Silicon Valley is located in San Francisco, California. The place is known as a US’s innovation and technological hub, considering the fact that it is responsible for having around more than 2000 technological companies (Dong 10). Also, it is prominent for most of the social media foundation such as Twitter etc. Based on this significant aspect and a place for social media innovations, Silicon Valley has been regarded as the largest tech-based corporations in the world. However, Silicon Valley is not the only place being prominent for the largest technological innovations (Stiebler 100).
Considering the case of China, they have Zhongguancun, which has also developed itself serving as a cradle for developing many technological innovations and has become the technological hub in China. On the other hand, it is also regarded as China’s Silicon Valley (Li, Wenyu and Jiamin 115).
On the basis of functional, structural and foundational aspect there are many similarities and differences in the two silicon. In this way, the current paper will attempt to provide an in-depth analysis of the comparison between these two technological hubs. The paper will also attempt to provide the similarities between these two along with the relevant examples from their prospects.
Silicon Valley is a globally recognized region that aims to serve itself as a global center for social media, innovation, and high technology. As a matter of fact, Silicon Valley has become the largest high-tech corporations in the world (Wajcman 1280). On the other hand, Zhongguancun is another technology hub that has been located in China.
Zhongguancun is quite popular among China, and in certain scenarios, it is referred to as "China's Silicon Valley."The paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the comparison between the two silicon valleys. Separate sections have been dedicated to comparison, commonalities, and the methods in which each of them runs a company. The paper helps the reader to understand the main differences between Silicon Valley and Zhongguancun by all means.
Comparison of American/Chinese Silicon Valley
As based on the geographical location of both Silicon Valley’s there are many distinct features prevailing in them. Silicon Valley in America is considered as the biggest tech-hub center serving for thousands of technology startups and companies including many of the prominent and successful ones such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, eBay etc. Furthermore, China’s Silicon Valley’s idea was also floated after the successful implication of American Silicon Valley, and it was then adapted in China (Dong 12).
Based on the origin of Zhongguancun, as a China’s Silicon Valley, the center has developed to a great extent over a short period of time. In this time, Zhongguancun has not only extended in its technological innovations but also geographically in many of the regions of China (Li, Wenyu and Jiamin 111).
Zhongguancun, has also very prominent tech companies in the list such as Baidu, Alibaba, Didi, Tencent etc. Moreover, apart from the originally founded innovations, many of the globally disper...
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