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Application And Development Of Education In The Era Of Artificial Intelligence

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Application and development of education in the era of artificial intelligence
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Application and development of education in the era of artificial intelligence
The future of education is linked with the advancements of new technologies and the computing capabilities of the new intelligent machines. In this regard, the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) create both new possibilities and challenges for the teaching fraternity (Holmes, Bialik, and Fadel, 2019). AI has the potential to change the governance and architecture of the education system. AI is transforming many aspects of peoples’ lives. For instance, AI could cause a loss of jobs in some sectors while creating new opportunities. The issue of AI is not recent. In the 1950s, Alan Turing proposed a solution to the question regarding when a system made by humans becomes “intelligent.” He proposed the imitation game which is a test involving a human listener making a distinction between conversations with a machine or another human being. If it is not possible for the human listener to detect the difference, then that system can be termed as AI (Turing, 2004). Since the 1950s, AI has made progress and is now applicable in various fields including education. The education system is not immune to such changes. It is essential to explore ways of applying and developing education to take advantage of AI.
The Nature of Education
While seeking to apply and develop education in the era of AI, it is essential to appreciate that education is human-centric, as opposed to technology-centric (Popenici and Kerr, 2017). Despite the advances in AI, it is may not possible to rely completely on technology in education. Humans are supposed to identify problems, identify risks and ask important questions. The current education system has been designed to involve humans tutoring as opposed to having a machine teaching learners. This may create challenges while seeking to determine the education system in the current era of AI. While it is critical to embrace technology in the classroom, it is critical to appreciate the need to build educated minds and responsible individuals that are attached to the general values of humanity. Otherwise, there is a risk that the use if AI in education could detach students from what makes them human. The development of education in the era of AI should enhance human thinking and augment the education process. It should not merely create a set of procedures for control and assessment. The education system has remained human-centric to enable both instructors and students to remain in control over the learning process. Eventually, developing education in this age of AI must ensure that individuals do not lose power and control over the algorithms running the system.
How AI enhances education
AI has found wide application in many areas including the education sector (Ma and Siau, 2018). Individuals with learning disabilities may find AI a useful tool in enhancing their learning process. Through human-AI interaction, such learners may find the process favorable. AI makes it possible to augment both teachers and learners to make the learning process more engaging. AI complements human e...
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