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6 pages/≈1650 words
5 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Social and Cultural Influences That Change Lifestyle and Career Choices of a Nurse

Essay Instructions:

The focus of this paper is on the social and cultural influences in your life. A description of the social and cultural influences that have shaped his lifestyle and career choices as a nurse. Implications of those influences for the student’s role as an advanced practice nurse should be identified.
Background: The subject of the paper is a middle-aged male who chose to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing. The subject had obtained before a master’s and PhD degree in Biology, but decided to go into nursing after teaching undergraduate courses to nursing students for many years. Currently the subject is taking courses to become a nurse practitioner.
This paper should be appropriately cited, and APA format (7th edition) is required. This paper should be 6 typed pages long (excluding title page and reference page). Five citations (no older than 5 years) is required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

“Social and Cultural Influences on My Life”
Scholars Name
Institution of Study
Course: Unit Name and Code
Date of Submission
“Social and Cultural Influences on My Life”
The social and cultural influences in my life are the main topics of this essay. I'll go over the social and cultural factors that have influenced my lifestyle and nursing career decisions, discussing how those factors may affect my work as an advanced practice nurse. I'll detail the social and cultural factors that have influenced my decisions and how my life experiences have impacted my view of nursing and healthcare. I think I can better understand my position as an advanced practice nurse and how I can best assist my patients if I understand the social and cultural forces that have formed my life. Furthermore, by understanding how my personal experiences have shaped my understanding of nursing and healthcare, I can use that understanding to provide more effective and compassionate care to my patients (Parke et al., 2019). In general, this essay will look at how social and cultural factors have influenced my life and career and how they will affect my performance in my professional nursing career.
I am a middle-aged male who chose to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing. I had obtained a master’s and a Ph.D. in Biology but decided to go into nursing after teaching undergraduate courses to nursing students for many years. My years of teaching nursing students gave me a deep understanding of nurses’ critical role in the healthcare system and their impact on patients’ lives. I found that I wanted to be a part of that role and to be able to provide care to patients and be a part of their healing process. Furthermore, my educational background in biology provided me with a solid foundation in the sciences and an understanding of the complexity of the human body. This knowledge is essential in nursing as it allows me to understand patient care’s physiological and biological aspects (Parke et al., 2019). Currently, I am taking courses to become a nurse practitioner, and I am looking forward to using my education and experiences to provide high-quality care to my patients.
Social and Cultural Influences
My childhood is one of the social and cultural factors that have affected my work and lifestyle choices. My parents constantly highlighted the value of education and its significance in achieving success to growing up. They engendered a passion for study and a desire to use my knowledge to change the world. This perspective inspired me to pursue a nursing career to use my training and abilities to assist those in need. Furthermore, my family’s strong sense of compassion and empathy also significantly influenced my decision to pursue nursing as a career (Potter et al., 2021). They taught me the importance of treating others with kindness and understanding, which I believe is essential in providing quality care to patients. Throughout my education and training, I have always kept in mind the values instilled in me by my family, which have guided me in my pursuit of a career in nursing (Sheikh, 2022). I am thankful for the influence my relatives have...
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