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Sociological Factors. Educational Status and Parents' Occupational Status

Essay Instructions:

This is an autobiographical essay where you the (writer) highlight the sociological factors that have influenced your life, your opportunities, your perspectives, your interactions, and/or your outcomes.
(Writer) please select 2 variables from this list:
social class/income
educational level
occupational status
parents' educational level
parents' occupational status
regional background ( urgan/rural/city/small town)
In the essay please do the following:
address the issue of privilege (has privilege worked for, or aganist, you in your life?)
Include reference page with a minimum of 2 references
Include title page
Use APA format
Begin the paper by introducing the 2 variables choosen
Then offer a brief description of what is meant by ethnicity as opposed to race
Then describe how these variables have structured your experiences, your outlook, your relationships with others, and possibly your outcomes.
For example, has your income or the income level of your parents had any effect on your opportunities, your friendships, your health etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociological Factors
Sociological Factors
Educational Status and Parents' Occupational Status
Educational status is a privilege that happens to a person in their life. It refers to how educated a person is or the level of education that one reached. It helps determine things such as the people they interact with each day. Occupational status is another privilege. It refers to how prestigious one's occupation is or the class of one's career. In this case, the parents' occupational status refers to how prestigious is the work of the parents. It is another significant determinant of how one's daily life is (Erola et al., 2016).
Ethnicity entails a person's cultural characteristics like nationality, the language that one speaks, and the ancestry, among others. It is a collection of cultural factors that are tied to a person or a group of people. Racism, on the other hand, has to do with one's physical appearance ranging from skin color, the structure of bones, the hair, and color of the eyes, among others. It is, therefore, the grouping of people in line with their inherited characteristics, both physical and behavioral. Ethnicity and race are, therefore, two words that are related but different in the sense that racism looks at the physical and behavioral characteristics. In contrast, ethnicity relates to cultural factors. One can possess more than one ethnic group but can only be from one race (Williams & Deutsch, 2016).
The two variables, the educational status, and the parents' occupational status, have played a significant role in making me who I am today. I am a university student pursuing a great course in the social sciences field. Most people associate us with social characteristics and being able to interact with other people easily. This is true, but we should not forget that the educational status matter more. I spend most of my time with people who have been privileged to join a university or a prestigious college. This is automatic because we have common issues to talk about. We can talk about our lectures or even the academic trips that we get. Those who are still in secondary schools can only associate with those of their level. I mostly remain quiet when I find myself in the company of secondary school students. My educational status, therefore, has so much shaped my relationship with other people (Lynn & Ellerbach, 2017).
My parents' occupational status has determined my relationship with others too. My father is a surgeon while my mother is the managing director of a local NGO. Most of my peers that we freely interact with come from the family status that is of the same class as ours. I do not despise those from families whose parents work in jobs that are considered of lower status than my parents. It just comes automatically. Maybe the reason is that they think I will look down about them, but the main reason for this is t...
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